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Prayers for my DH please...

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A little background:


He has been suffering from severe back and neck pain for over 4 years. He has seen several doctors (in two states!) and undergone various treatments.


What started out as a small problem thought to be caused by a bulging disc, has turned into a long painful ordeal. A neuro recommended spinal fusion a year ago, but it was completely denied by our insurance. So he has spent the last year undergoing pain management therapy. The therapy has been extremely painful, and has done nothing to ease his pain for more than a day or so. (These were treatments that deadened nerves and were supposed to last for months)


Anyway, he has now progressed to constant pain in his neck and arms, migraines, and loss of feeling/function in his hands. He's no longer to do ANY manual labor without being in severe pain for days afterward. It has taken a huge toll on him, physically and mentally. He's been so good at keeping it together for our family.


Thankfully (or not) his latest MRI showed a big progression in the bulge of the disk, and a bone spur that is protruding into his spinal cord. The doctor has said that he is one impact away from permanent loss of bladder and bowl function.


On to the prayer request...he has an appointment today with the neurosurgeon. Please pray that our insurance company will cave and allow this surgery to be done BEFORE permanent damage occurs. We now have letters of medical necessity coming from several doctors. Thanks so much!

Edited by Apryl H
can't spell....it's horrible!
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A little background:


He has been suffereing from severe back and neck pain for over 4 years. He has seen several doctors (in two states!) and undergone various treatments.


What started out as a small problem thought to be caused by a bulging disc, has turned into a long painful ordeal. A neuro recommended spinal fusion a year ago, but it was completely denied by our insurance. So he has spent the last year undergoing pain management therapy. The therapy has been extremely painful, and has done nothing to ease his pain for more than a day or so. (These were treatments that deadened nerves and were supposed to last for months)


Anyway, he has now progressed to constant pain in his neck and arms, migraines, and loss of feeling/function in his hands. He's no longer to do ANY manual labor without being in severe pain for days afterward. It has taken a huge toll on him, physically and mentally. He's been so good at keeping it together for our family.


Thankfully (or not) his latest MRI showed a big progression in the bulge of the disk, and a bone spur that is protruding into his spinal cord. The doctor has said that he is one impact away from permanent loss of bladder and bowl function.


On to the prayer request...he has an appointment today with the neurosurgeon. Please pray that our insurance company will cave and allow this surgery to be done BEFORE permanent damage occurs. We now have letters of medical necessity coming from several doctors. Thanks so much!


There has to be a place for mediation to solve this. The insurance company should not be able to decide something is unnecessary when several doctors disagree. Kick up some dust, threaten to go to the top, call the local media, etc. Oh, and yes, I will pray!

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There has to be a place for mediation to solve this. The insurance company should not be able to decide something is unnecessary when several doctors disagree. Kick up some dust, threaten to go to the top, call the local media, etc. Oh, and yes, I will pray!



One would think. If it is denied again, we will be joining the LONG line of folks trying to get our particular ins. co. to approve this surgery. Apparently it has become their policy to do blanket denials of spinal fusions, except in tumor cases. Crazy. We didn't fight it the first time because we had two docs saying different things, and we were hopeful the recommended treatment would work. :glare:


Thanks for the prayers!

Edited by Apryl H
seriously can't spell today
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A little background:


He has been suffereing from severe back and neck pain for over 4 years. He has seen several doctors (in two states!) and undergone various treatments.


What started out as a small problem thought to be caused by a bulging disc, has turned into a long painful ordeal. A neuro recommended spinal fusion a year ago, but it was completely denied by our insurance. So he has spent the last year undergoing pain management therapy. The therapy has been extremely painful, and has done nothing to ease his pain for more than a day or so. (These were treatments that deadened nerves and were supposed to last for months)


Anyway, he has now progressed to constant pain in his neck and arms, migraines, and loss of feeling/function in his hands. He's no longer to do ANY manual labor without being in severe pain for days afterward. It has taken a huge toll on him, physically and mentally. He's been so good at keeping it together for our family.


Thankfully (or not) his latest MRI showed a big progression in the bulge of the disk, and a bone spur that is protruding into his spinal cord. The doctor has said that he is one impact away from permanent loss of bladder and bowl function.


On to the prayer request...he has an appointment today with the neurosurgeon. Please pray that our insurance company will cave and allow this surgery to be done BEFORE permanent damage occurs. We now have letters of medical necessity coming from several doctors. Thanks so much!


Praying, Apryl!

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Praying!!! First, many bulging discs are related to poor muscle control/development..and when he's in pain he is probably not standing correctly which makes it worse! I am NOT a fan of chiropractors, but has he seen any? My husband's boss (former big time athlete) has been suffering from debilitating shoulder pain and tried all those 'pain' clinic solutions..finally tried acupuncture and he had 40% more movement in his arm just after one session!

Has he done any physio therapy? Is he active, stretching, moving? Pilates/anything to build his core and support those back muscles will help...I am not a fan of surgical intervention in these cases either...the long track record is not good. I have three degenerative discs (all crushed up dried cartilage) from a bad car accident...it will flare up if I am not active, do not do my stretches or keep active....kids are amazed b/c I have the most flexible hamstrings of any of them! I can put my palms flat on the floor with no effort b/c I stretch so often...


I would go that route, surgeons will usually tell you they can 'improve' anything, but usually not 'fix' it..I would try every option and even hear from a reputable chiropractor before I would go under the knife for spine issues.



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Praying!!! First, many bulging discs are related to poor muscle control/development..and when he's in pain he is probably not standing correctly which makes it worse! I am NOT a fan of chiropractors, but has he seen any? My husband's boss (former big time athlete) has been suffering from debilitating shoulder pain and tried all those 'pain' clinic solutions..finally tried acupuncture and he had 40% more movement in his arm just after one session!

Has he done any physio therapy? Is he active, stretching, moving? Pilates/anything to build his core and support those back muscles will help...I am not a fan of surgical intervention in these cases either...the long track record is not good. I have three degenerative discs (all crushed up dried cartilage) from a bad car accident...it will flare up if I am not active, do not do my stretches or keep active....kids are amazed b/c I have the most flexible hamstrings of any of them! I can put my palms flat on the floor with no effort b/c I stretch so often...


I would go that route, surgeons will usually tell you they can 'improve' anything, but usually not 'fix' it..I would try every option and even hear from a reputable chiropractor before I would go under the knife for spine issues.




With the bone spur where it is, we (and the docs) are really afraid to do any manipulation. He did have a little of that done in the beginning and it made things worse. As far as muscle tone, it has deteriorated some since it has gotten really bad, but he was pretty strong before he started having problems. He has/had great muscles. We do know that part of his issue has been made worse by going from a very physical job to a very sedentary one. (hindsight is 20/20)

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Can you get the ball rolling for the disability paperwork? If your private insurance refuses you, that might be another (long, hard) avenue.


From what I've gathered, dh would have to be OUT of work due to it for a period of time before he could apply. Thankfully, he works from home, and while it has been difficult, he hasn't missed much work because of it. He HAS been unable to go to school since the spring semester.


We've talked about it, and I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. It's sad...we've always had our bases covered if he were to die, or if he got injured AT work...but never really gave much thought to him becoming disabled due to other circumstances.

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I bet he'll have better luck this time. Lots of companies and doctors are wary of doing spinal fusion before everything else has been exhausted because it has permanent effects on mobility, can eventually require additional spinal fusion surgeries, and does not always solve issues with pain. Sounds like your husband's doctors have tried everything else though, so I bet the request will go through.

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