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Have to brag on my mom and sister (and dad, and bil and nephew)

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As much as I bad mouth them they really came through today in a fantastic way and I had to share. As you know today was ds8's b-day and I was too broke to do anything for him. Well today at 1130am my sister phoned to say "check you email I sent a money transfer" It was enough to put gas in my car. They then instructed me to meet them at a park that is halfway between my house and their's, so an hour away. This park is handicapped accessable so ds can play there even with his cast and wheelchair. When we got there my parents, my sister, my bil and nephew were all there. They had set up a pop up gazebo, had a fire pit going and a huge lunch spread out including a birthday cake. We were able to have a hot dog roast, cake, and presents for ds. As we were leaving both my mom and my sister starting pulling coolers and bags of food out of their cars for us. They filled up the whole back of my van with food and 7 packs of lined paper from my mom. The paper is funny because we already have over 20 packs but it is her way of supporting our homeschool this year (something she is very much opposed to). We not only celebrated ds8's birthday but ds almost 13's as well because his b-day is in 5 days.


Both boys had a great time. Actually Ds almost 13 thought it was the best because his best friend moved away last month and just by fluke her mom had brought them to that exact park this afternoon so she could join us for a bit. He got to celebrate with his best friend, something we thought he would not be able to do because she moved 2 hours away.


My mom and my sister surprised us all and pulled through in an amazing way today to make today special for the boys, and make life easier for me this week until I get my EI and child support later this week.


They might p*ss me off in a big way most of the time but they are there for us when we need them and that is what family does.

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