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Target $1 aisle!


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I got the kids what is packaged as lapboards. They are dry erase boards that have the lines for learning to write letters! I'm thrilled! We've only been homeschooling since Monday and I was already tired of rewriting those lines and dashes 1000 times on our blank dry erase board. Not to mention we only have one which slowed our lesson time down. I also picked up some bingo games, stickers, and readers. I was temped by a lot more. I thought I'd share my find like I did in the store- SQUEAL! :hurray:


Anyone else have a great find?

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My favorite Target $1 find was a package of cards with pictures of world landmarks on them. I stuck them in our memory box and we learn them a few at a time. My kids love them and get so excited when I pull them out. I mean, I thought they'd like them, but I never can guess what's going to be a huge hit! Each card has a picture with a little blurb of info on the back. We've all learned a lot! And it cracks us all up to hear my 3 year old say, "Remember the Alamo!" :001_smile: I actually got ours last year, but I saw some more a couple of weeks ago. There are also packages with the Presidents and something else that escapes me right now. Love, love the Target $1 section!

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My favorite find so far this year are the animal motions and sounds cards. Too young for my DD, but perfect for my 2-3 yr old students, and with a nice depth of vocabulary. At $1 a pack, they're inexpensive enough that I can recommend them wholeheartedly.


I also love the little pocket charts. I have 6 of them on the front of the bookshelves in our school room/library-easy to remove to access the books, while also having extra display space.

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My favorite Target $1 find was a package of cards with pictures of world landmarks on them. I stuck them in our memory box and we learn them a few at a time. My kids love them and get so excited when I pull them out. I mean, I thought they'd like them, but I never can guess what's going to be a huge hit! Each card has a picture with a little blurb of info on the back. We've all learned a lot! And it cracks us all up to hear my 3 year old say, "Remember the Alamo!" :001_smile: I actually got ours last year, but I saw some more a couple of weeks ago. There are also packages with the Presidents and something else that escapes me right now. Love, love the Target $1 section!


My mom bought us like 12 sets of flashcards last year. We use them all the time! :)

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They also had wastebaskets, school room decorations (my son wanted one of those weather clocks for his new school room), little pails that would be good for organizing supplies, a teacher planner that is easily modified for use at home and for my fact obsessed kid, packs of fact cards about presidents and states etc. All $1 each. We left having spent less than $10.


In the regular school supply aisle, Target also had Mead Primary journals and comp books like these:







in three packs for $2.47! And washable Crayola markers for 1.50 a pack.

Edited by kijipt
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Phineas and Ferb pencil bucket, dry erase board, journal, pencils, markers and erasers for DS; same kinds of things in My Little Pony for DD. ALL the A+ workbooks and flashcard sets! I think between last year and this year, we do have them all!



I had not thought of using the animal ones for sorting and classifying!! We are learning taxonomy in Biology right now and we need to do the sorting lab. The one in the book said to use cotton balls and other house hold items. I would much rather use animal cards!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Target $1 aisle!

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