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Leaving them home

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I am completely comfortable leaving my 10 year old son home while a run a quick errand (30 min. or so in the middle of the day). I will leave the older two children with him, but I wouldn't leave the little ones. However, like previous posters it's not about age to me it's about individual maturity. He's a very solid, responsible, trustworthy boy, as are the two younger siblings. There are rules: the doors stay locked, the curtains closed, no using knives to cut food- they are only allowed to sit and watch tv. Oh, and I have a very protective German Shepherd that keeps watch! :D (This probably seals the deal for me)

There are no laws with regard to age in my state.


It's interesting how things change. My husband was a "latch-key" kid from the time he was 6 years old.

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I agree with previous posters that it's a maturity issue. I started leaving mine alone for short trips when they were probably 11 and 12. Now that they are 13 and almost-15, I will leave them up to a couple of hours if I am in the area. I still don't leave them alone in the evening.


It's interesting how things change. My husband was a "latch-key" kid from the time he was 6 years old.


I have a friend who's a teacher and he told me there are still latch-key kids that are 6 years old. Amazing!

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My oldest is now 13. I will actually finally leave him not only home, but in charge of his siblings.


Here is the rule though: "You are in charge of your 7 year old brother, you are not in charge of your 11 year old brother. When I come home, IF there are no complaints from either of your siblings, you will get a small amount of $$ for watching him."


I HAVE to stipulate that I should hear NO COMPLAINTS :D. He watched 7 year old for 7 hours one day! They did great. I paid him $10 and he thought that was fantastic! :lol:


Now, as far as just leaving him home alone.....I started for quick errands around 11 and for more than an hour around age 12.



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My oldest is 13, he'll be 14 next month.


We just started leaving him alone with the younger boys this past year, though even 2 yrs ago I'd leave them for a very quick (under 30 mins) errand. But, our home is insanely secure and in the beginning the quick errand in question was literally running to the drugstore that was next door to our apartment building. So, equivalent to if you stepped out and walked to your next door neighbor's house.


Only in the past year or so have I started leaving them for longer than 30 minutes -- we've worked up to about a 2 hour span now (maybe slightly longer). They are left with a cell phone, yahoo messenger turned on (which dh has on his phone), the number for the neighbors, the house locked up (they have the key to let themselves out if needed), the dog here with them, and free reign on electronics to cut down on bickering between the 6 yr old and 10 yr old (for our 13 yr old's sake).


Part of our decision was based on the comfort level of the 13 yr old in question, and the maturity level of the 6 yr old. It's only been in the past year that I would trust him to listen to the 13 yr old, so before that I would not have left him.

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I've left them alone for a few minutes starting at age 9 but only when they asked to be left rather than riding along on whatever boring errand. They always have a phone to contact me immediately and I'm within 15 minutes drive at that age.


My older daughters took Safe Sitter classes and began babysitting siblings at age 11-12. Again, we began with errands and short trips out then graduated to several hours in charge.

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I also agree it is maturity vs actual age.


I started leaving my oldest dd home alone for bits of time at age 10. At age 11, I started leaving her along for 2-4 hrs alone, and shortly after, she started watching her then 5 yr old twin sisters.


At 12 she started babysitting for neighbors.


In MN, there is no 'fixed age' law about leaving children alone. There is child endangerment laws, however.

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Here the kids just have to know 2 contact numbers for parents/relatives/responsible adults. My boys are 11 and 8. I just started leaving them home on very short errands (think 2 blocks away for 15 minutes).

The reason I started leaving them home is because a friend with littles asked me. When I responded that they are too young. She said she was babysitting littles by 11-12 at other people's houses. Then I realized that I was too! My 11yo is super responsible. They didn't "burn the joint down" so I guess he's ready.

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