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Celebrate with me! I have a job!

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So, you may remember that I worked part-time last year directing an afterschool program at Katya's elementary school. Although it was a tough year in SO many ways - most of the kids in public school, Bill not working, me working, our church closing, etc., I was so thankful for my job. My principal and his wife are dear family friends and he is an excellent principal. Anyway before we moved they offered me a full-time position running my afterschool program and writing curriculum. After loads of prayer, I turned it down because me working full-time didn't match our vision for our family.


Then, Bill was offered this position in Raleigh and so we moved down. But before we left, my supervisor offered to contract me to write curriculum for the first four weeks of the school year. I did this, and now they have offered me a position writing curriculum for the rest of the year. So, I will be able to work completely from home on my own hours doing work I really like - researching and writing curriculum.


I'm SO thankful!

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