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ACK! Dilemma! Which should I watch?

Which should I watch?  

  1. 1. Which should I watch?

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Neither lol


I can't stand watching either one anymore.


I guess if I had to pick one.......nope, I just couldn't.



I used to be a football fan but the salaries and endorsements etc turned me off big time and politics...well, I just can not stomach them anymore.


Sorry I am of zero help

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I'd vote for both. The Broncos are supposed to be pretty bad this year (I don't know about the Cowboys, but they weren't exactly fabulous last year), so if I were a fan of either team I would have them in one window and turn on the debate in the other. I'd keep an eye on the game while listening to the debate.

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I'd vote for both. The Broncos are supposed to be pretty bad this year (I don't know about the Cowboys, but they weren't exactly fabulous last year), so if I were a fan of either team I would have them in one window and turn on the debate in the other. I'd keep an eye on the game while listening to the debate.


Best answer so far, considering I am very interested in both. ;)

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Jenny, make sure Nakia sees that.


I vote for Burn Notice then Suits. They're on Thursday.


Football, political debate, it's pretty much the same isn't it? Men wearing their pants just a tad too tight, getting their panties in a wad over some ball that they're trying to get from the other guy. Dodging, punting, off sides, penalty flags. You know politics might be more interesting if they were officiated like the NFL.

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Jenny, make sure Nakia sees that.


I vote for Burn Notice then Suits. They're on Thursday.


Football, political debate, it's pretty much the same isn't it? Men wearing their pants just a tad too tight, getting their panties in a wad over some ball that they're trying to get from the other guy. Dodging, punting, off sides, penalty flags. You know politics might be more interesting if they were officiated like the NFL.


Na, just watch the repeats. :D

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Not the football - Redskins fan here. I'd just check the scores later to confirm Dallas lost.:D


Not the debate. Politicians never answer the questions they're asked - EVER!! They always look right through the moderator and recite their canned spiel. (Doesn't matter which party they're representing.)


I suggest the 6-part Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

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Well, if the football was anyone BUT the cowboys, I'd say go for the football.


But since it is that team of all teams (really, my opinion of you just fell through the floor...you poor thing, caring about dallas' preseason games.....), definitely skip it.


Unless of course they will get stomped, trampled, run over, etc. in which case -- watch. Watching dallas lose is quite fun! ;-)


So, yeah, the GOP debate, unless you expect dallas to lose and will be pulling for Denver. In which case, you can watch that.

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