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When do you do your grocery shopping?

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Every Sunday afternoon after church, so then we don't have to go back out to the grocery store (45 minutes away) in the city. My husband pick's up thing's we run out of during the week though, and we have a smaller store we can go to. But we do our main grocery shopping on sunday

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I would prefer to go on Saturday, but it doesn't always happen as we have other things going on. If not I try to go Sunday after church too. On my way home from church I pass several stores that I buy from regularly. Right now, to save gas, it is better to do it on my way home, than to make another trip.


For organization, I keep a well stocked pantry. I shop sales. I keep my coupons organized. I buy on sale, matched with coupons whenever possible. I spend an hour or so getting my lists ready Sat. night for my Sun trip. I freeze water bottles so that they are cold in the car for the girls to drink and sandwiches or snacks so that nobody is hungry or thirsty.


Then I am mostly done for the week. I usually have to run out for something (gift, craft supply, something for the house, etc.) at least one other time during the week. I do this one evening after schoolwork or during the year on my way home from a hs activity like co-op or scouts since we are out anyway, again to save gas.

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In the summer, I go to the farmer's market on Saturday morning (only day it's open), followed by a trip to the grocery store for anything else we need. It's the weekend, and there's a good amount of people there, but as long as I go in the morning, it's not busy enough to be annoying. Midweek trips for extras are on an as-needed basis.


In the winter, I go to the store whenever it is not snowing/there is not too much ice or snow on the ground/the warmest day that week.

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My routine is probably not helpful to those with young dc--it's taken me *years* to get to this point! ;)


I do a large grocery shopping trip once per month, around (but not on) the 1st. Any other weekly shopping, the teenagers do. :party: At this point, they've all had a lot of practice, and they do a fine job.

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Am I the only person who shops online? I love online shopping! Our grocery store offers express shopping, so one can shop sales, etc online, make a list, and then send it to the store. The store gathers the order together, calls when it's ready, and we go pick it up. They even load it in the car. The fee varies: in summer, it is $1.95 for every order, no matter how large; in winter it is $5, but we often have coupons for fee free express shopping. Manufacturer's coupons are accepted, too.


The same "shopper" gathers my order together each week. She knows our preferences if a substitution needs to be made (though she always calls any way) and she does a great job picking out produce and meats. She even remembers my son's allergies, although of course I read every label, every time.


Our weekly trip is always on Monday, because I clean out the fridge every Monday (trash truck comes on Tues).


Any minor trips we do as needed, but for the most part - online shopping all the way here!

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I don't have a specific time that I go grocery shopping, but generally I like to do it during the week, earlier in the day, when a lot of people are at work. Seems to be less crowded earlier than if I wait until evening. If I go on weekends, I try to do it in the early morning.

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Do you go during the week or weekend?


Day or evening?


How often?


Any organizational tips?


We usually make several smaller trips as-needed. We're definitely not on any schedule and we don't typically use coupons (which, you'd have to be on some sort of schedule with those, I'd guess).


I try to avoid weekends, but really - when we need something, we go.


Our only organizational tip is to keep a running list on the wall above the trash/recycling bins. When someone uses the last of anything, it's written there so everyone else knows we're out. This works best when the people actually make efforts to toss the empty containers LOL.


I live with other adults, so I'm not the only one in the kitchen. Our kids are also in the kitchen pretty regularly. The List helps ensure everyone knows what's available, what isn't, and what they can pick up if they're the next one making a grocery run.


We also call on the way home from work, extracurriculars, etc. to see if anyone needs anything on our way home. That's pretty helpful in terms of keeping our pantry and fridge stocked. It's easier to run in a few different times for a few items than it is to set aside an entire afternoon to shop - for us, that is. We do live in a small town and regularly pass our grocery store throughout the day, though! We also have neighbors who sell eggs and veggies from their gardens, so that's handy as well.

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