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I decided to join the forums, i started reading them and i got sucked into joining :D


I live in a city called Hubbard Lake in Michigan, and our house is on the lake :D


None of the kid's have ever gone to public school, the main reason when we started homeschooling was because the closest school was an hour away! But now i would never imagine sending them to school.


We are Christians..


We've used a lot of Styles, we've even "unschooled"!

But since we found MFW we stick with it. (all though we add our own science "themes" on top of the science)

We don't do "grades levels", as soon as they get to Algebra 1 & Language Arts Grade 9 the next year they start High school.


For Math they do CLE and then TT when the start TT depends.


For Language Arts we do a variety of things depending on the child, CLE & LLATL are the majority.



The kid's ages/names are in the signature :D


I look forward to getting to know you as i read your posts!

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Hello! I know that "sucked-in" feeling; I joined the forums a week or two ago (something like that) after perusing the curriculum board. I'm new to WTM/classical ed, too ...and most recently, we were, indeed, unschooling. I know it works for many, but in retrospect, it wasn't what I think is best for my children. We're going to start gently, and I'm sure there will modifications and such, but I'm excited about this new start.


Okay, and can just say that I feel a little silly admitting that I've thought of three children as " a lot of kids". :lol: (I wanted more than three, but when #3 arrived, I very quickly realized that she was definitely our caboose!). Also - I have a Bridget, too (she's the aforementioned caboose).


Anyway - welcome!

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Okay, and can just say that I feel a little silly admitting that I've thought of three children as " a lot of kids". :lol: (I wanted more than three, but when #3 arrived, I very quickly realized that she was definitely our caboose!). Also - I have a Bridget, too (she's the aforementioned caboose).


:lol::lol: 3 kid's are nothing in our house ;)


Thanks for the welcome! :D

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Hi, Welcome to the board.


Don't mind us as we make harmless comments about the size of your family. We are into being rude this week. (*snort, snort, giggle, giggle, falls over laughing*)


Oh, and officially you have lots more kids than I.

:lol: I knew you we're joking and yes i do (just my guess that i have one of the largest families on the board ;))



May I just say welcome! So glad you have joined the board and just like you I got sucked into here as well, how could you not??!:)


And you have a wonderful family! (I thought having 6 other siblings besides myself was a lot!) (only teasing:lol:)

:lol: I don't know how someone could read them and not join, and LOL

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:lol: I knew you we're joking and yes i do (just my guess that i have one of the largest families on the board ;))




:lol: I don't know how someone could read them and not join, and LOL

Yeah, you'll just slide right on in and fit with us just fine.

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. It can get crazy and very funny in a laugh out loud/spit your coffee way. If you don't understand a reference, just ask and someone will explain it to you.


By the way, big families are great! Not that I have one - but I can admire from afar. :001_smile:


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