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POLL: Okay, time to get down and dirty. Mac or PC?

Mac or PC?  

  1. 1. Mac or PC?

    • I am married to Mac. Once you go Mac, you never go back.
    • I am (or wish to be) pregnant with PC's baby.
    • I have a PC but want to get a Mac.
    • I have a Mac but I want to get a PC.
    • I have both and I don't really have a preference.

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Speaking of Word, it rocks on a Mac. And these days doesn't come standard on the PC's we looked at around Christmastime.


One of my sons got a PC with Vista. We figured a PC might come in handy every now and then. It's used to play a video game and that's it. I wish we'd have saved our money and bought a XBox 360 instead.


Go Mac Go! (but for goodness sake absolutely get Applecare!)

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I've always made my living in photo processing and graphic design, and I've never used a Mac.


But I still want one of these.





Let me clarify, I have done both my music and gdesign on a PC. It worked fine. The Mac just seems to be less of a memory hog and I now require less RAM and can use a lower processor speed to run the very memory intensive programs I need to use. I guess I meant that, having used both, there was no other choice for me.


Incidentally, there is a PC 11 ft from me now. It belongs to DH and I like it.


P.S. I want one of those, too.

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Wow, I didn't know there were so many Macs on this board. I voted "married to Mac, never go back."


My parents had an early Epson computer (yes, they used to make computers before they became famous for printers), and then I was a computer lab assistant at a college Apple IIe/PC computer lab. So I started sort of on the "PC" side. I remember that my mother had a 20 megabyte external hard drive about the size of eight bricks (two layers of four) and MIND-NUMBINGLY LOUD. And it was state of the art! What a hoot.


Meanwhile, my DH (then fiance) went to another college an hour away where they had a shiny new Mac lab, and he got himself a job there. He bought his first Mac--a 512K Mac with two, count them, two disk drives. That initial 512K Mac ran flawlessly for more than 10 years, BTW. I still remember learning how to use a mouse--boy, that was painful.


But now we still run Macs over 20 years later. We have four of them in the house, although one of the laptops belongs to my husband's employer.


I like the interface. Window still feels "clunky" to me. I could use it if I had to, but blech. What I am tired of is friends and family ignoring our advice to buy Mac (especially those who know very little about computers) and then calling US to fix their PC-related problems! I can't tell you how many times that happened to us.

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Actually, I can go either way, but my DH has decreed that our children aren't allowed to say the M word at our house. He won't even get an ipod. Those allegiences (sp?) run deep.


That's funny! My husband is a Sr Systems Analyst (IT), and we have two desktops and two laptops int he house...all PC. We have always been PC and I probably always will be. We did not upgrade to Vista even though (especially though?) my dh received extensive training on it. He says wait some time before the bugs are worked out and he's confident that they will be. I thought your quote was funny because my girls have Microsoft Zunes...they have more capacity than Ipods at the same price, have a bigger screen for videos, and are less fragile.


However, my rising 9th grader is really into PhotoShop, film editing, and is taking Web Design classes next year for hs credit. I think we're going to have to get her a Mac so she can be literate in that world, too, even though she can do everything on her pimped-out PC,LOL! She has so much cool stuff on her computer in her room, it's not even funny!

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That's funny! My husband is a Sr Systems Analyst (IT), and we have two desktops and two laptops int he house...all PC.
I see your Systems Analyst and raise you a Sr. Linux/Unix Admin. (Actually, I don't think that's raising you... but I'm running with a bad joke here so bear with me.) :) :tongue_smilie: DH loathes not only PC's but Window's servers as well.
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... raise you a Sr. Linux/Unix Admin. (Actually, I don't think that's raising you... but I'm running with a bad joke here so bear with me.) :) :tongue_smilie: DH loathes not only PC's but Window's servers as well.



Hey, I have one of those here! He shares your dh's loathing.

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I started on a Mac, way-back-when (late 80s, early 90s). I loved it. Took graphic design classes when I went back to college... loved it even more. My tiny little Mac I bought in 1990 couldn't keep up with Aldus Freehand and the other programs I used!


Then... I got a job with the government, and was forced to use a PC. :glare: DH also had a PC.


Next couple of jobs... all required use of a PC. By the late 1990s, I tried to put Mac out of my mind... but my heart still pined for him. :001_wub:


Now, I'm thinking of taking the plunge. I dabble -- well, more than dabble -- in graphic design, taking on freelance work now and then. I use Adobe Creative Suite on the PC. It's worked out all right. We don't have major problems too often, but my current PC is starting to fade, and I long for an upgrade... to a MAC.


So, short answer... we use PCs here, but I'm dreaming of being back in Mac's arm's again. :thumbup1:

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You know as soon as I hit "submit" I thought... "I bet Macs have added right click since I last used one... uh oh..." LOL!!


I'll have to come up with another reason now ;)


actually, Macs have ALWAYS had the right-click properties capabilities. it has been available by one click of a mouse AND pressing the control key. PCs achieve this action with a simpler right-click of the mouse; Apple only provided a one button mouse for the longest time but buying a 3rd party mouse always provided the right click convenience. same with the scroll wheel capabilities; Apple only began shipping with a multi-button/scroll wheel mouse in the last few years but you were always able to buy an inexpensive 3rd party mouse to get that.


any time i have gotten a Mac in the past, the first thing i've done is replace the mouse. interestingly enough, my replacement mouse of choice is usually one made by Microsoft.

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This message coming to you from a Mac although dh's laptop from work is a PC; oh the shame!.



Is your husband's name Jim?! ;)



This message coming to you from Doran from a Mac although dh's laptop from work is a PC; oh the shame! :lol:

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Yes, it is, and he works nights and is out of town almost every weekend visiting some relatives I've never met ... why do you ask?:Angel_anim:



Wow, no kidding?! That's really interesting, because mine works 12 hour days and often has to travel to Missouri. Huh. Whatdya know? confused002.gif











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Oh my goodness - I'm laughing outloud here! Someone mentioned the old Commodores.


When I was a wee lass we had both a Commodore Vic 20 and a Commodore 64. Anyone play 'Below the Root' wayyyy back then?


Those were the days...

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We used to be a PC family, but we're becoming a Mac family. As the poll stated, once you go Mac you'll never go back. DH got a Macbook last year because he needed a new laptop and didn't want to have to deal with Vista. He loved it so much that I got a Macbook in November when my Vista-based laptop had crashed for the 2000th time and I couldn't get my work done. Now we're saving our pennies so we can eventually replace the kids' laptops with Macs.


DH still has a PC desktop and laptop for work and a couple hobbies that require obscure software, but they rarely get used.



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Guest Shanna

My husband is a Windows Engineer but we run Macs at home. We do also run Fusion so we can use all our Windows based software

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Guest Shanna
I thought your quote was funny because my girls have Microsoft Zunes...they have more capacity than Ipods at the same price, have a bigger screen for videos, and are less fragile.


I would not call iPods fragile. Our oldest 4 all have one. They have had them for a year and half. Yes he was 4 when he got one!! These things have been through every thing. A couple of them have even been through the washer and dryer multiple times and still work perfectly. They are the best money ever spent!!!

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Guest Shanna
Oh my goodness - I'm laughing outloud here! Someone mentioned the old Commodores.


When I was a wee lass we had both a Commodore Vic 20 and a Commodore 64. Anyone play 'Below the Root' wayyyy back then?


Those were the days...


My MIL just mailed my husband his Commodore. The kids do not understand why we cannot not just hook it up to a monitor and play. LOL!!!

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My first computer was a Franklin Ace 1000 (an Apple II clone). I was one of the first kids in the dorm to get a computer, and everyone would cram into my room at night to play adventure games as a group. I had a dot-matrix printer that was loud enough to wake up the entire floor, and getting online required manually coupling the 300 baud modem to the phone receiver. Wow, I'm old!


Re: iPods, each of us here has one, and we've never had any trouble with breakage. I have an iPod Touch (wanted an iPhone but couldn't stomach having to switch to AT&T). DH has a 30g iPod Photo. The kids each have an earlier generation Nano. I'm looking forward to the Touch update next month so I can add more apps -- in most ways it's replaced my PDA, but I'm not always in an area with WiFi so I can't access web apps. Being able to install more apps directly onto the Touch will be a huge help!


As far as our PC background, DH is a computer programmer and game developer. I used to work for Microsoft. So we have a lot of PC experience...but we still prefer our Macs!



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