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One more curriculum thread... What are you still searching for...

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to use in the fall?


I have yet to find a Bible program that appeals to me - either for my oldest ds on his own or to use as Bible time with all of mine. I'm leaning towards just reading through our Children's Bible and adding in memory verses, hymn singing, praying. Then maybe once or twice a week emphasizing a sorely lacking character trait ;) My oldest ds has been enjoying just reading his Bible without "curriculum." So, I'll probably encourage that to continue and just occasionally discuss what he's reading with him, etc.


Science - Since my oldest wants to do CC again, I think I will just find sources around the house that compliment each week's science question and let him read them on his own. For my younger two (K and 1st) who won't be doing CC, I will probably just read books we already have on hand and switch topics every 6 weeks or so.

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I would say I am still looking for a good, solid, yet fun geography workbook. I would like my son to focus on maps this next year. The following year I think we will be doing Galloping the Globe.


As homeschoolers we are all probably looking. Don't you think, especially around this time of year? It can drive me wacky sometimes with all the options out there to choose from. :lol:

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PreK. I have heard too many disappointing things about Calvert and I don't know any other secular programs.


a good reading program for my 4th graders who read at high school level.

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Still trying to decide which way to go for Latin. I've printed off sample chapters for LFC A and Lively Latin, but I haven't had a chance to really go through them yet.


I guess I still need to decide about grammar too. I was going to do FLL 3 and maybe have R&S 3 on the shelf for back up. I ordered R&S 3 first, and now I'm wondering if I should just do that. Not even order FLL 3. Not sure yet.

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I am still looking for a good Bible program, but I am leaning towards Veritas Press. I need something I can do with a 6(7 in Sept), 8, and 10 yr ds.


I also need to find a used CHOW and UBOWH, if anyone has one let me know.:001_smile:


Otherwise I am good.

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Just now found R&S English 4, in the right print. :_:


Realized this week that the HOD book I have is a level beneath what I need.


Still trying to decide what to do for phonics/reading for my Ker.


And I need supplements for history and science, most of which we'll go through the library for, but a few that I want to purchase.


Oh, and a real art something and maybe a music something. We'll see.

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I actually have my curriculum lined up, with more than I could possibly do for the next three or so years . . . and I still feel like I'm looking! Maybe it's an addiction. :D


No, wait, I take it back. I fell in love with the Apologia Young Explorers books, and I don't think I'll rest until I find them all at a decent price. (;

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Guest momsfamily4

I am set for next year. I went to a big used book sale in a nearby town on Tuesday. I picked up several goodies there and came home and searched for the rest. I am now waiting for my boxes to arrive from internet purchases to look at everything. Everyone gets real excited when the UPS / postal man drives up this time of year. I just need to get motivated and make some lesson plans with the new books that I have purchased.



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I would say I am still looking for a good, solid, yet fun geography workbook. I would like my son to focus on maps this next year.




Take a look at Maps, Charts, and Graphs from Modern Curriculum Press. They are colorful and interesting. I've had my sons use them for years. You can find them at Rainbow Resource; just search for Maps, Charts, & Graphs.




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I don't know, but I'll know it when I see it. :blink: Lol...seriously, I am just trying to find some nice filler things we can disperse throughout our year. I am ready to order all the core stuff next week...GULP. I still need to figure out if I want to order some literature studies now or just order as we go. I also need to make a list of books to go with our history unit studies.


What I wish I could find is a culinary book for young students. Not a cookbook, but something that provided a lot of detail about different techniques, and maybe even some units on nutrition, the science of cooking, presentation.


I had forgotten about MCP map skills books. Those are nice. Hmmmm......

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Not that I'm in any hurry, dd being only 1, but I'm having a bit of trouble with my master plan.


Can't figure out geography and am hoping my participation on someone else's geography thread will solve that. I don't know what my geography aims really ought to be, and which programs are suitable. I'm after secular, but is geography something that needs to be worked on each year, or is a one year program enough? Tricky...


I'm also wondering about music. Hoping to find some further reviews about the K12 program. Their website is really annoying. I might have to sign up to the yahoo group. *groan, another one!* Dd's grandparents have an organ, so I'm hoping they'll allow us to borrow it for a few years worth of lessons. I'd like dd to have a good start on reading music before she starts organ lessons. Trying to learn both at once sounds uncomfortable.


Other than that, I'm pretty well right, except for religion. I know what I'm looking for, but don't know whether some of what I want has actually been written :) I'll know it when I see it.


Plans are made to be changed, but it's nice to have the plan.



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Well, we start our new year in a week, so I have evertything we are going to use. I'm not completely thrilled with/or maybe a little unsure of DD's science (Galore Park Science 1 and reading of a few Science Explorers) and Bible (Remembering God's Awesome Acts). People seem to really love or really hate Remembering God's Awesome Acts...we'll see.

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Still trying to decide upon what extras to get, which science kits, experiments, etc. to purchase. It's hard to decide what to invest in that will really be worth it (time, money, effort) and what will just be a flop.


I have to wait on TOG Year 3, Unit 1 to be released before I can really plan it out so that is in the wings but I think I have everything we might use but I'm not sure.




Other than that, we're good.

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I MIGHT be searching for a spelling program, if I can't do natural spelling with dd's writing program. I was thinking she would just keep a spelling notebook and work on words that come up mis-spelled in her writing. I'm just wondering if I will actually make sure she does this. :)

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What I wish I could find is a culinary book for young students. Not a cookbook, but something that provided a lot of detail about different techniques, and maybe even some units on nutrition, the science of cooking, presentation.



Haven't used it, but thought I'd suggest it in case you hadn't seen it:



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PreK. I have heard too many disappointing things about Calvert and I don't know any other secular programs.



Out of curiousity, what do you look for in a PreK program? I don't have much planned. We'll see what dd wants and needs when she gets to that age I suppose. So far, my only plans are geography, art, science and a smidge of grammar. Most of that is just picture books to familiarise her with the vocab and the general idea. For geog, the True Continent series by David Peters, exploring the senses for science, The Way they See It (if I can get the library to buy it) and Childsized Masterpieces for art and the "Words are Categorical" series, a funky series of books I found recently for grammar. I sort of figure the rest can wait.



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Choosing history is driving me nuts. I've waffled btwn TQ, Biblioplan, WP, Hakim, and All American History.

We're using All American History. It's pretty good, but not as "fun" as SOTW!


Wish me luck deciding!!
Good luck deciding! :D
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I'm looking for somebody to make a decision for me about all the curriculum I already own!:confused: What to use, what to keep, what to sell, etc. I AM still looking for that "perfect" writing curriculum for dd11 who hates to write. :glare: I am still in search of an art program for ds10 who is showing incredible potential in that area.


I also need to find a reasonably priced piano and voice teacher close by for dd11. Oh, and last buy not least...a program or book to help me organize. I'm going to look at HST + at convention in July.

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I think that I am finally set with my major items, but I'm still gathering some supplemental things.


I haven't been able to find a good used copy of Modern Rhymes for Ancient Times: Greece. I'm also thinking about Wee Sing cds for a fun music time and finding a copy of the Keepers at Home handbook to have more ideas for handicraft times.


I, too, never found a Bible program I really liked, so I am thinking of just doing a combination of reading aloud, independent reading, narration and notebooking using her NrIV Bible and Bible Scribe.

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I, too, never found a Bible program I really liked, so I am thinking of just doing a combination of reading aloud, independent reading, narration and notebooking using her NrIV Bible and Bible Scribe.


Ahhhh, notebooking.... I hadn't thought of that.... I would love to hear your ideas about how you would do that.

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There really isn't anything that I am in search for, I think the problem lies in deciding the must haves vs the really wants, because honestly I have a bit of an obsession over curric searching and ordering and if I bought it ll we would either have to do school 10 hours a day 7 days a week to use it all in one year lol.

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What I wish I could find is a culinary book for young students. Not a cookbook, but something that provided a lot of detail about different techniques, and maybe even some units on nutrition, the science of cooking, presentation.




Have you seen the Science Chef books? There are two of them. My ds (age 10) loves to cook and this will be his science curric next year.


Also, if you have cable tv or Dish Network, check out "Good Eats" on the food channel. We have learned sooo much from Alton Brown. Every show is like a science lesson, but also teaches you how to cook. I like it just as much as my dc!

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PreK. I have heard too many disappointing things about Calvert and I don't know any other secular programs.


a good reading program for my 4th graders who read at high school level.


Have you looked at Oak Meadow? It's a wonderful, gentle program. I love their stuff for younger grades. I also like Hooked On Phonics -- they have the program broken into grade levels at Sam's now -- very inexpensive, Story Time and Crafts, and Jean Warren's site for preschool.


Well, I just LOVE preschool period. LOL!

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Ahhhh, notebooking.... I hadn't thought of that.... I would love to hear your ideas about how you would do that.


Well...:001_smile:I'm still figuring it out. This year we used the Bible materials of MFW 1st grade(Bible reader, Student notebook, stories from TM), and I loved the combination of me reading with her narrating, reading, drawing a picture from the reading and then doing some copywork from the reading. As I looked for something for next year, I just couldn't find anything that compared in my mind. So, I decided to try to put something together on my own. So far I have purchased the Bible Scribe pages for Old Testament Stories. We will continue to follow the pattern of MFW, just she will be using her NrIV Bible instead of the reader and Bible Scribe instead of the Student notebook.


I am hoping to learn more about the process of notebooking in order to see more ideas to add, but this is all I have planned so far.

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