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Hoarders and bad dreams

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UGH! We recently cancelled satellite TV and I have been pulling up shows on Netflix through my Roku.


Last night before going to sleep I watched a Hoarders episode where the couple thought they had 20-25 cats in the house. Animal Control found OVER 100, although only 41 were alive :ack2::eek:


I had horrible dreams throughout the night of finding dead or almost dead animals in my house. It was awful and I felt horrible for not knowing they were there to take care of them.


I think that isn't a good show for near bedtime for me.

Edited by DawnM
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I like to watch that show when I am feeling bad about being busy and not having an immaculate house (although I can have company over anytime there might be toys in the living room and 2 year old mess at the table, it really is overall clean). When I watch that, I feel like my house is sparkling clean all of a sudden! My mom is a hoarder and I try very hard to NOT be like that, although I don't have any hoarding tendencies. I can easily throw things away.

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I remember that episode. Not nearly as bad as the lady who had a house full of used adult diapers. She didn't have a working bath. I was so sad for her. The diapers had eaten through the floor boards in a couple rooms. She went to an assisted living facility and her house was demolished. (Hope I didn't ruin the ending for anyone!)

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Yes, that show is much better watched when I have five hours afterwards to clean and take things to Goodwill. :tongue_smilie:


BTW, I had a nightmare after watching Hoarders too, one time. I don't remember the content, but I know it was related to the show.

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Thanks for sharing that it is online. I didn't realize that. I watch the show as often as I can and yes, it is horrific for the worst. I lived next door to an animal hoarder and it just breaks my heart for them. It is truely a mental illness. So very sad. The ones though that really get to me are the ones with kids involved. I can hardly watch the one where the dad had to move the kids into a tent on the front lawn because he couldn't stop hoarding and they got bed bugs from the stuff he was bringing in.

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I cannot deal with animal hoarding. If I see those shows, I have to change the channel! Thank God I have never seen that episode. My MIL is a hoarder (although you can walk through her house :tongue_smilie:). My DH could become a full-on hoarder if I don't constantly stay on top of him (wow, rereading that, it doesn't sound very good :lol:). So, I watch the show to learn more about it so I can PREVENT it from happening here! The animal shows are just disturbing though!!!!! :auto:

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UGH! We recently cancelled satellite TV and I have been pulling up shows on Netflix through my Roku.


Last night before going to sleep I watched a Hoarders episode where the couple thought they had 20-25 cats in the house. Animal Control found OVER 100, although only 41 were alive :ack2::eek:


I had horrible dreams throughout the night of finding dead or almost dead animals in my house. It was awful and I felt horrible for not knowing they were there to take care of them.


I think that isn't a good show for near bedtime for me.


How awful!


My dreams can get pretty vivid, too.



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Oh my word! Now I can't just watch, I have to google and see what follow up reports I can find. Some are positive, but some make it even MORE depressing.


The episode where the parents cleaned out the house because the children were taken from the home and then even after clean up they weren't awarded their kids back was heartbreaking.


I just read that the parents filed for divorce 6 months later and the father got custody as he wasn't the hoarder. The mom was ordered to put all 1400 boxes of garbage into storage.



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I watch it. My sister is a hoarder (animal) and I have a friend that lost her children because she lived with her parents who were hoarders, and I believe she is one too because she just couldn't get her act together to get out on her own and out of that house. I feel bad for my sister as we are very close to each other but we can't stand to go into her house as it smells terrible.


When I watch Hoarders it makes me want to clean more, LOL. We are slightly cluttered but we also have 6 people living in a small apartment and there is only so much I can do with the space I have. But our apartment is very clean though. I have no problems throwing things away either.

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