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What one thing could you do to improve your life?

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Take my vitamins/supplements daily. Since I started karate & kickboxing I get loads of exercise, I have been changing my diet to a more whole foods approach, and according to my doc at my physical this month I'm in great shape as far as blood work and such. But I'm not 20 anymore, and I sprain/strain/pull/bruise/etc something (usually a ligament or tendon) every other month it seems. Doc keeps assuring me it would happen less if I would take the supplements. But I really don't like taking pills.:glare:


Time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it, I suppose. Sigh.

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It is interesting to me that so many of us say get off the computer/stay off the internet. It's true for me, too. I waste just gobs and gobs of time on this thing (not that it's not enlightening to come here). I totally agree with BlsdMama.


I have decided that the way I'm going to be more disciplined about the computer is to only be on the internet for 30 minutes; I'm setting a timer. That's not 30 minutes a day, but when I sit down to be on the web, I'm setting the timer for 30 minutes. After that, I will intentionally go do many other things. The computer will be turned 100% OFF, so that it's not tempting to just see what great thing Impish said or what brilliant insight JeaninNewcastle posts next. :tongue_smilie: I'll probably get another 30 minutes before the day is over, but the point is, I'm not going to let it get hours later and later while I sit and piddle. I will sit down with intention (even if my intention is just 30 minutes of relaxing down time) and then I will go do other things with intention.


Eleven minutes left...let's see what funny/brilliant things I can find. :D

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It is interesting to me that so many of us say get off the computer/stay off the internet. It's true for me, too. I waste just gobs and gobs of time on this thing (not that it's not enlightening to come here). I totally agree with BlsdMama.


I have decided that the way I'm going to be more disciplined about the computer is to only be on the internet for 30 minutes; I'm setting a timer. That's not 30 minutes a day, but when I sit down to be on the web, I'm setting the timer for 30 minutes. After that, I will intentionally go do many other things. The computer will be turned 100% OFF, so that it's not tempting to just see what great thing Impish said or what brilliant insight JeaninNewcastle posts next. :tongue_smilie: I'll probably get another 30 minutes before the day is over, but the point is, I'm not going to let it get hours later and later while I sit and piddle. I will sit down with intention (even if my intention is just 30 minutes of relaxing down time) and then I will go do other things with intention.


Eleven minutes left...let's see what funny/brilliant things I can find. :D


If you need more motivation on why INTERNET (not computer time) is dangerous, study the concept of "digital detox".


You can learn how it (internet time) can actually damage the ability to think, intellectualize and learn. It's self-inflicted brain damage. Seriously.

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It is interesting to me that so many of us say get off the computer/stay off the internet. It's true for me, too. I waste just gobs and gobs of time on this thing (not that it's not enlightening to come here). I totally agree with BlsdMama.


I have decided that the way I'm going to be more disciplined about the computer is to only be on the internet for 30 minutes; I'm setting a timer. That's not 30 minutes a day, but when I sit down to be on the web, I'm setting the timer for 30 minutes. After that, I will intentionally go do many other things. The computer will be turned 100% OFF, so that it's not tempting to just see what great thing Impish said or what brilliant insight JeaninNewcastle posts next. :tongue_smilie: I'll probably get another 30 minutes before the day is over, but the point is, I'm not going to let it get hours later and later while I sit and piddle. I will sit down with intention (even if my intention is just 30 minutes of relaxing down time) and then I will go do other things with intention.


Eleven minutes left...let's see what funny/brilliant things I can find. :D


That's a good plan!! I think I need to implement it as well. Wonder if I could. My bet is, the timer would run out just as I was in the middle of the "most interesting thread ever!" :glare:

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Stick to my daily/weekly schedule.


My schedule has time planned out for everything I need/want to be doing (exercise routine for me, ample school time, chores/cleaning, fun activities for the kids, time with DH and my friends, and time dedicated to my part-time business). It's actually a realistic schedule - on the days that I stick with it, it mostly works.


It's a thing of beauty - I just need to stick to it. :D

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Lose weight for sure. I am trying to be more serious about it. I have several health issues, and although losing weight wouldn't cure all of them, it would help some of them, plus I would look a lot better and feel better about myself.

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Stick to my daily/weekly schedule.


My schedule has time planned out for everything I need/want to be doing (exercise routine for me, ample school time, chores/cleaning, fun activities for the kids, time with DH and my friends, and time dedicated to my part-time business). It's actually a realistic schedule - on the days that I stick with it, it mostly works.


It's a thing of beauty - I just need to stick to it. :D


I'm intrigued, Julie! What's your schedule? It sounds wonderful to have a schedule that pulls all of that together! :001_smile:

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I'm intrigued, Julie! What's your schedule? It sounds wonderful to have a schedule that pulls all of that together! :001_smile:


Hey - you quoted me! (for those not in the know, see lovelaughs_times_three's "Don't you hate it when" thread)...:D


Not to high-jack this thread, but I put together a weekly schedule several months ago (in Excel) that has each day mapped out in a way that incorporates everything I need to get done.


In the far left column (from top to bottom), I've listed the time slots that our day is typically broken into (30 min. to multi-hour increments, depending on the activity). Across the top from left to right I've listed Sunday-Saturday (one column per day). In each daily column, I've plugged in all the standard activities that happen each day (leaving the time slots/cells for activities that vary - like afternoon appointments - blank, so they can be filled in by hand each week).


Early mornings are pretty standard across most days (i.e. get up, exercise, breakfast, morning chores, etc.), mid-morning through mid-afternoon varies depending on the day (e.g. lessons are built in Mon-Fri; afternoon activities vary - such as park days; Tues & Thurs afternoons are work time for my business, etc.), and late afternoons/evenings are once again standard for most days of the week.


I've also set up "zones" (similar to the FlyLady cleaning system) for each day of the week that appear at the top of each daily column (e.g. Monday's cleaning zones are the kitchen and office, plus it's my weekly grocery shopping day; Tuesday's zones are the living room, dining room, and main level bath, etc.). The schedule is set up so that each "zone" of my house gets a thorough cleaning at least once a week (of course, they get picked up during the week - the "zones" refer to a 15 min. deep clean).


At the bottom of my schedule is my weekly task list for my business that ensures I optimize my time between actual work "in" my business and work "on" my business (the latter being marketing the business, networking, etc.).


All of the above prints out nicely on one page (with room to write in appointments, notes, etc.). I print it out on Saturday night for the following week, write in any appointments, and specific "to do" items I need to accomplish that week. My kids and I simply do better with structure - and this schedule provides a nice structure while still allowing us to be flexible as needed. If I'm not following some type of schedule, I seem to "run out of time" to get everything done that needs to get done.


Like I said, it works fabulously when I follow it... ;)

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Hey - you quoted me! (for those not in the know, see lovelaughs_times_three's "Don't you hate it when" thread)...:D


Not to high-jack this thread, but I put together a weekly schedule several months ago (in Excel) that has each day mapped out in a way that incorporates everything I need to get done.


In the far left column (from top to bottom), I've listed the time slots that our day is typically broken into (30 min. to multi-hour increments, depending on the activity). Across the top from left to right I've listed Sunday-Saturday (one column per day). In each daily column, I've plugged in all the standard activities that happen each day (leaving the time slots/cells for activities that vary - like afternoon appointments - blank, so they can be filled in by hand each week).


Early mornings are pretty standard across most days (i.e. get up, exercise, breakfast, morning chores, etc.), mid-morning through mid-afternoon varies depending on the day (e.g. lessons are built in Mon-Fri; afternoon activities vary - such as park days; Tues & Thurs afternoons are work time for my business, etc.), and late afternoons/evenings are once again standard for most days of the week.


I've also set up "zones" (similar to the FlyLady cleaning system) for each day of the week that appear at the top of each daily column (e.g. Monday's cleaning zones are the kitchen and office, plus it's my weekly grocery shopping day; Tuesday's zones are the living room, dining room, and main level bath, etc.). The schedule is set up so that each "zone" of my house gets a thorough cleaning at least once a week (of course, they get picked up during the week - the "zones" refer to a 15 min. deep clean).


At the bottom of my schedule is my weekly task list for my business that ensures I optimize my time between actual work "in" my business and work "on" my business (the latter being marketing the business, networking, etc.).


All of the above prints out nicely on one page (with room to write in appointments, notes, etc.). I print it out on Saturday night for the following week, write in any appointments, and specific "to do" items I need to accomplish that week. My kids and I simply do better with structure - and this schedule provides a nice structure while still allowing us to be flexible as needed. If I'm not following some type of schedule, I seem to "run out of time" to get everything done that needs to get done.


Like I said, it works fabulously when I follow it... ;)


I love it! If I pm you with my e-mail, is this something you would be willing to send me a copy of? I think my life would work better with a schedule like this? To keep from continuing my hijack of this thread, I'll go ahead and pm you! :001_smile:

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I would love to be a wild and crazy over-the-top philanthropist. I want to give/do things for folks- give books, make sure there are people in every school in every class reading amazing books to kids while they eat a healthy meal, with fabulous doggie bags to take home to their families. I would want to make a real and postivie difference for kids in bad schools, clean the oceans, and make sure everyone had clean water. I want to make healthy food available and affordable for all folks. I would put people on corners to hand out fresh produce to all who passed. I think the Queen of England should give me gobs of money to spend as I please. I think all Saudi Princes (what are there, like 80 thousand of them?) should give me 10 or 20 million each. I think Oprah should adopt me. So what would would be awesome would be to become Queen of the World.

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I know I am very lucky, so I almost feel guilty responding...but I would love to be a wild and crazy over-the-top philanthropist. I want to give/do things for folks- give books, make sure there are people in every school in every class reading amazing books to kids while they eat a healthy meal, with fabulous doggie bags to take home to their families. I would want to make a real and postivie difference for kids in bad schools, clean the oceans, and make sure everyone had clean water. I want to make healthy food available and affordable for all folks. I would put people on corners to hand out fresh produce to all who passed. I think the Queen of England should give me gobs of money to spend as I please. I think all Saudi Princes (what are there, like 80 thousand of them?) should give me 10 or 20 million each. I think Oprah should adopt me. So what would would be awesome would be to become Queen of the World.


Well, heck...I guess that would improve your life! ;) maybe I'm just thinking too small!

My similar fantasy is to build my parents a house and set them up with a maintenance person. Their house is such a sorry thing.

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Well, heck...I guess that would improve your life! ;) maybe I'm just thinking too small!

My similar fantasy is to build my parents a house and set them up with a maintenance person. Their house is such a sorry thing.



LOL Thanks for having a sense of humor!! I would also love to bestow thoughtful housing on people I love!! That would be so much fun!


Of course I could improve upon some things...but they are small and within my reach, but they are not things that matter to me in the long or short run, or even positively affect my life in more than a passing way. I don't even know that organizing my kitchen better would improve my life in a meaningful way, except for the moment. The kids would still come in and rustle through it all.

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