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Rupert Murdoch...Are Americans Paying Attention???

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I'm sad to say that I'm not shocked. I honestly believe that most "news" organizations are run this way. News of the World got caught. Murdoch is not the only media tycoon, and he is not the only one who pushes for sensational in order to sell the news.


I've been reading the British press, and they are complaining that freedom of the press could be hurt. I think the press needs some limits on it's power. I'm for freedom of the press, but it should come with responsibility.


I haven't been following this as closely as others, although from what I know there was serious wiretapping and bribery charges in question. I have one question about your statement about the press needs limits on its powers. I thought they did have limits in operating inside the law and the things they did were illegal and outside of those limits. How would you propose furthering their limits? Would limiting their power further keep them from breaking those new laws?

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I'm sorry, but this IS a British problem, and like the Casey Anthony is guilty crowd, there is certainly a "witch hunt" mentality forming----almost a rabid frothing at the mouth from the left to turn this into a Fox News problem.


Murdoch is American. You think he only operates with phne hacking and bribery on British soil?


I do think people are going to get unduly gleeful at the possibility that there are problems with Fox but shucks, that doesn't mean there aren't problems.

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Perhaps because there seems to BE a problem at Fox "news"? People thought others were crazy years ago for watching Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. Funny. I saw it at church. It may be worth a listen. :001_huh:

Your watching movies put out by Move on.org at church? :001_unsure: That seems a bit odd to me. (I have never heard of or seen it I just Googled it.)

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Really? May I ask why?


Well, I've got 4 children under 8 and am incredibly busy this month and I saw nothing in the headline to make me want to read the articles. Even reading the synopsis on this thread didn't do anything to me. It all seems really, really remote.


So take away my Current Events certification... :lol:

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Murdoch is American. You think he only operates with phne hacking and bribery on British soil?


I do think people are going to get unduly gleeful at the possibility that there are problems with Fox but shucks, that doesn't mean there aren't problems.




Murdoch is also Australian. Don't blame us!


I admit a little glee, but also some horror. I wouldn't have thought they would have gone so far.

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I'm at a loss as to how that's offensive but I'm willing to be enlightened.


Because, you are making a sweeping generalization about a HUGE number of people you don't know. That makes me angry. You don't know me, and I'd wager to say you know fewer than 1% of all Americans. I don't appreciate being lumped into any preconceived stereotype you may have about what Americans are, or are not paying attention to in the media.

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Murdoch is also Australian. Don't blame us!


I admit a little glee, but also some horror. I wouldn't have thought they would have gone so far.


Oh, so it's all YOUR fault! Is this an evil Aussie plot to take over the world? I bet Rosie's in on it!

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Because, you are making a sweeping generalization about a HUGE number of people you don't know. That makes me angry. You don't know me, and I'd wager to say you know fewer than 1% of all Americans. I don't appreciate being lumped into any preconceived stereotype you may have about what Americans are, or are not paying attention to in the media.


She was making a joke.

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Well, I've got 4 children under 8 and am incredibly busy this month and I saw nothing in the headline to make me want to read the articles. Even reading the synopsis on this thread didn't do anything to me. It all seems really, really remote.


So take away my Current Events certification... :lol:


Got it. I was listening to the Murdochs testify to a Parliament committee today so I'm on the other extreme!

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Murdoch is also Australian. Don't blame us!


I admit a little glee, but also some horror. I wouldn't have thought they would have gone so far.


He's part American. The taint is there. And those Aussies, they're always up to no good anyway.:D


I'm going to offend again, aren't I? We Canucks get so few chances to do that. Just warn me before Rosie and the other Aussies get here so I have time to run. :leaving:

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Because, you are making a sweeping generalization about a HUGE number of people you don't know. That makes me angry. You don't know me, and I'd wager to say you know fewer than 1% of all Americans. I don't appreciate being lumped into any preconceived stereotype you may have about what Americans are, or are not paying attention to in the media.


That's a creative interpretation of a comment written in question format.


Oh, so it's all YOUR fault! Is this an evil Aussie plot to take over the world? I bet Rosie's in on it!



1. Murdoch sacked my FIL because he had the pip with his co-worker. She was more important, so he couldn't sack her. I'm not particularly fond of my FIL or the sorts of work he did for Murdoch, but that still stinks.


2. Murdoch no longer holds Australian citizenship, so no plots of his can be counted as Australian.


3. Australia couldn't be bothered ruling the world. Our government is happy to restrict itself to trying to dominate the Asia-Pacific region. It is my belief that only Americans want to rule America. I think it would be too exhausting for anyone else. :tongue_smilie:



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Because, you are making a sweeping generalization about a HUGE number of people you don't know. That makes me angry. You don't know me, and I'd wager to say you know fewer than 1% of all Americans. I don't appreciate being lumped into any preconceived stereotype you may have about what Americans are, or are not paying attention to in the media.


I've known Americans for years. I'm Canadian, not Thai, we're sort of close. I am paying attention to the media, just mostly the UK and Canadian media and that's why I wanted to clear up whether what I was hearing was right or not from my friends here who are American.


The comment you read had a smiley. It was meant to point out I was joking AND pointing a little fun at my own clumsy thread title.

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She was making a joke.


I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke, but frankly, this whole situation, put together with our current situation nationally, has me beside myself. I've been unemployed for a year and we are just hanging on by a thread. When I see this nonsense going on, my BLOOD BOILS. How anyone could imply that as a nation we are unaware of one of the biggest stories of our time set, me off. Again, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke. This just isn't a joking matter to me.

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3. Australia couldn't be bothered ruling the world. Our government is happy to restrict itself to trying to dominate the Asia-Pacific region. It is my belief that only Americans want to rule America. I think it would be too exhausting for anyone else. :tongue_smilie:






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It's all the Canadian and British press seem to say. They keep wondering when the American public will sit up and get alarmed about what Murdoch's been up too.


It's less that I assume you're not watching and more that I have trouble believing their assertions that you're not are true.


Weird. It's ALL OVER THE NEWS here. Truly.


And isn't this an awesome photo? ;)


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I need a translation. What does "the pip with his co-worker" mean?


That's a creative interpretation of a comment written in question format.





1. Murdoch sacked my FIL because he had the pip with his co-worker. She was more important, so he couldn't sack her. I'm not particularly fond of my FIL or the sorts of work he did for Murdoch, but that still stinks.


2. Murdoch no longer holds Australian citizenship, so no plots of his can be counted as Australian.


3. Australia couldn't be bothered ruling the world. Our government is happy to restrict itself to trying to dominate the Asia-Pacific region. It is my belief that only Americans want to rule America. I think it would be too exhausting for anyone else. :tongue_smilie:



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That's a creative interpretation of a comment written in question format.





1. Murdoch sacked my FIL because he had the pip with his co-worker. She was more important, so he couldn't sack her. I'm not particularly fond of my FIL or the sorts of work he did for Murdoch, but that still stinks.


2. Murdoch no longer holds Australian citizenship, so no plots of his can be counted as Australian.


3. Australia couldn't be bothered ruling the world. Our government is happy to restrict itself to trying to dominate the Asia-Pacific region. It is my belief that only Americans want to rule America. I think it would be too exhausting for anyone else. :tongue_smilie:




You're right, Rosie! :lol: No one wants to rule America. We're too troublesome! :D Oh, that should make me sad but, it's just so true.


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I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke, but frankly, this whole situation, put together with our current situation nationally, has me beside myself. I've been unemployed for a year and we are just hanging on by a thread. When I see this nonsense going on, my BLOOD BOILS. How anyone could imply that as a nation we are unaware of one of the biggest stories of our time set, me off. Again, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke. This just isn't a joking matter to me.




This has been so difficult. I get more worried everyday seeing how prices have gone up.


I was skimping on groceries and my dd became terribly anemic. :( It made me feel like crap.

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Weird. It's ALL OVER THE NEWS here. Truly.


And isn't this an awesome photo? ;)





I have not laughed this hard at something online in quite awhile.


That is all sorts of awesome! :D

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I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke, but frankly, this whole situation, put together with our current situation nationally, has me beside myself. I've been unemployed for a year and we are just hanging on by a thread. When I see this nonsense going on, my BLOOD BOILS. How anyone could imply that as a nation we are unaware of one of the biggest stories of our time set, me off. Again, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted a joke. This just isn't a joking matter to me.


:grouphug: It wasn't my intent at ALL to imply you guys are unaware of it. I was incredulous at what MY media was reporting.


Join in the fun and relax a bit. I have a feeling this thread is descending into silliness and there's a lot of fun to be had. :)

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. When I see this nonsense going on, my BLOOD BOILS. How anyone could imply that as a nation we are unaware of one of the biggest stories of our time set, me off.


How is this one of the biggest stories of our time? I truly don't get that. It's just another scandal/corruption/dirty politics/what-have-you story, isn't it?

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I need a translation. What does "the pip with his co-worker" mean?


If you have the pip with someone, it means that have really annoyed you.


People who tease Australians deserve to be conversed with by Australians who have removed their slang filters.




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Murdoch is American. You think he only operates with phne hacking and bribery on British soil?


Show me some proof that Murdoch condoned and was involved with bribery and phone hacking? Murdoch has over 200 media properties. The role of a chairman of the board (murdochs role) is returning shareholder value, focusing on ROI, and steering the company at the hundred thousand foot level. if you think he is sitting in a room some where micro-managing news editors---than you don't understand the role of executive management.


From what i have seen, Murdoch is guilty only of trusting those who he delegated authority too.

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You Americans and your attempts at humour!




You should see me play the cookie jar game!



And for those that think I'm not taking this whole thing seriously, I am SICK about it. DH and I were both journalism majors and have very high standards and very strong convictions about what should and should not be going on in the media. This disgusts me on a personal level. However, so many people are quick to take offense on these boards lately, I had to poke a little fun.:001_smile:

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3. Australia couldn't be bothered ruling the world. Our government is happy to restrict itself to trying to dominate the Asia-Pacific region. It is my belief that only Americans want to rule America. I think it would be too exhausting for anyone else. :tongue_smilie:



(I read it wrong at first. LOL)

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How is this one of the biggest stories of our time? I truly don't get that. It's just another scandal/corruption/dirty politics/what-have-you story, isn't it?


That's what I've thought while reading the various stories. I think he's one of many who are corrupt but he got caught now. When the next one gets caught he/she will be the big story.

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How is this one of the biggest stories of our time? I truly don't get that. It's just another scandal/corruption/dirty politics/what-have-you story, isn't it?


No. This is ultimately about one man controlling what goes on in a country's media, what the police do about it and what the politicians say about it. It's not a little scandal. It's about a puppet-master who had everyone dancing on strings.

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If you have the pip with someone, it means that have really annoyed you.


People who tease Australians deserve to be conversed with by Australians who have removed their slang filters.





Ah. Not the middle bits then. Oops.

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No. This is ultimately about one man controlling what goes on in a country's media, what the police do about it and what the politicians say about it. It's not a little scandal. It's about a puppet-master who had everyone dancing on strings.


I'm confirming your country's coverage, aren't I? :D


I don't trust any media coverage. I don't trust the US gov't. I accept that I will never know what's going on.

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How is this one of the biggest stories of our time? I truly don't get that. It's just another scandal/corruption/dirty politics/what-have-you story, isn't it?


IMO, Rupert Murdoch controls a lot of the discussion and thought in America that I believe have had detrimental effects on the lives of many, mine included. When a media mogul gains control of government officials at the highest levels, for decades, and circumstances occur that potentially shed light on those relationships, I consider it one of the biggest stories of our era.

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Show me some proof that Murdoch condoned and was involved with bribery and phone hacking? Murdoch has over 200 media properties. The role of a chairman of the board (murdochs role) is returning shareholder value, focusing on ROI, and steering the company at the hundred thousand foot level. if you think he is sitting in a room some where micro-managing news editors---than you don't understand the role of executive management.


From what i have seen, Murdoch is guilty only of trusting those who he delegated authority too.


It's worth looking closer at. He was a micro-manager when it came to his papers. He picked who ran those papers.


Regardless, I conceed we don't really know the details yet. But even assuming the best of Murdoch I do know details of the phone hacking were coming out years ago and little to nothing was done. ETA: If he knew nothing for the intervening years it was willful ignorance, something I think is nearly as bad as being complicit in it all.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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IMO, Rupert Murdoch controls a lot of the discussion and thought in America that I believe have had detrimental effects on the lives of many, mine included. When a media mogul gains control of government officials at the highest levels, for decades, and circumstances occur that potentially shed light on those relationships, I consider it one of the biggest stories of our era.


All I know about RM is that he owns Fox. None of this is surprising at all. Last year I read a book called "So D**n Much Money" about lobbyists and their effect on our gov't. It's all-encompassing. Did you know that a foreign ruler hired lobbyists to get a visa to the US and was successful? We have hardly any real representation anymore.

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how's picking someone to run a newspaper an example of micromanager?


Moderate-micro manager then?:D


Regardless, I'm betting it will all be coming out. We'll have to place bets on the outcome!

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I thought they were all Catholic priests and bishops! :lol:



That's what I thought, too! I was as surprised as you are!


Carol from IL, we can't seem to have it both ways. Methinks that if these charges would have been made toward the EVIL LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA then the right-wingers would be all, "You have to take responsibility. You can't just say, 'I didn't know'. If you are making money off of it/own it, then you own the guilt as well", but since he IS the head of the fundie media it is okay all because he printed an apology? :confused:

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