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books in the Lloyd Alexander, CS Lewis, Tolkien vein?

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I am looking for some books suggestions for my (almost) 14 year old daughter.


She has read most of Tolkien, all of CS Lewis (including the Space Trilogy), and all of Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. This is her preferred style of leisure reading. She also really liked Flatland and read through all of the Guardian's of Ga-hoole series when she was 10-12 and loved them then. We also have many Redwall books and her sister has the Ranger's Apprentice series (my older daughter is less fond of this series, though she has read them).


Any suggestions on other books in this style (fantasy, slightly science fictionish) that we might try? What about Lloyd Alexander's other books (Westmark Trilogy etc...?) (Please don't suggest Harry Potter. Thanks :) ) She's also always liked King Arthur type things if that helps (she also read the Squire's Tale books when she was 10-12).



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ALAN GARNER. The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath, specifically. Oh, and Elidor. He wrote other stuff too, it tends to be weird.


Seconding Diana Wynne Jones; she is my all-time very favorite. But Garner is more Tolkienesque. Jones heard Tolkien lecture at Oxford, though!

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Mists of Avalon? I loved that as a teen. Marion Zimmer Bradley had some other books in the same vein that I also read and enjoyed but none as much as Avalon. They were all worth reading though.


And yes to Diana Wynn Jones!


The Earthsea trilogy?


Dragonriders of Pern? I have NOT read those myself but I see people buying them like mad at booksales.


My son is liking the Charlie Bone series. It's been a fast read but a fun one.


Would she like any of the Rick Riordan books? They are at the library and would make for some fun summer reading.

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Seconding pretty much ALL of those suggestions. Oh joy that Diana Wynne Jones got some love!


Adding Megan Whelan Turner's The Thief and it's sequels. Also Robin McKinley - especially The Hero and the Crown.


There's a lot more out there as well in this vein that's very good, but that's enough to be getting on with.


And, by the way, I ADORE Alexander's Westmark trilogy. It's completely different, more grown up and not really fantasy (imagined world, but no magic). It would make a good historical go along to the Enlightenment.

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Already mentioned, but I'll second (or third) suggestions for:

Diana Wynn Jones

Tamora Pierce

Terry Pratchett


Also, dd recently started some of the Dragonlance series & now has a friend of hers hooked on them too. Dd started w/ the Chronicles Trilogy & is just starting some of the Legends books.


Your dd might also like Wise Child, Juniper, and Colman (all by Monica Furlong).


The Eragon series?

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Tamora Pierce

Terry Pratchett

Anne McCaffery

Diana Wynne Jones

Alan Garner

Susan Cooper


I'll add:

Garth Nix

Joy Chant's House of Kendreth series, starts with Red Moon and Black Mountain (OOP, but available at a reasonable price)

Nancy Farmer - Sea of Trolls trilogy

Katherine Langrish's troll series

Edith Pattou's East

The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney (Wardstone Chronicles in the UK)


Sorcery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot: Being the Correspondence of Two Young Ladies of Quality Regarding Various Magical Scandals in London and the Country

and its sequels:

The Grand Tour or The Purloined Coronation Regalia: Being a Revelation of Matters of High Confidentiality and Greatest Importance, Including Extracts from the Intimate Diary of a Noblewoman and the Sworn Testimony of a Lady of Quality

and The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After: Being the Private Correspondence Between Two Prominent FamiliesRegarding a Scandal Touching the Highest Levels of Government and theSecurity of the Realm

(I just love these titles... good books though); also, Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles if she hasn't yet read them

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Mists of Avalon? I loved that as a teen. Marion Zimmer Bradley had some other books in the same vein that I also read and enjoyed but none as much as Avalon. They were all worth reading though.



Mists of Avalon has some very suggestive and one or two explicit scenes. It IS an awesome book but if you are careful about what your dd reads then you might want to skip this.


Dd16 and her friends are huge fantasy geeks. My dd and her friends love the Dragon's in our Midst series by Bryan Davis. If you are not opposed to Christian undertones, these are favorites around here. The first four are:


Raising Dragons

The Candlestone

Circles of Seven

Tears of a Dragon


The second series is called Oracles of Fire and he is working on a couple more.


Also, Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles are great! Also favorites of my dd and her friends.


Dealing with Dragons

Searching for Dragons

Calling on Dragons

Talking to Dragons


If she likes fairy tale fantasy, my dd recommends Shannon Hale as well.


The Goose Girl

Enna Burning

River Secrets

Forest Born


Someone else mentioned the Dragonlance series. Dd read those last year at 15/16 since they are one of her father's favorites. They are more adult but might work for your dd.


Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Dragons of Winter Night

Dragons of Spring Dawning


Time of the Twins

War of the Twins

Test of the Twins

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Stephen Lawhead has several along that vein.


Pendragon Cycle:






Song of Albion series:

The Paradise War

The Silver Hand

The Endless Knot

Raven King trilogy:




Also, there's a new series by Matthew Christian Harding called The Peleg Chronicles. I found it at my homeschool convention. It's young earth, dragon fiction and here's a description about the first book, Foundlings from his website:


Foundlings, book one of The Peleg Chronicles

is Historical Fiction that takes place in the

time period of Peleg, soon after the tower of

Babel dispersion. In its pages we meet

dragons, giants, false priests, the death hunt,

an under-city of the Dwarven Brotherhood,

and many memorable characters.


I've only read the first book, but it was a good (if quick) read... providing you are open to the ideas presented. :D

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