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I'm really afraid to start the steroids tomorrow....

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I know my mother had some sort of reaction to them, and I also know they caused her to become diabetic. My doctor told me that my sugars will go up while on them but should stabilize. I hope so as diabetes runs in the family. Mom was on them a long time, though, and I will only be on them for 16 days. Mom's face blew up like a balloon and it never went down again, even when she went off the steroids. Can that happen if you're only on them for 16 days? Of all the drugs there are, for some reason steroids SCARE me! I have to take them by 9:00 a.m. and will likely have sleep disturbances on them.


I have to take them to prevent my eyes from swelling shut due to poison ivy all around them. I have to be on them for 16 days. Tomorrow will be my first dose of 4 pills.


Experiences? Words of encouragement? I'm DREADING this!!!!!!!!!

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I've taken short courses of steroids about three times for bad asthsma. In each case the relief was so startlingly crisp that it was just wonderful. Honestly, I could imagine getting addicted.


In one of those three times I did get some facial swelling, but it was not severe and it went down as the dose did. That was the first time I had to take them, and so it didn't get worse but rather better for the other two times.


The only thing that I really was concerned about was the possibility of mood changes. However, I read up on it and if you do a good taper that is almost unheard of. The problems were with people who took it at a highish dose and then stopped abruptly.


I think that you'll feel so much better when you do this that it will be very worth it.

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I know my mother had some sort of reaction to them, and I also know they caused her to become diabetic. My doctor told me that my sugars will go up while on them but should stabilize. I hope so as diabetes runs in the family. Mom was on them a long time, though, and I will only be on them for 16 days. Mom's face blew up like a balloon and it never went down again, even when she went off the steroids. Can that happen if you're only on them for 16 days? Of all the drugs there are, for some reason steroids SCARE me! I have to take them by 9:00 a.m. and will likely have sleep disturbances on them.


I have to take them to prevent my eyes from swelling shut due to poison ivy all around them. I have to be on them for 16 days. Tomorrow will be my first dose of 4 pills.


Experiences? Words of encouragement? I'm DREADING this!!!!!!!!!


Hi Denise,


If you are only going to be on them for 16 days I highly doubt you are going to have any problems. I am sure though with your mom's history it is scary :grouphug:.


I am starting my 8th month on them for an auto immune disease and the long term effects scare me. I have recently had my blood sugar increase from the Prednisone but my Dr told me it was common and would decrease once I weaned off. I haven't gotten the "moon" face yet and hopefully won't :001_smile:.


These are the most common side effects from drugs.com:


"Difficulty sleeping; feeling of a whirling motion; increased appetite; increased sweating; indigestion; mood changes; nervousness."


When I was in college I had took them for a couple of weeks because of an environmental allergic reaction and had no problems.


Hope you feel better soon!




Oh, if you are worried about them disrupting your sleep take them first thing in the morning.

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I've taken short courses of steroids about three times for bad asthsma. In each case the relief was so startlingly crisp that it was just wonderful. Honestly, I could imagine getting addicted.


In one of those three times I did get some facial swelling, but it was not severe and it went down as the dose did. That was the first time I had to take them, and so it didn't get worse but rather better for the other two times.


The only thing that I really was concerned about was the possibility of mood changes. However, I read up on it and if you do a good taper that is almost unheard of. The problems were with people who took it at a highish dose and then stopped abruptly.


I think that you'll feel so much better when you do this that it will be very worth it.


I agree absolutely. Thank you steroid therapy, without it I could not walk.

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I look forward to the positive aspects, ALL of them, but if I remember right, steroids were the beginning of my mom's severe decline in health. Again, she was on them a long time as the doctor's tried to bring her ulcerative colitis into remission. I won't be on them for long, but I'm still scared!


I will try to look forward to the positive aspects and block out my thoughts on the negative.



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I've started a round of them for the first time ever this month and I've felt great. I go off of them tomorrow and the only problem I've had is sleep disturbances. I've been staying wide awake until about 3am and I'm up by 8am. I don't feel tired at all even though I'm running on a lot less sleep. I don't really know if they caused any swelling since I was taking them due to a bad reaction to some kind of bite on my face and it was already swollen. Hope it all goes well for you and you feel better soon!

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Here's a word of encouragement: dd30 (who turns 31 next weekend) has been ill with chronic lyme disease for 8 years now --the turning point when she actually began to improve consistently was when she began taking small doses of steroids....that was almost a year ago. The change in her is miraculous - truly an answer to prayer. TAKE YOUR MEDS! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Here is a positive aspect that I forgot to mention. Since they go after inflammation, they cleared up every ache and pain I had. No more plantar fascitis, no more bursitis. I had had PF so bad that every time I stood up I had to stretch my feet first and then brace for pain. I couldn't take a lot of aspirin or ibuprofen because of GERD. I was really, really messed up, and it seemed pretty intractable. The relief from the steroids was enough to 'reset' the problem completely. Now I use the techniques I learned to mitigate it while I was so bad, and prevention is what I'm shooting for. It's working. Yay!

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I can't even count how many times we've had to do this, and we've never had a problem, and we've done it for poison ivy, severe asthma/broncitis, chronic pain, etc. etc.


No regrets here. The only person I know who had long-term issues was on them at extremely high doses in the hospital. It saved their life though!

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I don't think you will have to worry too much about the issues you've mentioned.


If you haven't already, have something on hand so you don't feast on carbs. That is what causes a body's sugar level to rise - carb cravings.


I don't have problems with mood swings or sleep issues. (Well, my sleep issues don't seem to worsen.)

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