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Requesting Prayer Please - Job Related

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Dh has been recommended for an advancement. This would provide desperately-needed help to our finances. (The burden of the medical bills from ds' two successful battles against cancer have taken a toll on all areas of life, including the financial - we are drained and drowning).


The committee met this week; the decision won't be made (or made known) until possibly August. To say we are on pins and needles is an understatement. We really need this and would so appreciate your prayers that dh is given this advancement. To you who will add your prayers to ours - Thank you so much!

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Though I have not posted details of the many very difficult years and situations we have faced/endured, this prayer request is indeed a very desperate need . . . Except for ds' remission, getting this would be the first good thing of major import to happen to us in a long while . . . The financial strain is awful; I know there are others who have posted here who are facing some of the same situations that we are . . . Like them, we could sure use your prayers . . .

Thank you.

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Thank You, everyone. Your prayers mean a lot.


As of today, still no word, but as I posted, it could be as late as August before we know.


I don't really "pray" per se, but I do hope your DH gets that job!!! :grouphug: It sounds like it's your turn for some good.


I hope it doesn't sound awful to say, but that is what I think, too - that it's time for something *majorly* good to happen to us/for us, instead of all the *majorly* really hard stuff we've been through and some still ongoing. :001_smile:


I missed your post initially, but I see it now and am adding a prayer. I'm sorry it took awhile for people to respond. I know how lonely one can feel when struggling.


Yes, times of struggle do seem especially lonely. Even though I can't bring myself to post details, I can understand why people do. Sometimes talking to IRL people makes things more difficult, especially when some folks can wax very judgmental. 'Nuff said . . .


Posting here seems safe, and a comfort . . .


Thanks again, everyone, for praying. When we know the decision, I'll let you know. :)

I'm expecting a GOOD decision, a most FAVORABLE decision. :)

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