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Ashley Madison. OMG. WTH?

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I knew this place existed. I've seen the commercials. I've even read an article in Redbook about it while waiting in the orthodontist's office. But today I was listening to talk radio and heard Hannity interviewing this guy. Here is an older version of what I listened to today. (Today's transcript is not available yet, but it is pretty similar (which I find mildly disturbing, but that's another thread))


Explain this logic to me. Seriously. Sometimes I think my soul has been misplaced in this lifetime, because I just don't understand or accept so very many things. I feel like I'm overly sensitive to things to the point of needing to avoid the news sometimes just to catch a break from insanity and catch back up with myself. :001_huh:


If you understand this Noel Biderman's logic and it seems okay, explain it to me so I can understand, too. Because right now he seems like a monster to me. But, based on his income and the amount of people who frequent his site, I might possibly be in the minority.

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Yes, I've heard of that website before. It is horrible!!!


Hopefully that CEO guy is just in it for the money and doesn't really believe what he's saying. Sadly, he's found a money making avenue. If people will pay for it, then people will create it.


It's very sad when there's an internet website devoted to assisting in affairs. :confused:

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According to this guy, if you are unhappy in your marriage, this is an acceptable avenue to pursue.




So, any time I am annoyed with my dh and someone hits on my at the grocery store, the gas station, the kids' softball game, I should feel completely okay with running with it?? Or how about dh? When he's upset with me he should just take a shower, dress in the clean clothes I've chosen for him and head out to any of the numerous local bars or strip joints and work it? Really? Because that's what this guy is saying. We should all be expecting this because it's the norm of societey? :001_huh: What?! :001_huh: What?!

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According to this guy, if you are unhappy in your marriage, this is an acceptable avenue to pursue.




So, any time I am annoyed with my dh and someone hits on my at the grocery store, the gas station, the kids' softball game, I should feel completely okay with running with it?? Or how about dh? When he's upset with me he should just take a shower, dress in the clean clothes I've chosen for him and head out to any of the numerous local bars or strip joints and work it? Really? Because that's what this guy is saying. We should all be expecting this because it's the norm of societey? :001_huh: What?! :001_huh: What?!



Well.... I'm not saying that cheating is acceptable because it isn't. I'm also not saying that sites like this are fine and dandy. IMO, they aren't.


However, at a site like this, at least no one is being mislead by someone claiming to be unmarried when they really are married. Everyone there knows that the other is probably married and cheating. So at least THAT part of it is upfront.


I'm not really surprised that a site like this exists. If you did a little googling (but please don't -- what has been seen cannot be unseen), you could find sites with much, much more unsavoury intentions than this. There truly is something for everyone on the internet, and someone making money off of it, too.

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However, at a site like this, at least no one is being mislead by someone claiming to be unmarried when they really are married. Everyone there knows that the other is probably married and cheating. So at least THAT part of it is upfront.




:lol: So, it's actually a highly noble, covert effort to get all the weaker individuals in one place, close the net and...drown them at sea or seclude them on an island together? Now that is something I think I can understand :D.


Just kidding. I do get that part. Really, I do. And, like you, I think, that is about the only redeeming part of the whole creepy thing (which is to say it's not really redeeming at all, but that's about all I can find).

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I had never heard of it but honestly, I'm not at all surprised. We live in a society of instant gratification and "what's in it for me" so why not have an affair? I mean, hey, I'm only going to think of me-not my husband or family. Life is short! I must think of me.


How sad!! :glare:


I certainly don't think it's right or agree with it, but it just goes to show how low people can sink....and we wonder why we have the problems we do in our society-here's one indication.

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And here are the greeting cards to go along with




Society as a whole has lost something precious.


Do you really think we've changed so much? It looks to me like SOME people are doing what SOME people have always done, except that now it's online.


Obviously this is disgusting, I just don't think it's MORE disgusting than what's always gone on. Society hasn't lost anything--they just haven't ever FOUND it. ;)

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I once read of another website that helps hook young attractive women up with wealthy older men who don't want to commit to a long term relationship. There was an understanding that she would receive money while she was "dating" him.


This type of thing has always happened. It's just that now it happens more openly. And now it's more convenient to set up these types of relationships because everything is happening online.

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I once read of another website that helps hook young attractive women up with wealthy older men who don't want to commit to a long term relationship. There was an understanding that she would receive money while she was "dating" him.


This type of thing has always happened. It's just that now it happens more openly. And now it's more convenient to set up these types of relationships because everything is happening online.


More openly than a harem or polygamy?

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More openly than a harem or polygamy?


Perhaps not just more openly, but more . . . democratically? Unashamed adultery for the everyman now, not just the rich and powerful.


Although, I think maybe comparing with non-western cultures is apples and oranges. They don't have the same Judeo-Christian background and social mores concerning marriage, etc. as we do. Polygamy and harems were accepted and expected, whereas adultery in our culture was not, at least not openly. I'm not saying that harems/polygamy are acceptable--just saying that it's not as relevant to the topic of the breakdown of our society's standards regarding adultery.

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Perhaps not just more openly, but more . . . democratically? Unashamed adultery for the everyman now, not just the rich and powerful.


Although, I think maybe comparing with non-western cultures is apples and oranges. They don't have the same Judeo-Christian background and social mores concerning marriage, etc. as we do. Polygamy and harems were accepted and expected, whereas adultery in our culture was not, at least not openly. I'm not saying that harems/polygamy are acceptable--just saying that it's not as relevant to the topic of the breakdown of our society's standards regarding adultery.



True, but even here we've had pockets of society accepting and encouraging polygamy/harems and some we even call "religion."


I agree with a lot of other people. It's shocking becuase it's so right there but this certainly isn't "new."

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He's just "on the cutting edge of what society needs"?




And, yes, in some states adultery is still illegal. In MD it's a misdemeanor and, I'm pretty sure, the only way to get a divorce in 30 days rather than the mandatory year of legal separation.

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Do you really think we've changed so much? It looks to me like SOME people are doing what SOME people have always done, except that now it's online.


Obviously this is disgusting, I just don't think it's MORE disgusting than what's always gone on. Society hasn't lost anything--they just haven't ever FOUND it. ;)


And except a loss of a 'sense of shame' and - how I see it anyway - an somewhat ambivalent attitude towards this type of behavior. We're so 'out there' with immorality.

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Well I never thought to bookmark it, but I read an article about this awhile back. It was probably linked from a business site, otherwise I can't imagine how I would have ever found it. (plausible deniability folks :tongue_smilie:)


So, the gist of the article was that the guy is a genius because there's so few women I believe who sign up, and this guy is bilking other guys out of fees for really not much potential of hooking up.


Did anyone else read that article? I remember being so disturbed about the concept, but then as I read to the end of the article, I was practically chuckling at how the (what I would consider) dirt balls using the site were getting scammed...

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True, but even here we've had pockets of society accepting and encouraging polygamy/harems and some we even call "religion."


I agree with a lot of other people. It's shocking becuase it's so right there but this certainly isn't "new."


We've definitely had those pockets, but they have been (and still are, generally) viewed as aberrant by society at large. Well, maybe with the exception of the 60's. :tongue_smilie:


I think what's so shocking (to me, anyway) is the blatant assertion that it's okay, acceptable, and even expected--"hey, let us help you do it."

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We've definitely had those pockets, but they have been (and still are, generally) viewed as aberrant by society at large. Well, maybe with the exception of the 60's. :tongue_smilie:


I think what's so shocking (to me, anyway) is the blatant assertion that it's okay, acceptable, and even expected--"hey, let us help you do it."


Yeah, it's so lazy! Back in the good ol' days, people were expected to do all their own leg work to have their affairs.

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Perhaps not just more openly, but more . . . democratically? Unashamed adultery for the everyman now, not just the rich and powerful.


Although, I think maybe comparing with non-western cultures is apples and oranges. They don't have the same Judeo-Christian background and social mores concerning marriage, etc. as we do. Polygamy and harems were accepted and expected, whereas adultery in our culture was not, at least not openly. I'm not saying that harems/polygamy are acceptable--just saying that it's not as relevant to the topic of the breakdown of our society's standards regarding adultery.


Democratically, yes, because women can get divorces/have affairs, too.


Wrt Judeo-Christian values, I don't think this one can be summarized that way: look how many wives Solomon had!

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What disturbs me about this service is that it is being advertised on the family television, into the family living room, trying to appeal through it's name "Ashley Madison" which according to statistics, are likely names you chose for your baby girl. "In an effort to attract women to the site, Biderman and his colleagues combined two of today's most popular baby names and invented their fictional proprietor." (from a news article on the company)


It's using the family to tear apart the family.

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What disturbs me about this service is that it is being advertised on the family television, into the family living room, trying to appeal through it's name "Ashley Madison" which according to statistics, are likely names you chose for your baby girl. "In an effort to attract women to the site, Biderman and his colleagues combined two of today's most popular baby names and invented their fictional proprietor." (from a news article on the company)


It's using the family to tear apart the family.



I would love the name Ashley Madison for a baby girl.....but this ruins it.

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What disturbs me about this service is that it is being advertised on the family television, into the family living room, trying to appeal through it's name "Ashley Madison" which according to statistics, are likely names you chose for your baby girl. "In an effort to attract women to the site, Biderman and his colleagues combined two of today's most popular baby names and invented their fictional proprietor." (from a news article on the company)


It's using the family to tear apart the family.


:iagree: Sad. So. Sad.

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I would love the name Ashley Madison for a baby girl.....but this ruins it.


I betcha there are lots of girls out there with that name. :glare: We know several Ashleys and a couple of Madisons. They're very popular names.


I was disturbed when I saw the commercial. I actually thought it was like an SNL skit or something.

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Democratically, yes, because women can get divorces/have affairs, too.


Wrt Judeo-Christian values, I don't think this one can be summarized that way: look how many wives Solomon had!


Well, that's true. I guess I was thinking of more modern times! Even though polygamy is in the OT, it's not accepted now and hasn't been for centuries by the vast majority of Christians and Jews.


And as far as democratically--now it's not just the rich and/or powerful men whose affairs are ignored/excused/accepted. Equal opportunity unfaithfulness. :001_huh:

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