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If you're keeping up with the current shows, we finally found out who River Song is. Yay! So, I guess we shouldn't post spoilers, but I'd like to know if you predicted who she was and was right?


DH and I had it pegged. I can't believe we have to wait months to find out what it means for the Doctor and his companions. Woo!

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I predicted her identity accurately as well, although my dh disagreed with me up to the end. :) I found the rest of the plot to be rather unsatisfactory, however. Without giving too many spoilers, I'll just say that the whole war seemed a bit out of the blue, or at least the collection of players in it seemed unexplained and bizarre. and WHAT is up with the headless monks! :confused: OH well....it was still fun to watch, of course.



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I predicted her identity accurately as well, although my dh disagreed with me up to the end. :) I found the rest of the plot to be rather unsatisfactory, however. Without giving too many spoilers, I'll just say that the whole war seemed a bit out of the blue, or at least the collection of players in it seemed unexplained and bizarre. and WHAT is up with the headless monks! :confused: OH well....it was still fun to watch, of course.



I agree!!! That was the big, giant war that left an imprint through history? Wasn't it kind of lame?


eta: I had guessed River's identity.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Dh had it guessed, I still wasn't sure, but although I enjoyed the episode it left me feeling a little underwhelmed. I went right back and watched Silence in the Library and it made me realize how much I like David Tennant, even with Stephen Moffats direction.


I enjoy Matt Smith as the Doctor, but this season has felt very American to me and much less like even the newer Doctor Who. Lots of sweeping plotlines and drama and less exploring fun and campy new places. I don't mind the season long plots, but I really enjoyed those plots being on the back burner before and now it seems like almost every episode is focused on it.

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although I enjoyed the episode it left me feeling a little underwhelmed. I went right back and watched Silence in the Library and it made me realize how much I like David Tennant, even with Stephen Moffats direction.


I enjoy Matt Smith as the Doctor, but this season has felt very American to me and much less like even the newer Doctor Who. Lots of sweeping plotlines and drama and less exploring fun and campy new places. I don't mind the season long plots, but I really enjoyed those plots being on the back burner before and now it seems like almost every episode is focused on it.


:iagree: with all of this too.

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I enjoy Matt Smith as the Doctor, but this season has felt very American to me and much less like even the newer Doctor Who. Lots of sweeping plotlines and drama and less exploring fun and campy new places. .


My kids have been watching the itunes and amazon downloads and it's doing extremely well in the US all season. I just checked and the last episode is #3 on itunes and #6 on the amazon movie/tv download bestseller list. Seasons 1-4 were streaming on Netflix this past winter so non-cable subscribers (like us) I'm sure have fallen into fandom and are going directly to the downloads to watch this season.


Anyone jumping in with season 6 is going to have the River Song mystery spoiled if they go back to pick up the earlier seasons.


We loved Eccelston and Tennant but have just been okay with the Matt Smith seasons. Often I felt like many episodes left too many unanswered questions, and didn't wrap up in a satisfactory way. I often think I'd have liked him better under different writers. By far my favorite this season was The Doctor's Wife, which was written by Neil Gaiman.


My daughter guessed River Song shortly into season 5. I was thinking more along the lines of a human imprint of the TARDIS, until a few espisodes ago. ;)

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I'm hoping the there is more to the war too. It seemed uneventful, maybe it's a timey-whimey thing and the before will be more significant then the after.


I have a thought that the people who were fighting create or having something to do with the library (the books were made from some special forest), so maybe it will all make sense later.


Matt Smith does excited well, but Tennant did drama. I like Eccelston for edgy and drama too.

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and WHAT is up with the headless monks! :confused:


DH remembers a line from an earlier episode when the Doctor took Amy to the museum in the first part of the Weeping Angels episodes. The Doctor said something about the museum being the final resting place for the headless monks. My DH has a very weird memory!

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Oh, and did you know that Steven Moffat told Alex Kingston, the actress who plays River Song, her character's true identity and background way before anyone else was told? She needed to know that information in order to play the role correctly. I wondered what it was like to hold such a big secret on a show that is known for keeping secrets. It's like being let into the special secret club. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, and did you know that Steven Moffat told Alex Kingston, the actress who plays River Song, her character's true identity and background way before anyone else was told? She needed to know that information in order to play the role correctly. I wondered what it was like to hold such a big secret on a show that is known for keeping secrets. It's like being let into the special secret club. :tongue_smilie:



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Yeah, I totally guessed it too, but it is fun to have all the implications, especially with her having a "time head" and all. I did feel like I wanted the war to be "bigger" or something. It just felt rushed or something and not nearly as epic as it could have been. Not to say I didn't thoroughly enjoy the episode, I just was hoping for more I think.


I was hoping that "The only water in the forest is the river" was going to be in reference to River being in the Library because of the forest of books, but alas, unless it has multiple meanings, that is not so.


Overall, I loved it and am excited that there will be more. Matt Smith just signed on for next season as well, so woo! Tenet is still my favorite, but I am enjoying Matt Smith quite a bit.

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I did not guess but I was trying to avoid speculation because I wanted to be surprised. I do think the way she spoke to Rory at the beginning of that episode was a bit telling





Oh and I posted more Silence pictures above






(Sorry, not tired of that joke yet :lol:)

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Do you think they'll keep Amy & Rory next season?


As much as I like them, I kind of hope not - part of the enjoyment of the series is the changing companions. It keeps things new and fresh.


Word on the street is that this is their last season. They both have other Brit tv jobs starting (or maybe Rory's is a play?).

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I read an interview with Matt Smith where he said his desire was to explore the "darker" side of the Doctor and that was his contribution to the Doctor. Personally, I think that concept makes the Doctor less likeable and less relatable than Tennant's version since it makes the Doctor less likely to want to save everyone and more comfortable with violence/war/death.


Smith's version also seems more "Nutty Professor" who lucks into brillance rather than the cool, calculated, genius of Tennant. It is obvious to me after a couple of seasons of Matt Smith, just how intelligent David Tennant is as an actor and how well he shaped and comprehended the Doctor's character. Smith is alright, but Tennant produced nuanced performances with layers of subtext that I really miss!

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Man, y'all are way too good at keeping the spoilers out of this thread! :lol: I'm going through Doctor Who on Netflix, and just watched Silence in the Library. I've seen the first Matt Smith season, but haven't been able to watch any of the episodes of the current season, sadly. And now, I still don't know who River is! :D


Is there any way to get the current season besides BBC America or iTunes? :)

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I was completely off on who she was. But I loved that last episode! I'm such a Rory fan and when he came busting in, all dressed in his Centurion garb and said "Where's my wife!", my heart did a little skip!


Also loved the line by the odd looking warrior dude, something along the lines of "I've been genetically enhanced! I make huge amounts of lactic fluid!" Kind of rolled off the couch.

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I'd like to know if you predicted who she was and was right?




Ds had it figured out long ago. I recently agreed with him. Dh thought we were probably right but held out on a definite opinion. And yes, we were right.


I didn't care for the last episode - none of us did.

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Ds had it figured out long ago. I recently agreed with him. Dh thought we were probably right but held out on a definite opinion. And yes, we were right.


I didn't care for the last episode - none of us did.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was so disappointed. The single episode could have been a two-parter with a lot more depth instead of what we got.

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Overall, I loved it and am excited that there will be more. Matt Smith just signed on for next season as well, so woo!


I just saw this today and if true it doesn't sound like it's paradise behind the scenes, resulting in a shortened season for 2012. Maybe it's just a rumor but it would be too bad right at the time they've got a new audience and plenty of rabid fans.



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They will not have a new or full season after this one, Moffat is taking a year from this. There will be at least a special. I'm very sad now. :crying:


It will be back, he's just taking a year off.


No!! I just found a show I like and I can actually watch with DD and I have to wait a year for new episodes???!! Say it isn't so...

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I just saw this today and if true it doesn't sound like it's paradise behind the scenes, resulting in a shortened season for 2012. Maybe it's just a rumor but it would be too bad right at the time they've got a new audience and plenty of rabid fans.




I'm a fan of Doctor Who on facebook, and it's the official Doctor Who people. They were the ones that announced it, so I think it is for real, but they might change it?


Also, I've been wondering who the greatest man she ever knew was, as well. I've been guessing it was Rory every since she said it. I mean, I think she said it to him, right?

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I'm a fan of Doctor Who on facebook, and it's the official Doctor Who people. They were the ones that announced it, so I think it is for real, but they might change it?


Uh-oh, is BBC not happy where SM has gone with it?


Also, I've been wondering who the greatest man she ever knew was, as well. I've been guessing it was Rory every since she said it. I mean, I think she said it to him, right?



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If you're keeping up with the current shows, we finally found out who River Song is. Yay! So, I guess we shouldn't post spoilers, but I'd like to know if you predicted who she was and was right?


DH and I had it pegged. I can't believe we have to wait months to find out what it means for the Doctor and his companions. Woo!


I had 3 options and this was one of them. I'm just not sure if it is my favorite.


I'm hoping the there is more to the war too. It seemed uneventful, maybe it's a timey-whimey thing and the before will be more significant then the after.


I have a thought that the people who were fighting create or having something to do with the library (the books were made from some special forest), so maybe it will all make sense later.


Matt Smith does excited well, but Tennant did drama. I like Eccelston for edgy and drama too.


I think the war might be important not so much in its scale but in the after effects. What is the Doctor willing to do now?


The person who made the library is explained in that episode-and why. I don't yet see a connection to the war. I'm not sure that the library from the Tenant episode is the same as the library/museum with Smith. Of course--that could all be incorrect assumptions on my part.


Yeah, I totally guessed it too, but it is fun to have all the implications, especially with her having a "time head" and all. I did feel like I wanted the war to be "bigger" or something. It just felt rushed or something and not nearly as epic as it could have been. Not to say I didn't thoroughly enjoy the episode, I just was hoping for more I think.


I was hoping that "The only water in the forest is the river" was going to be in reference to River being in the Library because of the forest of books, but alas, unless it has multiple meanings, that is not so.


Overall, I loved it and am excited that there will be more. Matt Smith just signed on for next season as well, so woo! Tenet is still my favorite, but I am enjoying Matt Smith quite a bit.


***Previous Season Spoiler*** If the Forest is the Library then yes-the only water is is the "River." Virtual though it may be.


Word on the street is that this is their last season. They both have other Brit tv jobs starting (or maybe Rory's is a play?).


They will not have a new or full season after this one, Moffat is taking a year from this. There will be at least a special. I'm very sad now. :crying:


It will be back, he's just taking a year off.


If Moffat is taking the year off and they are only doing something like a Christmas special then everyone could have other jobs for a while. I doubt we've seen the last of Rory and Amy as characters. And supposedly in the fall is Part 2 of this season so...


Anyone else sense a connection between the Weeping Angels episode where River arrives with the army who don't use military titles but rather monastic titles? I'm not sure what the connection is but it seems suspicious in light of this episode.

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Uh-oh, is BBC not happy where SM has gone with it?






Oh, I didn't mean that they are going to take it back, I was just speculating based on what the others were saying. And my bad for not knowing who said it. I still think Rory is the one she's talking about though. It would be so much cooler, even if it would be sad. Plus, a good man goes to war... it doesn't have to be just the Doctor, it could be referring to Rory as well.

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Anyone else sense a connection between the Weeping Angels episode where River arrives with the army who don't use military titles but rather monastic titles? I'm not sure what the connection is but it seems suspicious in light of this episode.



I noticed that! I think there's something there too. It could be awesome.

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If Moffat is taking the year off and they are only doing something like a Christmas special then everyone could have other jobs for a while. I doubt we've seen the last of Rory and Amy as characters. And supposedly in the fall is Part 2 of this season so...


That is true, but apparently, Rory got caught in an interview saying something like "now that I'm done with that..." And, yes! They will be back for part 2 of season 6, I'm just not sure after that.


Anyone else sense a connection between the Weeping Angels episode where River arrives with the army who don't use military titles but rather monastic titles? I'm not sure what the connection is but it seems suspicious in light of this episode.


Oh, yes, definitely a connection there.


Oh, I didn't mean that they are going to take it back, I was just speculating based on what the others were saying. And my bad for not knowing who said it. I still think Rory is the one she's talking about though. It would be so much cooler, even if it would be sad. Plus, a good man goes to war... it doesn't have to be just the Doctor, it could be referring to Rory as well.


Good point, I agree.

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****Current Season Spoiler Potential****





Why does the little girl in the abandoned orphanage have a picture of Amy in her room? (Astronaut episodes) That is another puzzle I am trying to work out. I can think of at least two possibilities.


***Spoilers again***** Although really you shouldn't be reading this thread if you don't want spoilers. ;)





I thought it was supposed to be plain that the little girl is you know who, right?

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But she can't cross her own timeline right? How does that work out?


In theory.


Yes, help me out here. The girl in the room was Amy's daughter, and also the girl in the astronaut suit? Or is the girl in the astronaut suit unrelated?


We don't really know. We are meant to believe that the girl in the suit is River. But, why would she then shoot at her young self?

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They will not have a new or full season after this one, Moffat is taking a year from this. There will be at least a special. I'm very sad now. :crying:


It will be back, he's just taking a year off.


According to various Tweets I've received this afternoon -- many of which are contradictory unfortunately -- there will be *some* episodes in 2012, but not a full season. It'll sort of be split between 2012 and 2013. I don't get it. It's more popular than it has ever been, and is finally getting some notice outside of the UK even. Why this move? {Confused}


But I also did read that MS is signed up for that season for sure. Still not "my" Doctor though... he's a good actor, but I think I'm just not a fan of Moffat. Oh well... the worst Doctor Who is better than the best of almost any other show, so I won't complain too loudly.

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"Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean, you turned up on my doorstep,
with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the singing towers. Oh, what a night that was! The towers sang, and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why, but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver; that should've been a clue. "


And a suit? Is that unusual for her doctor? They have to cross time streams if this is the case.


eta: I can't seem to fix the quote box, what is it doing?!

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I read an interview with Matt Smith where he said his desire was to explore the "darker" side of the Doctor and that was his contribution to the Doctor. Personally, I think that concept makes the Doctor less likeable and less relatable than Tennant's version since it makes the Doctor less likely to want to save everyone and more comfortable with violence/war/death.


But the reason I didn't like Tennant's run was because so many of the shows were dark. He was so obviously haunted by being the last of his race. I mean, obviously who wouldn't be depressed in such circumstances, but I just missed the storylines that focused more on the adventures he had rather than the emptiness he had inside. I was really hoping they would change all of that with Matt Smith.

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And a suit? Is that unusual for her doctor? They have to cross time streams if this is the case.


eta: I can't seem to fix the quote box, what is it doing?!


I read that quote as it being a new suit rather than wearing a suit. As in Matt Smith nearly always has the same suit on and Tenant had two suits in his wardrobe it seems like it would be memorable if the Doctor bought a new suit for any occasion.


But the reason I didn't like Tennant's run was because so many of the shows were dark. He was so obviously haunted by being the last of his race. I mean, obviously who wouldn't be depressed in such circumstances, but I just missed the storylines that focused more on the adventures he had rather than the emptiness he had inside. I was really hoping they would change all of that with Matt Smith.


I think the being haunted by being the last Time Lord aspect was sort of a run up to all that happened with the Master.

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But the reason I didn't like Tennant's run was because so many of the shows were dark. He was so obviously haunted by being the last of his race. I mean, obviously who wouldn't be depressed in such circumstances, but I just missed the storylines that focused more on the adventures he had rather than the emptiness he had inside. I was really hoping they would change all of that with Matt Smith.


Man, see, that was my most favorite part of Tennant's Doctor. It's what made me love Doctor Who so much. It was awesome. "I am Time Lord Victorious!" Awesome. I loved Tennant's internal struggle. It was powerful television.

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