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Because I don't want TNT to get into trouble...

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I'm starting this thread about the GOP debate tonight.


So, how did it go? Who performed best? Who didn't do so well?


I didn't watch (too busy watching the Stanley Cup Finals, which were much more relevant to my interests), but heard Bachman finally declared herself (insane?) as running in the race.


Please tell all to this mildly interested liberal. Also, to try to keep this thread even marginally legal, liberals are welcome to discuss their favorite candidates are as well, whoever he or she may be. (I'm sure it'll be a wide and varied field. :thumbup:)



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Since I tend to vote on the socially liberal side, I really don't have an interest in any of them. I don't believe for one second that one party is more fiscally conservative than the next, so it comes down to social issues for me. Now, if you'd give me a socially liberal, fiscally conservative GOP, it would get a whole lot more interesting to me. I think the terms may have been redefined.

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It is much, much too soon for debates. The length of our election season these days is ridiculous.


That said, I did try to watch, but could only handle a couple of minutes here and there. Based on what I saw, the candidates did the usual horrible job of answering the question. (They instead used the actual question as an excuse to launch into their canned speech for the most closely related topic.) And they all went over their time, so then I had to listen to the guy in the background saying, "Time, Time, Time."



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Social liberal and fiscal conservative that I am, Ron Paul is the only one I respect and could vote for out of this group.


In effort to keep this thread open, I'll just say I did a lot of laughing and yelling at the television, but I won't give details ;). I could stomach Dr. Paul if I had to. The rest of them make me want to cry.

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It is much, much too soon for debates. The length of our election season these days is ridiculous.


That said, I did try to watch, but could only handle a couple of minutes here and there. Based on what I saw, the candidates did the usual horrible job of answering the question. (They instead used the actual question as an excuse to launch into their canned speech for the most closely related topic.) And they all went over their time, so then I had to listen to the guy in the background saying, "Time, Time, Time."




:iagree: I did a lot of yelling at the television in the vain of "Just answer the question, pleeeeeze!" DS heard me and said all the candidates should go back to pre-school and hone their listening skills :lol:.

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Did anyone notice how many times the moderator tried to get them to turn on each other?:lol:


CNN seemed to have a preference as to which candidate deserved the most air time, too, although I can't confirm that by the clock. It just seemed that way.


Dh and I love a good debate, which usually won't happen during an election, but we'll vote based on an individual's record.;)

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It is much, much too soon for debates. The length of our election season these days is ridiculous.


That said, I did try to watch, but could only handle a couple of minutes here and there. Based on what I saw, the candidates did the usual horrible job of answering the question. (They instead used the actual question as an excuse to launch into their canned speech for the most closely related topic.) And they all went over their time, so then I had to listen to the guy in the background saying, "Time, Time, Time."




:iagree: and I didn't even see the thing. But I can imagine. :001_smile:

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It is much, much too soon for debates. The length of our election season these days is ridiculous.


That said, I did try to watch, but could only handle a couple of minutes here and there. Based on what I saw, the candidates did the usual horrible job of answering the question. (They instead used the actual question as an excuse to launch into their canned speech for the most closely related topic.) And they all went over their time, so then I had to listen to the guy in the background saying, "Time, Time, Time."




I would really like to hear longer answers. The short times seem to force

Soundbite canned responses rather than reveal much in the way of real policy or positions.

I would also like to se them debating each other more. Or at least forced to really respond to the question as well as respond to each other.

I amazes me that we have such a long political cycle and at the end have often heard or read little more than trite platitudes (this applies to many major candidates).

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Social liberal and fiscal conservative that I am, Ron Paul is the only one I respect and could vote for out of this group.


:iagree: He's the only one that doesn't make me want to say "Yeah, sure, right" to everything he says. :) But, also, that's just me.


I also get tired of even attempting to watch these things because they aren't saying anything new or even real. As someone else said, they just use the questions as an opportunity to roll out there same old/same old promises and claims. I wish I could watch a real debate with candidates spontaneously answering the real questions. I'd love to hear what they are capable of saying off the top of their heads rather than what's been practiced from their writers. :)

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I didn't watch because I so dread the next year and a half. I dread the fighting and name-calling and pointing fingers that will happen on both sides. I most dread how the media will control it all and really bring about what they want to happen because of their influence.


I'm conservative in many issues and moderate to liberal in a few. I don't believe there is one party or person out there that can run this country. Can we just send everyone in Washington home and start over? I think that is the only way to break the strongholds of paybacks and political power that exists there.

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In effort to keep this thread open, I'll just say I did a lot of laughing and yelling at the television, but I won't give details ;). I could stomach Dr. Paul if I had to. The rest of them make me want to cry.



I did the same thing. I will say the Michelle Bauchmann impressed me, but only because I thought she was an idiot before. She proved she is not a flaming idiot, but I still do not agree with her at.all. Other than that, I wasn't super impressed. I consider myself a slightly left-leaning moderate, though I would vote for a republican if I liked what he/she had to say.

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Long time Paul fan here. I have voted Libertarian in at least the last five elections and Paul is the only person I have ever seen that would cause my to vote otherwise. Unfortunately, I don't think he is electible but I am looking with hope towards his son.

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