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Doctor Who fans - can you help me find. . .

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a weeping angel statue? DH is a huge fan of Doctor Who and he has an important birthday coming up. I would LOVE to find a weeping angel statue suitable for putting outside, if possible, and available from a reputable seller.


My Google skills have failed me - although I did run across a very clever suggestion of how to make a miniature weeping angel from an old Barbie doll. I may have to try that one just for fun!


Many thanks,


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Here you go-they do have a few other models:


ETA: Sorry, I think this is more action figure sized.

Here is a cardboard cut-out from a party store in the UK:


Here is a place in the US with cutouts but no angel:


Here is an angel cut out on ebay:


Finally if you search "Doctor Who standup" on Amazon.com you get lots of characters-but no angel. The angels seem to be from the UK only.

Edited by JumpedIntoTheDeepEndFirst
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You are a kind hearted woman. I couldn't sleep at night (or blink comfortably) with a weeping angel about the house. :D


Dd10 would agree with you!! Of all the things in Doctor Who, these scared the bejeebers out of her. She has already informed me that we may not get any of these for our flower beds. :D

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Thanks for looking for me! I do like the cardboard cutout one from the U.K. but I was hoping for a statue that could be outside. . .so I could still feel safe inside with the doors locked.


We all thought the first weeping angels episode was the scariest episode we've seen. Although the Silence in the Library was a close second! (Hey. . .who turned out the lights?)



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a weeping angel statue? DH is a huge fan of Doctor Who and he has an important birthday coming up. I would LOVE to find a weeping angel statue suitable for putting outside, if possible, and available from a reputable seller.


My Google skills have failed me - although I did run across a very clever suggestion of how to make a miniature weeping angel from an old Barbie doll. I may have to try that one just for fun!


Many thanks,



:bigear: I hope someone finds one. We'd love a weeping angel in the yard.

Barbie as a weeping angel?! Do you have a link?




When we saw Blink we happened to have an angel doll in the "waiting to go to Goodwill" box. Instead, she now lives all over the house popping up where you least expect her!

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There is a place near us that sells lots of statues, and we have seen a few weeping angles there. We have been tempted to get one. We have a herb garden in our front lawn edge by bricks. We could put the statue in the center and write "Don't Blink" out with bricks. Of course, only our family and one other in town would have any idea what it meant. :001_smile:


If you find a large enough place that sells statues, you should find one. Good luck!

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We thought about getting one too. But it would go in our garden bed which is directly in front of dd19's window and she threatened to board up the window if we bought one. :lol:


You could always track down these people and hire them for a surprise birthday party. http://fiveprime.org/hivemind/Tags/costume,weepingangel/Interesting Okay, just kidding, but how cool and creative are they???

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Don't have a statue, but just wanted to say thanks! Some posts on this board inspired me to try Dr. Who, and now I'm addicted!


I started with the Memorial Day marathon, and just two days ago I ordered THREE complete set DVDs on Amazon! DD12 loves it, and we were SO TIRED of watching nothing but AFV and Animal Planet.


(But yes, Weeping Angels scared us both to death!)

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Don't have a statue, but just wanted to say thanks! Some posts on this board inspired me to try Dr. Who, and now I'm addicted!


If you have netflix, or perhaps something similar, check out some of the way old episodes. The older they are, the cheesier they are, but they are so great. I remember one episode where the monster looked like he was created with bubble wrap. It was hilarious!


I've liked all the doctors, but my favorite 2 are the 3rd and 4th doctors. The modern series began with the 9th doctor, actor Christopher Eccleston.

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