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Another episode of "Important Rules You Didn't Know You Should Make"

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I've had to remove a toad, several frogs and a wounded baby rabbit (looks like a cat got it, they were superficial though and the rabbit wasn't *that* young) from my home so far this summer.


I'm so glad I have girls who like to play with water, chalk and paint.



(edited because I just realized that Mrs. Mungo has more girls than boys!

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If a ground hog came in my house, I'd let him have the place.



When I was a teenager, I was hanging out in our living room with my sisters and some friends when we started to notice something smelled funny. After a half hour or so of searching, we found a dead groundhog under the couch, next to a nibbled-on electrical cord. :001_huh:


I don't consider myself a wuss, but we were so freaked out by the strangeness of it all that we wound up calling my ex boyfriend to come over and dispose of it!

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When I was little, my parents had a rule which stated that we should leave the chipmunks living in our wood pile alone. I was completely obsessed with those chipmunks and spent quite a bit of time watching them. I managed to catch one when I was about 5. It bit me. My parents were right. :D

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I'm so glad I have girls who like to play with water, chalk and paint.



(edited because I just realized that Mrs. Mungo has more girls than boys!


It's my middle *daughter* bringing all of these things in the house! My son screamed yesterday when she flung a toad at him. :lol:

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Yeah, my 6yo daughter is the one we worry about :) Thankfully, most of our rules for her center around where you can not pee (neighbors yards, loaves of bread - sigh) and not animals that don't belong inside. The worst we deal with there is pockets full of Roly Poly's and those don't bother me.


I may need to up my game if she escalates to all these critters you all are talking about!

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Same here! My kids are such quiet kids compared to those mentioned here!



on the other hand, I had some houserules that I never thought I would need, too! Like "drawers are meant to be closed", to which my son eagerly answered: "wow!!! You can close them????"



Yeah, I'm with you. Very few animal rules in our house--they do catch various creatures, including a few reptiles (no mammals yet), but thankfully, my children tend to know instinctively what would happen to them if they brought it in the house. Our new rules tend to be more like "don't wipe your nose on the wall" kinds of rules. :ack2:

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These guys are scarier than they look and we found one outside our door shortly after we moved in. DH went and caught it and threw it away not realizing they jump! There are some freaky things here.


I finally googled. You mean a "hopper!" That's what we called them growing up. No biggie. But I didn't like them if they went across your face at night. . .

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Yeah, my 6yo daughter is the one we worry about :) Thankfully, most of our rules for her center around where you can not pee (neighbors yards, loaves of bread - sigh)...


You too? Ds is driving me nuts with this. (Although I admit, a loaf of bread is way more inventive that dd...:tongue_smilie:)

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It is not okay to catch a chipmunk, put it in a shoe box, and take it into your bedroom.

Yes, this is the most recent rule in our house. To be on the safe side, I will add snakes, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, deer, bobcats, stray cats and dogs, the neighbors' baby, and bears. (We already have a rule on frogs, crickets, and caterpillars.)



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I have no words. That centipede... No, no. I would leave immediately and permanently. DH has a saying that I agree with wholeheartedly: "Anything with more than six legs is up to no good." I will not send him a link. He is manly as all get-out (especially in his kilt ;) ) and he would pass out.

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:lol: Oh, this cracks me up. Once, we had a baby snake in the house. I jumped up and down and said (loudly) to my ds "GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE!" I figured he should be the one since he liked snakes. He just stood there and looked at me. So, I quickly grabbed a dustpan, scooped it up and took it outside. He proceeded to find a container, scoop it up and bring it back in!! At least he got a container.:001_smile:


Oh, and we had a chipmunk once. They move FAST! and jump. Eeek. Theyr'e cute outside, but not so much in the house. Somehow, I got a window open and got it out. And screamed as it jumped toward me. My son and his friend thought this was hilarious, "Gee, Mom, I never heard you scream so loud."

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I'm suddenly thankful that we are living in a small apartment with no yard for roaming (not really, but I gotta find a plus to it!)


There are no animals around here to catch.


Although if my dreams of country life ever come true, I'm sure we'll be having our fair share. My DS is an animal lover. Good thing I'd only really be concerned with bugs!

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I hate centipedes. We have little American ones, and those Creep Me Out. I can handle most other bugs, but not those uglies.


I made the mistake of googling the Japanese ones....shudder!!!! And to think that they jump! I'm all itchy just thinking about it.


My kids don't bring in animals, but they pick their noses and eat it all the time and I'm just about at my wits end.

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I stepped on a crawdad in my bathroom the other evening. As near as I can figure it was in someone's pocket in that pile dirty clothes left in there after bath time.


No one will admit to it though.


I also think our rule for living things is more like, "it can come in if it is contained". At the moment we have many buckeye/polyphemous moth eggs, a Regal Moth, many crawdads, minnows, a chub, a perch, a baby bass, some water bugs, a few flatworms, a slime mold, a tree frog, a green frog, many tadpoles, and a crane fly larve (yuck, my sweet 2yodd brought this in today) living in various containers living on the bar in our school room. They come and go, we used to have the coolest little baby map turtle. I also have a soft spot for praying mantis.

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However you still have to have rules for the containers used.


Otherwise the cute dollar store bug jar from grandma ends up empty, and the 35 fireflies you thought had been let go outside end up all over your in-laws' house. :blushing:

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I finally googled. You mean a "hopper!" That's what we called them growing up. No biggie. But I didn't like them if they went across your face at night. . .


I've never heard them called hoppers. Most call them geji-geji (I think that's how it was spelled on google) we've only seen a couple here and a few regular centipedes, so not too bad. Not as many, or as big as the ones in Korea.:tongue_smilie:

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I've never heard them called hoppers. Most call them geji-geji (I think that's how it was spelled on google) we've only seen a couple here and a few regular centipedes, so not too bad. Not as many, or as big as the ones in Korea.:tongue_smilie:


I think we called the hoppers because that doesn't sound as scary as centipedes. . .

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You all are some brave ladies! There is NO way I could let bugs and snakes and rodents in my house. I can barely tolerate my dogs! I thought I was going to faint when I goggles that centipede! I'd let the centipede know that rent is due at the first of the month, and get the heck out of dodge. I am so grossed by bugs.


I am :lol: at some of these stories though! It's good for future reference since mine are all still little ones.

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It is not okay to catch a chipmunk, put it in a shoe box, and take it into your bedroom.

Yes, this is the most recent rule in our house. To be on the safe side, I will add snakes, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, deer, bobcats, stray cats and dogs, the neighbors' baby, and bears. (We already have a rule on frogs, crickets, and caterpillars.)


Have you by any chance been letting them listen to the "Mississippi Squirrel Revival". Just be glad it didn't happen in church. :lol::lol::lol:

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