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Dear Troll Hunters

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My point is that I've seen one post that questioned Faith. Just one. And Faith responded by saying she'd put that poster's name by her computer and make sure that she (Faith) questioned that poster if that poster ever bragged about her children.


Faith has posted more than once that people (multiple) are accusing her of lying and being a troll.


Where are all those accusatory posts?



I never saw your post, but I saw others. One person said her stories were "unbelievable."


Edited: post 11 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=270170&page=2

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I remember someone accusing another person of being a troll simply because the new board member knew how to use the multi-quote function. I found that a bit bizarre. :tongue_smilie: I guess that's one for the 'they might be a troll if...'

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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.

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And sometimes after things are confronted, comes a good time to diffuse things a little, maybe...or maybe not. :001_smile:




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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.

Stroke victims can be... ornery. Stroke victims have been known to refuse medical assistance. I can easily see how it could happen that a stroke victim refused help with anything.


Some times all a person can do is wait for a sick person to pass out so help can be given.

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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.


And here we go with the suspicion and the innuendo. As if she hasn't had a crappy enough day already.

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Stroke victims can be... ornery. Stroke victims have been known to refuse medical assistance. I can easily see how it could happen that a stroke victim refused help with anything.


Some times all a person can do is wait for a sick person to pass out so help can be given.


*shrug* I'm just sayin'. If I've got a loved one in the middle of a medical emergency, logging on to my favorite message boards is generally the last thing on my mind, whether the person is being ornery or not.

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*shrug* I'm just sayin'. If I've got a loved one in the middle of a medical emergency, logging on to my favorite message boards is generally the last thing on my mind, whether the person is being ornery or not.


What is your purpose for saying it? To make yourself feel better? To put someone else down?

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And here we go with the suspicion and the innuendo. As if she hasn't had a crappy enough day already.


Like I said, I'd think that of anyone. If it was my best friend who'd posted the same thing, I'd tell her to get off the computer and help the poor man with his shoes.

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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.

Would you call them out on it?


I guess it seems like one thing to think someone is a liar/troll or a bad person/parent and another to single them out.

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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.


I wondered the same thing as well, not what I would do, but there is so much unknown that I dont want to judge. I wondered not that it wasnt really happening, but how her dh may have felt, the again I dont judge...so much unknown.

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What is your purpose for saying it? To make yourself feel better? To put someone else down?


I'm not quite sure how that would make me feel better, exactly. :confused: You knew exactly where this thread was going to go when you posted it. You knew there were people here who feel the way I do about this. I don't really understand the drama and upset over me stating why I feel the way I do.


And really, being of the belief that one should help stroke victims get dressed for the hospital isn't exactly controversial.

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Stroke victims can be... ornery. Stroke victims have been known to refuse medical assistance. I can easily see how it could happen that a stroke victim refused help with anything.


Some times all a person can do is wait for a sick person to pass out so help can be given.

:iagree: , but I have to say... Ime, sick/injured men are difficult. Dh's grampa wouldn't accept help until he nearly passed out, my dad waits till he's mid siezure. Perhaps it's really sick/injured people. You feel a loss of control and insist on doing everything yourself, it's like they're trying to prove they're still capable.

What is your purpose for saying it? To make yourself feel better? To put someone else down?

That's something I should keep in mind.

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Would you call them out on it?


I guess it seems like one thing to think someone is a liar/troll or a bad person/parent and another to single them out.


Not on the thread itself. And I didn't, obviously. But when someone starts a thread like this, obviously looking to start a fight on the subject, then I'll say something.

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To be blunt, if anyone, no matter who it is and which board it's on, is posting to a message board while a family member is having a stroke and trying to get shoes on, I'm going to wonder. Even if the person is telling the truth, I mean, come on. Help the poor guy with his shoes.


Two 17 year old boys were helping him. He needed prayer. That post took me about 10 seconds. I type at least 100 wpm. My clogs were under my desk. I was shoving my feet into them at the same time. I was already logged onto the boards.


He had the stroke at 4 a.m. He didn't tell anyone until a few minutes before I posted, which was around 9:15 a.m. I ran to get dressed. I was in an online meeting with DS3's cyber school teachers and still wearing PJs. DH was already showered, dressed, and about to leave for work.


You may not like me, but I really wish you wouldn't be so critical. If you have a problem with me, PM me or ignore me.


I don't think I did anything wrong, and neither does any member of my family. In fact, DD was especially appreciative that I had quickly posted a request for prayer. We are Christians. We believe in the power of prayer.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Two 17 year old boys were helping him. He needed prayer. That post took me about 10 seconds. I type at least 100 wpm.


Hey, it's your call. But this thread was starting with the obvious intent of starting a huge fight, and I'm just explaining why some of us are a little :confused: when posts like that come up.

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Not on the thread itself. And I didn't, obviously. But when someone starts a thread like this, obviously looking to start a fight on the subject, then I'll say something.


I started this thread because the behavior of troll hunters - bullies really - on this board has created an atmosphere that is hateful and harmful to people on this board. I chose my words very carefully in starting this thread because my primary purpose was to hopefully get some people to think about WHY they would post things that other people would read. Isn't that what you would ask a bully on the playground? WHY they would choose to call someone names and belittle them? Hoping that it might possibly change their behavior?


I also wanted to give some support to those who have been affected by this crap. Unfortunately it has brought out again someone who is saying hurtful things to a very dear friend of mine.

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Not on the thread itself. And I didn't, obviously. But when someone starts a thread like this, obviously looking to start a fight on the subject, then I'll say something.

I don't believe I've ever seen Jean try to start a fight. If anything, imo/e, she tends to want to end arguing and meaness.


Wednesday my nephew needed surgery for a condition he was diagnosed with last week. After so many suspicious troll threads I didn't want to post here for support/prayers, because I wouldn't be able to deal with a bunch of t.h. junk. The day of the surgery I posted on impulse. I was worried sick.


Now, I'm not the only one hestitant to look for support and Jean knows this because (now I'm guessing) people turn to Jean for support. For her to send out a PSA that the troll hunts have caused people to fear posting was less of a calling out for a fight than a heads up that the suspicions have had (hopefully) unintended consequences.

Two 17 year old boys were helping him. He needed prayer. That post took me about 10 seconds. I type at least 100 wpm.


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Would you call them out on it?


I guess it seems like one thing to think someone is a liar/troll or a bad person/parent and another to single them out.

I tell IRL people all the time that what they are saying sounds like B.S., and you know what? They may deny it at the time, but later they usually admit to me that I was right on calling B.S.

I've had to tell people to get a grip and point out what should be their priority- sometimes when they are just stressed from normal stuff, sometimes when they are excited and/or upset dealing with something big.

So, yes, *I* would call them out on it.


I don't get how this thread is supposed to be any 'better' than a troll hunting thread- it's calling out people who have posted certain things on this forum. Pot, meet kettle. ;)

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Two 17 year old boys were helping him. He needed prayer. That post took me about 10 seconds. I type at least 100 wpm. My clogs were under my desk. I was shoving my feet into them at the same time. I was already logged onto the boards.


You may not like me, but I really wish you wouldn't be so critical. If you have a problem with me, PM me or ignore me.


See, I can totally see me saying OMGoodness ____ is having a stroke and asking for prayers, which takes only a few seconds and then running to the ER if I was sitting here reading on the forums when it happened. I would, so it doesn't seem weird to me. Other people wouldn't so it seems weird to them. That's where we need to remember that not everyone reacts as we would. Most troll hunting seems to have a large helping of, "I would never ____." Maybe it would help if people stopped expecting everyone to be the same as themselves and being suspicious when someone is different from us.

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I tell IRL people all the time that what they are saying sounds like B.S., and you know what? They may deny it at the time, but later they usually admit to me that I was right on calling B.S.

I've had to tell people to get a grip and point out what should be their priority- sometimes when they are just stressed from normal stuff, sometimes when they are excited and/or upset dealing with something big.

So, yes, *I* would call them out on it.


I don't get how this thread is supposed to be any 'better' than a troll hunting thread- it's calling out people who have posted certain things on this forum. Pot, meet kettle. ;)


No, it's pointing out that people, real people, are getting hurt.

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I don't believe I've ever seen Jean try to start a fight. If anything, imo/e, she tends to want to end arguing and meaness.


Wednesday my nephew needed surgery for a condition he was diagnosed with last week. After so many suspicious troll threads I didn't want to post here for support/prayers, because I wouldn't be able to deal with a bunch of t.h. junk. The day of the surgery I posted on impulse. I was worried sick.


Now, I'm not the only one hestitant to look for support and Jean knows this because (now I'm guessing) people turn to Jean for support. For her to send out a PSA that the troll hunts have caused people to fear posting was less of a calling out for a fight than a heads up that the suspicions have had (hopefully) unintended consequences.




Good grief. People ask for support here all the time and no one says a word. It's not the act of asking for support that makes people wonder, but the timing. If someone comes online and says, "Someone broke into my house, please pray for me," of course everyone is going to be supportive. If someone comes on and says, "Someone is breaking into my house right now, please pray for me," it's going to raise a few eyebrows. That's the difference.

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Good grief. People ask for support here all the time and no one says a word. It's not the act of asking for support that makes people wonder, but the timing. If someone comes online and says, "Someone broke into my house, please pray for me," of course everyone is going to be supportive. If someone comes on and says, "Someone is breaking into my house right now, please pray for me," it's going to raise a few eyebrows. That's the difference.


If I'm hiding in my closet from an intruder and happen to have a smartphone with this forum on it in my pocket, and I've already called the police, I think I'd ask for prayers wherever I could get them. :lol:

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Two 17 year old boys were helping him. He needed prayer. That post took me about 10 seconds. I type at least 100 wpm. My clogs were under my desk. I was shoving my feet into them at the same time. I was already logged onto the boards.


You may not like me, but I really wish you wouldn't be so critical. If you have a problem with me, PM me or ignore me.


Ignore the haters. The rest of us are happy to pray. My life has been mostly free of this sort of trial, but you can bet your last dollar that if my dh had a stroke I'd be begging for prayers too as soon as I had the chance. :grouphug:

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Like I said, I'd think that of anyone. If it was my best friend who'd posted the same thing, I'd tell her to get off the computer and help the poor man with his shoes.


Obviously I have gathered that the poster who this thread is about today is a well-loved and long time member of this board. I understand the support she has received.


But, I am new and had no idea who she was and when I saw the thread I had a :confused: too. Not because I didn't think she deserved prayers but because I thought it was an odd thing to post on a message board while your husband is having a dire medical issue.


I've been on a lot of forums in the last 10 years and I have seen the devastation trolls can cause a tight knit forum community. I'm NOT saying this lady is a troll, clearly a lot of people here know her well and have vouched for her, but I don't think there is anything wrong with people being cautious online and following their gut if something seems a little bit off about another person's posting pattern.


I don't think it is fair to get on Mergath's case about stating what others are probably thinking, especially those who have not been here very long and have no real ties to anyone on the board and are pretty much flying solo and making judgments based on exactly what they are seeing posted in the here and now.

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See, I can totally see me saying OMGoodness ____ is having a stroke and asking for prayers, which takes only a few seconds and then running to the ER if I was sitting here reading on the forums when it happened. I would, so it doesn't seem weird to me. Other people wouldn't so it seems weird to them. That's where we need to remember that not everyone reacts as we would. Most troll hunting seems to have a large helping of, "I would never ____." Maybe it would help if people stopped expecting everyone to be the same as themselves and being suspicious when someone is different from us.


Be humble

Post your opinions and your experiences, but remember that other families may have different experiences than yours and may reason their way with impeccable logic to different conclusions. Posts which "lay down the law" may be deleted.

This is my favorite board rule ;). Humility goes a long way. Sure, we have every "right" to voice our opinions, but that doesn't make it kind, humble or civil.

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See, I can totally see me saying OMGoodness ____ is having a stroke and asking for prayers, which takes only a few seconds and then running to the ER if I was sitting here reading on the forums when it happened. I would, so it doesn't seem weird to me. Other people wouldn't so it seems weird to them. That's where we need to remember that not everyone reacts as we would. Most troll hunting seems to have a large helping of, "I would never ____." Maybe it would help if people stopped expecting everyone to be the same as themselves and being suspicious when someone is different from us.


At the same time, it's very prudent not to take everyone you "meet" online at face value. If I blindly accepted everything everyone said online, I'd get hurt. A lot. A little caution is good.


And it's good to keep in mind that this is a public forum. When I'm in the kind of emotional state where I can't handle any less-than-glowing comments, I tend to avoid the internet all together. God knows that I've received my share of snarky remarks here over everything from differences in politics and religion to scrapbooking. ;)

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Obviously I have gathered that the poster who this thread is about today is a well-loved and long time member of this board. I understand the support she has received.


But, I am new and had no idea who she was and when I saw the thread I had a :confused: too. Not because I didn't think she deserved prayers but because I thought it was an odd thing to post on a message board while your husband is having a dire medical issue.


It is perfectly fine to think that. ;)

I've been on a lot of forums in the last 10 years and I have seen the devastation trolls can cause a tight knit forum community. I'm NOT saying this lady is a troll, clearly a lot of people here know her well and have vouched for her, but I don't think there is anything wrong with people being cautious online and following their gut if something seems a little bit off about another person's posting pattern.

Every should be cautious and follow their gut....that doesn't been calling into question someone's motives. It means ignore them.:confused:

I don't think it is fair to get on Mergath's case about stating what others are probably thinking, especially those who have not been here very long and have no real ties to anyone on the board and are pretty much flying solo and making judgments based on exactly what they are seeing posted in the here and now.


I do not think anyone is saying you cannot think something about someone. We are not the mind police. Things stike me as odd all the time :D. I just try not to voice it.

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I do not think anyone is saying you cannot think something about someone. We are not the mind police. Things stike me as odd all the time :D. I just try not to voice it.


I guess I've missed the previous discussion about this. But the OP seemed to sort of beg the discussion that Mergath responded to by posting this thread in the first place. Which is why I also added to her comments here.


Hey, I'm not trying to take sides, I guess I should just butt out! ;)

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I do not think anyone is saying you cannot think something about someone. We are not the mind police. Things stike me as odd all the time :D. I just try not to voice it.


And most of us don't... until a thread like this comes along. I've never once said anything on a support thread where I had my doubts about someone. I just refrain from posting anything. It's the threads like this one that start the bickering, where people post intentionally calling out other people.

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No one has ever said that you should believe or act on every single post you see on this forum, much less the internet in general. If you did a search for my comments on this issue on other threads you will see where I specifically say not to give money or to trust other people with your personal information etc. just on their say-so.


And threads asking for "good thoughts and prayers" are just that - asking for voluntary expressions of good will and in the case of prayers, asking for you to go to God in their behalf. If you have no good thoughts to give them, then don't!


One more thing about starting this thread. I had hoped that (as is often the case) that people weren't necessarily aware of the ramifications of troll hunting on other people and how it could hurt them by making them not want to post. That was why I pointed it out. If people don't care at all about how other people feel, then well, I guess I should have saved my breath (or my fingers in this case).

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I guess I've missed the previous discussion about this. But the OP seemed to sort of beg the discussion that Mergath responded to by posting this thread in the first place. Which is why I also added to her comments here.



We seem to be thinking along quite similar lines today. :tongue_smilie:

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Good grief. People ask for support here all the time and no one says a word. It's not the act of asking for support that makes people wonder, but the timing. If someone comes online and says, "Someone broke into my house, please pray for me," of course everyone is going to be supportive. If someone comes on and says, "Someone is breaking into my house right now, please pray for me," it's going to raise a few eyebrows. That's the difference.

I've emailed people from the hive just before I ran out the door to the er before. I would've posted, but didn't have a chance at the time. If the page was already opened, I would've posted the thread myself.


Mergath, you're an athiest right (or do I have you mixed up with someone else?)? Here's the thing, as a Christian I believe that the power of prayer is huge, life changing, effective. When I need it, I ask for it, and I will make time to ask for it if I have to.


If I'm hiding in my closet from an intruder and happen to have a smartphone with this forum on it in my pocket, and I've already called the police, I think I'd ask for prayers wherever I could get them. :lol:


Ignore the haters. The rest of us are happy to pray. My life has been mostly free of this sort of trial, but you can bet your last dollar that if my dh had a stroke I'd be begging for prayers too as soon as I had the chance. :grouphug:


I do not think anyone is saying you cannot think something about someone. We are not the mind police. Things stike me as odd all the time :D. I just try not to voice it.


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And most of us don't... until a thread like this comes along. I've never once said anything on a support thread where I had my doubts about someone. I just refrain from posting anything. It's the threads like this one that start the bickering, where people post intentionally calling out other people.


Mergath, I have never seen you post anything "I" have had a problem with in any other threads. ;) That said this "should" be a place where people can come for support. Lately, there have been quite a few accusations going around. I too feel less comfortable. If my son were to get injured tomorrow (instead of a month ago) I probably would not post on the general board. I think that is what Jean was pointing out.

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Mergath, you're an athiest right (or do I have you mixed up with someone else?)? Here's the thing, as a Christian I believe that the power of prayer is huge, life changing, effective. When I need it, I ask for it, and I will make time to ask for it if I have to.



Pagan, actually. We pray too. :001_smile:

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Mergath, you're an athiest right (or do I have you mixed up with someone else?)? Here's the thing, as a Christian I believe that the power of prayer is huge, life changing, effective. When I need it, I ask for it, and I will make time to ask for it if I have to.




HEY! Us atheists can ask for support or good thoughts, too! :tongue_smilie: :D

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