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OK, here is our new school room ***LOVE***

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We bought a new house and one requirement was a separate area for school. This new house has a big livingroom in the basement and we turned about 3/4 of it into the school room. The other end has a couch/loveseat/tv. I put it all together over the last 2 days and I am sure I need to adjust more and I need chairs but it is good for now. Now I want to start school now instead of end of summer (but I have a million other things to do first).

Here is what we had...schoolroom in the dining room (so we ate in the livingroom).





Here is the mess before I started putting it all away.



And here is the final (for now) room. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! The 8 stacking bins were found in the alley by our house when someone was moving. They still had tags on them! SCORE!



My thrift store find abacus for $1.00. It is huge!


I took someone's idea of putting little containers on a lazy susan. I found 4 different containers with hearts on them at the Goodwill.


It's organized...for a minute!

Edited by misidawnrn
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Very wonderful! I love that you got the school room done first, priorities :D and a catalyst for getting the other million things done so you can use your new school room. Yeah! Congrats.


I actually got the livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, both bathrooms, DD7's room, and our bedroom done first, then the school room...next...my sewing room! I am equally excited about having my own space for sewing without having to share a space with my stepdaughters (they graciously gave me a wall in their room in our old house).


You did a nice job on your school room. It looks great. I love the abacus mounted on the wall. Can you take it down when you want to?


You must feel so good now. Enjoy!



I have a smaller abacus that stands up, but I can take it down, it's just 5 nails but I mounted it close to the floor for sitting in front of and counting the numbers above it for when little DD gets that old.

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I love it! The containers on a lazy susan is a brilliant idea! and I really like how the stacking bins were a) free and b) graduated. Very handy!


Fantastic job, Melissa!!


eta - I just read that you also now have a sewing room - woohoo!

Edited by Mothersweets
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