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I'm about to post a picture of myself in a kilt holding a crock pot and wearing an "I was left behind" tshirt. Sorry you'll miss that.;)


You Traitor!


If you really must know, it's a multi-tasking fitness system that pairs gardening with functional exercise. It's called "Hoe Your Way to Good Health". :lol:


Sounds like a dirty hoe.


Until the hoe breaks...


Then it would be a dirty crack(ed) hoe.





I am sick, suffering on my couch with a sinus infections, and laughing so hard my DH is concerned that I'm losing my mind! At least when you are forced to bed and bored, you always have the ladies at the WTM forums to entertain.


And really, why did she go to bed so early? Did she have a hot date tomorrow morning? What does she have to do, teach school?!?!

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And really, why did she go to bed so early? Did she have a hot date tomorrow morning? What does she have to do, teach school?!?!

Just being all superior, she has things to do in the am or some such. Being all snooty cause she has a life. :tongue_smilie:

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Back then (don't know if still available now), belly dancing was all the rage as exercise. People would take lessons. They had flat stomachs and very toned abdominal muscles. I thought about it, but I decided to wait until I looked like I Dream of Jeannie first.


My mom taught those lessons at the YMCA. When she was young (like, before she had me) and before the belly dancing craze, she was a ballet dancer with the Louisville Ballet. She belly danced until I was in junior high, and then she injured her knee. TBH, I was happy she stopped. It was a bit embarrassing as a 12-13 year old to have a mother who belly danced. No one else's mother did that! LOL


And, I remember the record albums, "How to Belly Dance for Your Husband" :lol:

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I should have known better. I only clicked on this thread to find out why it took 6 pages to say goodnight to Parrothead. I see I stumbled upon The Late Show again.... Now I'll be up for at least another half hour laughing at anything remotely silly (hiding in the master closet with the computer so DH can sleep)

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Lemme get this straight:


So far, we have a dirty hoer of a pastor's wife

An infectious person

An incontinent 'liker'

And a closet case.


That's not even getting into the tassle issues.


And ppl think *I'm* twisted. :001_huh:

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E-how has multiple tutorials to learn how to twirl tassels or spin pasties. :001_huh:


I'd never even heard of this before, but thanks to the internet I know the secret! Practice and muscle control. How boring. I was hoping for batteries.

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E-how has multiple tutorials to learn how to twirl tassels or spin pasties. :001_huh:


I'd never even heard of this before, but thanks to the internet I know the secret! Practice and muscle control. How boring. I was hoping for batteries.

Hmmm.....why were you looking that up? ;)

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E-how has multiple tutorials to learn how to twirl tassels or spin pasties. :001_huh:


I'd never even heard of this before, but thanks to the internet I know the secret! Practice and muscle control. How boring. I was hoping for batteries.


OH MrsBasil. . .there are soooooooo many things I could say about that one, but I will refrain:lol:

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Lemme get this straight:


So far, we have a dirty hoer of a pastor's wife

An infectious person

An incontinent 'liker'

And a closet case.


That's not even getting into the tassle issues.


And ppl think *I'm* twisted. :001_huh:


Someone took her silly pills tonight. :lol:

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Just being all superior, she has things to do in the am or some such. Being all snooty cause she has a life. :tongue_smilie:


I knew she was getting too high in the instep! She's probably lurking to see if we're talking about her. This whole thread is a TRAP!!!! RUN!!!!!:leaving:

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I'm sure she was sacrificing her time and effort to enlighten her fellow boardies. We have such dedicated people here! :tongue_smilie:


Well...it's totally not because the first several mentions of spinning pasties had me picturing little propeller beanie type things warn on booKs or anything like that.


Note to self: When referencing, ahem, burlesque wear...probably best to not also mention batteries in the same post. :blink:

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Lemme get this straight:


So far, we have a dirty hoer of a pastor's wife

An infectious person

An incontinent 'liker'

And a closet case.


That's not even getting into the tassle issues.


And ppl think *I'm* twisted. :001_huh:


At least my infection will be gone in a couple of days. I'm worried about the others.:lol:

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Now, y'all don't go getting all controversial without me. Oh, not too much fun either. Actually, y'all just kind of hang around not posting or doing anything interesting until I get back tomorrow. That way I don't miss anything.


Okay, carry on doing nothing.









This is brilliant. I wished I had thought of it every long ago to post every weekend when my hubby is home or I a visiting the kids. All the good stuff happens when I am gone and I always miss it. As a matter of fact, you guys must go crazy when I am gone because I frequently come back to an entire page of locked, closed or deleted threads followed by our lovely moderators wry comments. ;)

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Mine too, but never the physics of pastie spinning.


Somehow I'm doubting Jean is the first hoer you know. :tongue_smilie:


I actually know the physics involved. I just can't reproduce it. Actually, I am not sure. I have never tried but given that just sitting and standing are sometimes extraordinarily difficult, I don't think I want to try and I am pretty sure that if I did I would fail and who knows, maybe even break a hip or something. :001_smile:

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You think some people here might take up hoeing permanently?! :svengo:

Surely it's just to get through college....



IDK, we better ask Jean what her plans are. (Dorinda says through tears because she's laughing so hard.)

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E-how has multiple tutorials to learn how to twirl tassels or spin pasties. :001_huh:


I'd never even heard of this before, but thanks to the internet I know the secret! Practice and muscle control. How boring. I was hoping for batteries.

Unless you can type with them, or some other housework, sounds like too much time and effort to me.

Is there an undergarment for this sort of thing? :001_huh:


One would hope. Dribbling likers. Eeeesh.


You think some people here might take up hoeing permanently?! :svengo:

Surely it's just to get through college....

*snort* That's what they all say. First college, then a house...then the kid's college...

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And really, why did she go to bed so early? Did she have a hot date tomorrow morning? What does she have to do, teach school?!?!

I was up early yesterday to get my friend to the doctor for a appointment that could have gone good or bad. Luckily she is fine and now I'm well rested.

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Lemme get this straight:


So far, we have a dirty hoer of a pastor's wife

An infectious person

An incontinent 'liker'

And a closet case.


That's not even getting into the tassle issues.


And ppl think *I'm* twisted. :001_huh:

No, sugarplum, we *know* you are twisted.


:lol::lol: :grouphug:

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No, sugarplum, we *know* you are twisted.


:lol::lol: :grouphug:

What the heck *is* a sugar plum, anyways? Other than in Twas The Night Before Christmas, I've never heard of them...


And we kept it to one thread. That took discipline. Lots of discipline.

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I was up early yesterday to get my friend to the doctor for a appointment that could have gone good or bad. Luckily she is fine and now I'm well rested.


I'm so glad!


Thank you all for such consideration. Let the new kerfuffle begin.


As for the thread, I blame Imp:leaving:

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no, I think Jean and Imp are co-conspirators. In fact, I know they are.



So Imp is the bad girl "front man" and Jean is behind the scenes egging her on? :D Lest we forget, RoughCollie dropped a bomb and ran, and that did start the whole thing.;)


Surely, though, the rest of us were innocent.:tongue_smilie: (Says the chick who was never once caught sneaking off campus for lunch in high school, skipping classes to go to the donut shop, etc...)

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I'm so glad!




As for the thread, I blame Imp:leaving:

Typical. Blame the Imp. *sigh*

:lol: I must concur. Some tried to blame Jean, but I see her as an innocent victim of slander. "Dirty crack hoe", my butt...:lol:

Your butt? Sounds like a personal problem to me...

no, I think Jean and Imp are co-conspirators. In fact, I know they are.


I can honestly say that there was no behind the scenes collusion.


Why am I never labeled the innocent one? *sniffle*

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Because while RC was the instigator, you were the one who took the ball and ran with it! (I, on the otherhand, was a totally innocent - and maligned! - bystander.)


Jean, come on now. :D It's fun to be bad at least SOMEtimes!!!;)


Ok, now I think it was RoughCollie who was the mastermind, with Imp and Jean co-conspirators.


But I'm so sweet and innocent that I don't even know what this thread is about. Why would one spin pastries? I love to enjoy mine with a nice cup of coffee.;):lol:


Who made that crack-butt hoe statement? That made me :svengo:

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Jean, come on now. :D It's fun to be bad at least SOMEtimes!!!;)


Ok, now I think it was RoughCollie who was the mastermind, with Imp and Jean co-conspirators.


But I'm so sweet and innocent that I don't even know what this thread is about. Why would one spin pastries? I love to enjoy mine with a nice cup of coffee.;):lol:


Who made that crack-butt hoe statement? That made me :svengo:



That was Imp.

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Ok, now I think it was RoughCollie who was the mastermind, with Imp and Jean co-conspirators.


Nope! Jean was the mastermind. She knows me well enough to have realized that her fitness program's name was something I would feel compelled to mention.


She's a PW, so it had to come through me. I'm just another tool of Jean's -- emphasis on *another* -- I am not a hoe. Perhaps a rake. Yeah, that sounds good. Better than shovel.

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That was Imp.


But of course. That's why I like her.:lol::lol::lol:

*smiles innocently* Me?

Nope! Jean was the mastermind. She knows me well enough to have realized that her fitness program's name was something I would feel compelled to mention.


She's a PW, so it had to come through me. I'm just another tool of Jean's -- emphasis on *another* -- I am not a hoe. Perhaps a rake. Yeah, that sounds good. Better than shovel.

I agree. Jean's fault. She had to know that it couldn't be let go.


I am not a tool, though. Leaving the implements to Rough Collie and Jean.

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Nope! Jean was the mastermind. She knows me well enough to have realized that her fitness program's name was something I would feel compelled to mention.


She's a PW, so it had to come through me. I'm just another tool of Jean's -- emphasis on *another* -- I am not a hoe. Perhaps a rake. Yeah, that sounds good. Better than shovel.


:Angel_anim: (you're a trowel. Or perhaps the "claw" - I have a very wicked "claw" for weeding that would take out a whole posse of invading ninjas.)

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