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May 21st- why that date?

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Oh poor me. :lol:


Maybe you and I could get together for a little post-Rapture coffee clatch. I'll bring the marshmallows. Should be plenty of flames for roasting 'em. ;)


Last night I had a dream that I bought marshmallows! I guess I was preparing for visitors... lol! So you're all welcome around my firepit, if you'd like.

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I only found out about the Rapture last night- so I had a look online. I find it amazing to see that so many websites are promoting this. Why are people that gullible?


I wonder if most of these people who truly believe it kept money in their bank accounts and their mortgages paid up "just in case".


And I wonder what will happen on May 22 to them. Will they actually have a look at themselves or just make excuses and shift the date?


Human stupidity apparently knows no bounds, but i feel sorry for the kids involved. I imagine if they are old enough they will lose respect for their parents. As they should.

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I'd just like to point out that it is now well past 6pm in many time zones and there appears to be no information on the rapture appearing on local news bulletins. It's most odd. Here in Australia it's a normal Saturday night.


No cars driving off the road or planes flying 'round without their pilots eh? :p

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I am also confused why people believe him instead of the Bible. I believe that all the people who believe him are thinking they are Christians but why are the trusting this man instead of the Bible which says no man knows the time?


Honestly, in my opinion, it is because while the Bible might be the most widely sold book, I think it is entirely possible it might be the least read. JMO.


I also happen to think that when someone says they are a Christian (me included) it would be helpful if someone would ask "What does being a Christian mean to you?" I think a lot is lost in the meaning/translation of the word.

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If you believe that you can not know if you are going to be raptured, then I am afraid you don't know as much about salvation as you think you do.




Do you guys realize how you're coming across here? Not all Christians hold the very same views on salvation/rapture/etc…. (or on many other things)

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Do you guys realize how you're coming across here? Not all Christians hold the very same views on salvation/rapture/etc…. (or on many other things)


How we're coming across? What I'm seeing is the number of people who are having a good laugh about what they perceive as ridiculous beliefs of Christians. Why isn't anyone commenting to them about how they're coming across?


ETA: For the record, I do NOT believe that the Rapture is going to occur today. In fact, since the Bible says that no one knows the day nor the hour, it's pretty certain that today is NOT going to be the day.

Edited by ereks mom
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How we're coming across? What I'm seeing is the number of people who are having a good laugh about what they perceive as ridiculous beliefs of Christians. Why isn't anyone commenting to them about how they're coming across?


ETA: For the record, I do NOT believe that the Rapture is going to occur today. In fact, since the Bible says that no one knows the day nor the hour, it's pretty certain that today is NOT going to be the day.


I'll clarify my reason for being amused. The poster who said someone else didn't know the real meaning of salvation did not take into account that there really are different views of salvation by people all using the title/label of Christian. And that is because it's an umbrella term, IMHO. It just really encompasses so much. In order to make such a really strict statement, the person must believe 100% that their particular belief is the only correct one and that everyone else won't be saved, which in my personal experience generally means the rest of those people are going to hell. That sort of declaration is covered in the board rules. But then again, there are people who don't even realize this board has rules.


As for this rapture discussion, while I am highly amused at the audacity of a mere mortal thinking he can outsmart his one true God in declaring the day of rapture that even Jesus isn't supposedly privy to knowing, I'm absolutely horrified at the fallout of this situation if it doesn't come true. I'm worried about the people who will lose their faith if they feel that since they weren't taken, they must not be saved. I'm worried about people committing suicide in response to feeling rejected by their savior. I'm worried about the families who gave away everything they owned and will have nothing. I'm worried about a real possibility that if the rapture doesn't occur, people will use that as an excuse to say that God is obviously punishing earth again like he did with aids virus, 911, Japan, etc. It will result in even more hate being spread among humans. No matter what really happens, there will be a great deal of sadness and humiliation. That truly is a sad thing.

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I'll clarify my reason for being amused. The poster who said someone else didn't know the real meaning of salvation did not take into account that there really are different views of salvation by people all using the title/label of Christian. And that is because it's an umbrella term, IMHO. It just really encompasses so much. In order to make such a really strict statement, the person must believe 100% that their particular belief is the only correct one and that everyone else won't be saved, which in my personal experience generally means the rest of those people are going to hell.
I have to disagree here. I can be assured of my relationship with my Heavenly Father and thus assured of His loyal love, knowing and not doubting that He has saved me, will save me without knowing anything about anyone else's relationship with Him or salvation.


Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with true hearts in the full assurance of faith, having had our hearts sprinkled from a wicked conscience and our bodies bathed with clean water. 23 Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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I'd just like to point out that it is now well past 6pm in many time zones and there appears to be no information on the rapture appearing on local news bulletins. It's most odd. Here in Australia it's a normal Saturday night.


When I woke up this morning and it was quiet downstairs, it had me going for a moment. :lol: But I went down there and found my son still asleep. If 7 year olds are still here, it hasn't happened yet. I wonder how Camping is feeling right now.

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I have to disagree here. I can be assured of my relationship with my Heavenly Father and thus assured of His loyal love, knowing and not doubting that He has saved me, will save me without knowing anything about anyone else's relationship with Him or salvation.


I see your point and I'm having trouble finding the words to explain what I'm thinking. If someone says there is only ONE way for something to happen, there is no wiggle room for any other way. Your relationship with God does not hinge upon any other relationship that God has with others. I understand that. But that isn't what I'm talking about. My sister is a perfect example. She believes there is only ONE way to salvation and God will reject any soul who has not followed that ONE path. She understands that not all Christians are true Christians because there cannot be more than the ONE way. She is happy to share that belief with others to tell them if they do not follow the ONE path, they will not be welcome in God's house. I don't think that is fair to other Christians who feel as strongly in their faith as she does in hers. But that's because there is no wiggle room. She either believes or she doesn't. While she doesn't feel responsible for saving lost souls, she does view these people as being unworthy of God's love. That is the type of blanket statement I'm talking about.

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I see your point and I'm having trouble finding the words to explain what I'm thinking. If someone says there is only ONE way for something to happen, there is no wiggle room for any other way. Your relationship with God does not hinge upon any other relationship that God has with others. I understand that. But that isn't what I'm talking about. My sister is a perfect example. She believes there is only ONE way to salvation and God will reject any soul who has not followed that ONE path. She understands that not all Christians are true Christians because there cannot be more than the ONE way. She is happy to share that belief with others to tell them if they do not follow the ONE path, they will not be welcome in God's house. I don't think that is fair to other Christians who feel as strongly in their faith as she does in hers. But that's because there is no wiggle room. She either believes or she doesn't. While she doesn't feel responsible for saving lost souls, she does view these people as being unworthy of God's love. That is the type of blanket statement I'm talking about.


Well, you can see where people would think that considering that the Bible does state that the way to salvation is narrow.


“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

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Thanks Beth.

I see your point and I'm having trouble finding the words to explain what I'm thinking. If someone says there is only ONE way for something to happen, there is no wiggle room for any other way. Your relationship with God does not hinge upon any other relationship that God has with others. I understand that. But that isn't what I'm talking about. My sister is a perfect example. She believes there is only ONE way to salvation and God will reject any soul who has not followed that ONE path. She understands that not all Christians are true Christians because there cannot be more than the ONE way. She is happy to share that belief with others to tell them if they do not follow the ONE path, they will not be welcome in God's house. I don't think that is fair to other Christians who feel as strongly in their faith as she does in hers. But that's because there is no wiggle room. She either believes or she doesn't. While she doesn't feel responsible for saving lost souls, she does view these people as being unworthy of God's love. That is the type of blanket statement I'm talking about.
Yes. I have seen many examples of people who believe and act this way. The problem is that the responses to Christians in this thread who believe in the rapture are assuming that they believe this way. Edited by Lovedtodeath
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A few examples: A have a Baptist friend who believes that she and I will be in heaven together even though we believe differently (I think that we will be on earth together. lol)


A have an Orthodox friend who believes that she has chosen God's one organization or Ark but that she cannot judge anyone else's chances of salvation, even if they are not Orthodox.


I am a Jehovah's Witness. We believe that God has commissioned Jehovah's Witnesses to proclaim the Truth (capital T) to everyone else... but at a recent large assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses a traveling overseer gave a public discourse in which he said, "We do not say that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones that will be saved. We do not know." Obviously some must have had mistaken views on this, which is why he needed to include it in his discourse to set them straight.


There are also Jehovah's Witnesses who believe, are assured that they will be taken to heaven, but they don't think that those left behind on earth are doomed. John 10:16; Proverbs 2:21


I believe that there is only one truth and that there are organizations that are closer to it than others... but that is a separate issue from individual people within any and all of these organizations being True Christians. I hope that makes sense and helps... posting about this stuff is very scary around here.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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...The poster who said someone else didn't know the real meaning of salvation did not take into account that there really are different views of salvation by people all using the title/label of Christian. ... In order to make such a really strict statement, the person must believe 100% that their particular belief is the only correct one and that everyone else won't be saved, which in my personal experience generally means the rest of those people are going to hell.


I have to disagree here. I can be assured of my relationship with my Heavenly Father and thus assured of His loyal love, knowing and not doubting that He has saved me, will save me without knowing anything about anyone else's relationship with Him or salvation.



I believe that there is only one truth and that there are organizations that are closer to it than others...


I am a Baptist, but I am not so presumptuous as to believe that only Baptists will go to Heaven. I believe that a person's religious affiliation has nothing to do with whether he will go to Heaven or Hell, and where a person will spend eternity is dependent only upon whether he has a relationship with Jesus Christ.


1 John 5:13 says that believers can know that they have received salvation. It doesn't say anything about whether other people are saved or not. The individual Christian can be assured that he is saved, and therefore will be taken to Heaven when Christ returns for His own. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)

Edited by ereks mom
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I believe that there is only one truth and that there are organizations that are closer to it than others... but that is a separate issue from individual people within any and all of these organizations being True Christians.
In my wording I omitted that I am sure that there are Non-Christians who will ultimately be saved, and that we just don't know about that either.


1 John 5:13 says that believers can know that they have received salvation. It doesn't say anything about whether other people are saved or not. The individual Christian can be assured that he is saved, and therefore will be taken to Heaven when Christ returns for His own. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)
Yes. Thank you.
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Clearly, for example, the Rapture will move speedily through Europe, especially because the Catholics are not going


We're Catholic and just got home from Mass. The priest was even having a good laugh over this. Why not, we don't believe in rapture. :tongue_smilie:


Neither do the Orthodox or some of the Reformed :)


Btw, Judgement Day will be in 2048. I know, because a young man my husband works with said that God told him so. God also gave him an original text of Hebrew Scriptures. *eyeroll* :p

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The Bible teaches there is only one way to God and that is through the son Jesus Christ. If you believe on him, and repent you will be saved. Regardless of you denomination:

And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.†Acts 16:31


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3;16


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


There is only one church. The church is not a building but the body of Christ. Anyone who believes in Christ and repents is part of it:


For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Ephesians 5:23


Whenever the end comes it comes.

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Okay we were out to eat with the in-laws and kept counting down to 6. We were sitting at the table with the 4 guys on one end and the women and children at the other end. The children decided to go to the bathroom and the guys were all talking amongst themselves. They looked up and all of the women and children were gone.


Then they burst out laughing of course. :D

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