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s/o What are the good things about our Add/ADHD people?

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I have 3 adhd people, dh, ds, & dd. Mine all have incredibly big hearts, try their best, very loyal, many interests, great dad, are very sensitive to how I feel, affectionate, react well to praise, and are just all around beautiful people. I'm sure there is more that I'll add later. :D

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Dh does all those necessary silly things that kids need. I don't think fart jokes are funny and I just can't play tickle-wrestle games for longer than ten seconds. He's a heck of a lot more amiable than I am too. Thank goodness :D



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When you're having a bad day or being your Type-A hyper-perfectionist self he (my Dad) does something completely bizarre or goofy and you can't help but snap out of it. I also have fond memories of crazy rubber band and wet washrag (thrown, not snapped) fights while mom hid in the bedroom.

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They are more fun than anyone else when they are in a good mood. They have so much natural enthusiasm and are hilarious to watch when they get happy. They can get gobs and gobs of work done when they get in the flow.



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My dh is always the one to come up with the idea, be it what to have for dinner or what "thing" to do for fun. His ADHD also makes him think creatively which helps him be a great mechanic. His out of the box thinking makes his trouble-shooting better/faster. Like others said, he's also been more of the fun parent than I have. He's the one to do the physical stuff (that could be his "maleness" too) while I make sure everyone is fed.

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Is this only for spouse's with ADD? If not, my 23 year old daughter has ADD and she is, hands down, the sweetest person I have ever met. I can honestly count on 3 fingers how many times that child has been in a bad mood. She doesn't hold grudges like her mama does. At the few times when she has gotten mad, she's over it in 2 seconds, unlike her mama. She can be a pain in the behind alot though too. She needs to try harder and she needs to stop thinking that the world is out to get her...she got this attitude because 95% of the people in her life as she was growing up treated her like dirt because of her ADD. I wouldn't change much if anything about her, she is a peach.

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I can't think of a single moment in my life when my brain has been bored. I have back up plans and ideas for my back up plans and ideas. I have back up budgets for my back up budgets. I have my 5 month old's curriculum outline for 1st grade. I have 3 separate scenarios thought out for actual retirement, and many more for "just" homeschooling retirement. I know exactly how I'd spend lottery winnings at several different levels of wealth. I know the general areas I'd consider if we were to move to any of several states. I know what I want on my hypothetical future farm. I know exactly how we'd renovate this house/property if we had any intent of renovating this house/property. I drive my association's board of directors nuts with frequent questions and suggestions. I play the devil's advocate on my arbitration committee. I'm in the middle of 4 books on my Kindle, and two on paper.


Reading that back, yes, I can see how annoying my brain could be to other people, lol.

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Thinking out of the box. Unconventional.

Oh yes, this. They tend to think of all the things we conventional people don't come up with. I wonder how many major inventors were add/adhd and unimpeded. I bet an awful lot of them.


(Laura, who is highly methodical and black/white, who is married to an adhd and whose son is definitely his father's child :tongue_smilie:)

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