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More on names . . . Who were the women of your grandmother's generation?

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My maternal grandma's name is Norma Jean. Her younger sister has always called her Norm. Her sister's name is Rhonda.


On my m. grandfather's side, his name was Larry Roland, and some of his siblings included Alma, Margaret, and Mary; I don't remember most of the rest (there were 13 of them altogether; 9 lived to adulthood). My mother has an older cousin (her dad was one of the youngest; Aunt Alma one of the oldest) named Ivy Jo.


On my dad's side there is my grandma Ewilda, and step-grandma Victoria. my p. grandfather and his siblings were Peter, Emily, etc. THEIR parents had names including Joaquin, Vincente, and Maria.

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My grandmothers were Clara Ette Ora Mae and Corrie Mae (born in 1913 & 1919). My husband's grandmother, Bobbie Nell, was trying to name his mom after a grandmother (Saffroni), but thought the name was Kathrona, which is what his mom got (and our daughter, too - I love naming kids after family members)! I wonder if there is another person in the world with that name!


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I love this thread!


Seriously, we really wanted to name our girls after great-grandmothers or grandmothers.


My grandmothers were Thelma Adelia and Virginia Frances. Loved Virginia, but my brother used it!


His grandmothers were Bertha Marie and Margit.


Nothing we liked there enough to use.


So we used our mothers, the girls' grandmothers. My mother was Muriel Alice. (She was named after a woman in HER mother's generation.) She always told me, before she died, that she would be very upset if I ever named a girl after her; she hated her name! So we skipped Muriel, took Alice, and gave my first daugher Alicia as her middle name.


His mother is Joan Carol. His sister is Julie Lynn. Our second daughter's middle name, thus, is Carolyn!

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Grandmothers (and sibs): Jacqueline, Julia, Virginia, Louise, Mary, Hannah (I think she was actually a great-great), Joann, Wallace, Rebecca, Frances, Madeline


Grandfathers (and sibs): Edgar (several of these through the generations), Kenneth, Robert, Shelby, Lucian

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My grandmothers were Ruth Jane and Dorothy Dora. Dh's were Elta Mae and Flora Margaret. I know my grandmother Ruth had several sisters; I can remember the names Elizabeth and Lucille. My grandmother Dorothy had one brother - John.


When dd8 was born, everyone thought we should name her after our grandmothers, since 3 of the 4 had recently passed away. I responded that the only name I could come up with was "Flora Dora Ruth Mae," and I didn't see that happening, LOL.


My great-grandmas on my mom's side were Viola Maude (went by Maudie) and Lila Manly - Manly was her maiden name, and she had no other middle name. I know my dad had one grandmother named Edith and I don't have a clue what the other one's name was - she was not nice to my grandmother's family so I'm not sure I've ever heard her name mentioned.

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My grandmothers are Francis Loraine and Fredna Rae. My grandmother Loraine didn't like that both names have the male spelling (rather than Frances Lorraine). She hates the name Francis and always went by Loraine but then she named her daughter Francis as well. :confused: Needless to say my aunt goes by her middle name as well. Loraine's sister is Margaret, a normal name. Fredna had sisters named Jewell, Johnnye and Fairy. Fairy was the baby and was called Baby until she turned 3 when she named herself Fairy. I think my grandma also gave herself the middle name Rae.


Dh's grandmother was named Thora. I had a great-aunt named Ora Nell. We always called her Aunt O. She was awesome.

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her sisters were Flora, Iva, Sybil, Keever (her name was actually Elenor McKeever) and Amy. My paternal grandmother was Annie Mae; I don't know if she had sisters...I don't think so.


I must say that I'm thankful that I was not named after any of my mother's relatives or either grandmother, lol.

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