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When does SWB recomend studying American History in depth?


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We follow the 4 year plan, but I don't quite see how we'll get in sufficient American History in our curriculum. We could do a separate course, but we're already overloaded for next year.


What do others do? We are about 1/2 way through SOTW 3, so I could see taking a year off the cycle to cover American History, but that would throw us off our 4 year cycle. Not that we're not already off LOL.

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IMHO, this is one of the shortcomings of TWTM. I understand that in most government-run schools, world history is given short shift (I had it in 6th and 10th and the rest of the time was U.S.-centric). But TWTM goes too far in the other direction for my tastes.


We did world history up through the Age of Explorers and then switched to 2 years of U.S. history. Modern European history is so dark and with a kindergartner being added to the mix, I just decided to go with something easier to keep positive. The next time through the cycle, we'll do a more global focus.

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We follow the 4 year cycle, but we took the past two years to study only American history (13 Colonies-Civil War...I have my own reasons for not going beyond the Civil War) and I am glad we did. I feel like it gave my boys a good foundation of knowing about our Country's origins. We used the Time Travelers cds and added in a lot of reading. I will say, we are way excited about starting our rotation over and doing Ancient next year! :001_smile:

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We actually did that this year. We focused mainly on American history and it was such a fun, fun year! It was perfect for 4th grade and 1st, so many interesting people and advances. I chose to focus more on the accomplishments, advances and amazing human spirit, not to say it was all sunshine and roses, but I wanted to keep it age appropriate (for my kids).


We did a very American focus last year, as well. I really love some of the PP suggestions and will be mulling them over. I do think AH is important and really wanted to be sure my kids got a solid focus on it. I am thinking/hoping we will see a lot more connections as we fold world history into our next cycle. Not sure I am explaining that well, but I hope having a solid understanding of American history will help put world history in context for us by the time we hit high school. We may still do a bit of an American focus on our 2nd pass through, but incorporate more world history than we did this year. We head back to Ancients, so I will be thinking of how we handle the next rotation a bit more this summer.


It was really fun teaching history this year (and last) and I don't regret for one second making those fun memories w/ my kids in lieu of being tied to the 4 year rotation.


Sorry if this came out gibberish...too many interruptions, mustn't try to read or reply in the midst of bedtime! :)

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We started the first cycle late and ended up abandoning it 3/4ths of the way through.


Next year for 4th grade we are going to focus on World and US geography. In 5th and 6th we will focus on US History and then start the cycle back in 7th grade which will also be when the little one will be starting the cycle herself.


That's the plan right now at least.

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Unlike the WTM, I don't attempt 3 complete history cycles. I'm only aiming for two, so we've taken those other years to enjoy American history. So far I haven't regretted it at all.



Thanks Daisy. This is one solution, I'll admit. But it makes me quake in my boots a little that the information we "learned" thus far in history will only be gone over one. more. time.....it's not like we actually memorized very much--it was all just exposure. I was sort of counting on Logic Stage to get deeper, and then Rhetoric stage to really review, dig, question and analyze.



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My plan is to work in a little US history and geography this summer after we finish SOTW2 since we will be adding a first grader. We will do an explorer unit. Then I will read Zinn for kids to ds8 and find something age appropriate for ds5. Ds8 is pretty good with US geography. Ds5 needs to learn it. Then we will do SOTW3. Next summer, we will do AZ history and more U.S. History. And then SOTW4. Rinse, repeat. Adding new kids to the mix every few years.

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My plan is to work in a little US history and geography this summer after we finish SOTW2 since we will be adding a first grader. We will do an explorer unit. Then I will read Zinn for kids to ds8 and find something age appropriate for ds5. Ds8 is pretty good with US geography. Ds5 needs to learn it. Then we will do SOTW3. Next summer, we will do AZ history and more U.S. History. And then SOTW4. Rinse, repeat. Adding new kids to the mix every few years.



Oh yes! I forgot about Zinn-thank you for reminding me. Maybe that's the ticket: a nice read aloud. No fuss no muss. phil_02.gif


ETA: ooh, and it's available for Kindle. Whheee!

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Unlike the WTM, I don't attempt 3 complete history cycles. I'm only aiming for two, so we've taken those other years to enjoy American history. So far I haven't regretted it at all.


My kids are younger, but that's my plan as well. Two complete cycles at a more leisurely pace. Extra time for US history and possibly more time for studying other specific topics much later on.

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This was/is one of the reasons we decided to do our own thing with History. ;) Here's how we "solved" this problem:


Year 1 -- World Geography (some sort of "countries & cultures" course) [For us, 1st grade & Pre-K)

Year 2 -- American History, Part 1 (2nd/K)

Year 3 -- American History, Part 2 (3rd/1st)


Year 4 -- Ancient World History, Part 1 (4th/2nd)

Year 5 -- Ancient World History, Part 2 (5th/3rd)

Year 6 -- Medieval World History (6th/4th)

Year 7 -- Age of Exploration (7th/5th)

Year 8 -- Modern World History (8th/6th)


High School -- TBD :D

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I plan to just cover a bit of Canadian history as we go along (through sight-seeing, local museums and whatnot, then doing a bit more of a heavy emphasis on Canada in the 4th year of our cycle. I absolutely cannot see spending an entire year on our provincial history and another on national history.

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I've simply added extra Canadian (and to a lesser extent, American) history to the four-year-cycle. We're still definitely studying world history, but with more of an emphasis on Canada than non-Canadians would have. Personally, I think this is plenty.
:iagree:and this ties in with below... how much time does it really add to a WTM study of history to add in a typical school history text?


I want to say that I heard in one of her audios that she feels that you get sufficient US history when you cover world history. I can't say that I agree though' date=' and also in my state we have to cover state and local history.. and when they specifically say that I can't imagine just skimming the surface, I think they mean we need to go a bit in depth.[/quote']Do they really get in depth in school? I don't remember getting anything in depth. How much time does it take to add in a typical school textbook?
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We are only doing 2 cycles as well. I wanted to be able to study American History in depth, and we did this year. We are beginning with the Ancients this year coming and


For my 7th grader it will mean;

6th grade(this year)--US History



9th--Rhetoric style Renaissance

10th-Rhetoric Style Modern

11th-Ancient Great Books/Philosophy ( I think reading these works as a more mature learner is better anyway)

12th US History/Civics

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We did world history up through the Age of Explorers and then switched to 2 years of U.S. history. Modern European history is so dark and with a kindergartner being added to the mix, I just decided to go with something easier to keep positive. The next time through the cycle, we'll do a more global focus.


We actually did that this year. We focused mainly on American history and it was such a fun, fun year! It was perfect for 4th grade and 1st, :)


We follow the 4 year cycle, but we took the past two years to study only American history (13 Colonies-Civil War...I have my own reasons for not going beyond the Civil War) and I am glad we did.



This is great timing. We've completed TOG 1 this year with a 2G (and PK). We're thrilled to be moving into the Renaissance (we'll focus on artists and composers this year) for 3G / K. I was just considering taking a detour at when TOG hits explorers/New World and really do that in depth.


Can I ask what you all have used. We'll be end of 3G/K and into 4G/1G when we begin. My initial thought is to bring in Homeschool in the Woods materials but I've never actually seen or used them. What did you all use?? Thanks!!

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We started late - dd had NO interest in SOTW before 3rd grade, so we did interest-led readings in 1st and geography in 2nd. Then switched to SOTW Ancients for 3rd, History Odyssey Middle Ages for 4th, back to SOTW for 5th & 6th. Then the plan is Hakim's Story of US for 7th & 8th, then back to the four year world history cycle for high school. At least, that's the PLAN for high school - although I suspect it may get derailed if my dd gets her way as I think she intends to spend at LEAST a year studying Chinese history...

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Rainbow has one, and the TOC.



Thank you. This looks interesting! I wonder if it could be combined with The American Story. I don't want to do a full on curriculum for Am. Hist. right now. I just want to present more information than SOTW (even though we DID slow down and DID do a lot of extra reading during that time, I still feel it's not enough). Maybe we'll do this over the summer. Thank you for pointing it out.


ETA: christianbook has previews too. just saw that.

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Aha. Thank you (the fact that I added some extra letters may have made my search a little more difficult :blushing: ).



Maybe you were thinking of BUSCH gardens??? :lol::lol: I know, I know, time for vacation....:tongue_smilie:

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This is great timing. We've completed TOG 1 this year with a 2G (and PK). We're thrilled to be moving into the Renaissance (we'll focus on artists and composers this year) for 3G / K. I was just considering taking a detour at when TOG hits explorers/New World and really do that in depth.


Can I ask what you all have used. We'll be end of 3G/K and into 4G/1G when we begin. My initial thought is to bring in Homeschool in the Woods materials but I've never actually seen or used them. What did you all use?? Thanks!!



I used GuestHollow's free American History 1&2 curriculum as the jumping off point. My oldest read a lot of the Cornerstone for Freedom books and lots of biographies. This time period has a lot of books available! I also used some stories from The American Story and appropriate pages from the DK American History book (can't remember the exact title) and a number of the If you lived... series. Betsy Maestro (again, not sure of the spelling...sorry it's late!) has a number of fact filled picture books about American history. I also thought Homeschool in the Woods had some great looking things, but was pretty well set and didn't want to completely overwhelm myself, which I tend to do. :)



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