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Ok, ok, I'm just going to come right out and admit it...

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I have no idea what some of these threads are about!!


I log on to the WTM in the morning...I open a thread...I have no clue.


Why does this keep happening? Why am I always in the dark????? :w00t:

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Maybe you have a real life. :lol: Stay on the boards all day, all night, all the time. :D


Yes, it is an amazing addiction :D. It is really hard to catch everything unless you have multiple devices that can keep you in the loop! :lol:

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I have no idea what some of these threads are about!!


I log on to the WTM in the morning...I open a thread...I have no clue.


Why does this keep happening? Why am I always in the dark????? :w00t:


I've learned to enjoy the dark. Sometimes reading some of these threads is like a soap opera.


I actually needed to keep myself up late last night and took the time to read a couple of the threads that you are most likely talking about. I can't say they were at all edifying.


So just hang out in the dark with me and all the others that I know are in here (I just can't seem 'em cause its so dark!) We are all better off!

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I have no idea what some of these threads are about!!


I log on to the WTM in the morning...I open a thread...I have no clue.


Why does this keep happening? Why am I always in the dark????? :w00t:


Just PM a friendly poster and ask.


Plus, remember that many of these posters have conversations that aren't on the boards or in the threads.

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I'm that way most of the time too... clueless. :001_smile:


Sometimes what happens is a thread gets started, it gets interesting and goes in a weird direction or violates the rules, it gets deleted. Then another thread starts about the original thread. This time people are careful to talk about the original thread in veiled language, so to avoid another deletion. People who read the original thread know what they're talking about, but the rest of us are clueless. Timing is everything.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm that way most of the time too... clueless. :001_smile:


Sometimes what happens is a thread gets started, it gets interesting and goes in a weird direction or violates the rules, it gets deleted. Then another thread starts about the original thread. This time people are careful to talk about the original thread in veiled language, so to avoid another deletion. People who read the original thread know what they're talking about, but the rest of us are clueless. Timing is everything.:tongue_smilie:




Or sometimes the thread topic will not spark my interest so I just pass it by. Then all of a sudden its blowing up and there are 20+ pages to read.

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I have no idea what some of these threads are about!!


I log on to the WTM in the morning...I open a thread...I have no clue.


Why does this keep happening? Why am I always in the dark????? :w00t:


Trust me, you are better off not knowing.. Really. :lol:

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You're obviously not spending enough time here. If you just ignored your kids and house, you could keep up here and be clued in to all these threads! What is wrong with you, woman? Don't you know these boards take total dedication? Shape up or ship out! :D


If it helps, I'm just as clueless for the most part.

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You're obviously not spending enough time here. If you just ignored your kids and house, you could keep up here and be clued in to all these threads! What is wrong with you, woman? Don't you know these boards take total dedication? Shape up or ship out! :D


If it helps, I'm just as clueless for the most part.

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I think a lot of it has to do with people pretending they are speaking in generalities when it is clear that they are really referring to one person or event. (I am speaking about all the threads regarding who is a troll and who isn't.) Being passive-aggressive doesn't keep you innocent, it just makes you look ... passive aggressive!

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I read it as a simple reminder of the dangers of the internet and this forum (yes, there are dangers). Just as we all have the right to share personal information (within board rules), rants, and advice, we all have the right to believe or disbelieve and share about that. Whether we choose to believe or engage with any particular individual is our own choice.


I think a lot of it has to do with people pretending they are speaking in generalities when it is clear that they are really referring to one person or event. (I am speaking about all the threads regarding who is a troll and who isn't.) Being passive-aggressive doesn't keep you innocent, it just makes you look ... passive aggressive!
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You're obviously not spending enough time here. If you just ignored your kids and house, you could keep up here and be clued in to all these threads! What is wrong with you, woman? Don't you know these boards take total dedication? Shape up or ship out! :D


If it helps, I'm just as clueless for the most part.



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I guess many of the threads are not isolated, and may refer indirectly to previous threads or topics that the writer presumes others have read. There are many acronyms used too which sometimes I lose track of or simply forget what they mean.

You can ask, you know. When someone asks "what does TEa, or booKs really mean?" the people who are in the know love to get in and tell them. There's no shame in asking, especially when it brings up humorous or controversial topics.

A community has built up here over many years now and many topics come and go and many incidents come and go, and a collective understanding arises which maybe newbies take a while to get the hang of. But everyone is most welcome- I don't think it is cliquey. Just ask, if you don't understand. It might help others of us too. Usually if I don't understand, I just move on but sometimes I appreciate it when someone asks.

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I don't think it's a clique-thing, I think it's just that the boards move so quickly that when a post refers back to something else I often am not sure what it's refering to.


There are times when I'm on here more, or less, and when I haven't visited for a few weeks I find it takes me a little to 'click' to what some of the posts are refering to and remember acronyms.

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