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I miss my toddlers. Sob.

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I never thought I would feel this way, really, but here it is. This must be normal, because when my girls were toddlers we heard so many mothers of preschool and older children tell us how much they missed their children being little. My husband and I had three children in less than two years, with thyroid surgery and cancer treatment in between two tough pregnancies that both ended in emergency C-sections. :001_huh: Oh, and he was in school, working full-time, and we moved to our itty-bitty house out of a one-bedroom apartment.


It was a whirlwind then. So when people told us how much they missed toddlers, we would say, "Here are some. Want them?" :lol: Only in jest, of course, but....


Today was our bi-annual Switch-Out Day, in which we bring all the boxes of clothes down from the attic and everything out of the room, the girls try EVERYTHING on (poor oldest has to try on literally every thing, but the twins are the same size, so they have half as much each), and we switch it out. Loads of laundry, to get out that attic smell and freshen it all up. But at the end of the day, we have a Spring/Summer wardrobe. Fall/Winter stuff goes up (if it's big enough for someone in six months) or out (if it's done with us).


We have piles of things to go out. It was all gifts from Grammy, or hand-me-downs from my sister and other friends, and now we get to pass it on.


I am amazed at how much they grew. And at how aware they are of their own changes, how my oldest said she wouldn't fit in this or that next fall, how they will all be so different then.


Everything brought back memories of last Spring, last Summer... or Christmas, or playing in the snow, or.... something. The girls said, "I remember that shirt! We wore that to Virginia!" or "Oh, I'll miss this dress. It was from Aunt Barbie." All morning, they tried on clothes (they really do enjoy it), and we moved into another season of life, not just the calendar year. Four, four, and six.


My garage is still full of strollers, gates, car seats, carriers, cribs, a diaper pail, a changing table (now a potting table), baby swings (never used), pack-n-plays (well used), and baby toys. Even a few unopened packs of diapers. We have no luck getting rid of this stuff at our neighborhood yard sale. Anybody want any of it?


We have no babies, no toddlers. We hardly have preschoolers anymore. If we blink, we'll miss it.


Even the twins' feet are no longer "fat." You know those chunky toddler feet? They don't have those this year.


Sigh. :crying:

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Even the twins' feet are no longer "fat." You know those chunky toddler feet? They don't have those this year.


Sigh. :crying:


I judge them by pudgy fingers. I do know what you mean even though I still have toddlers & babies... They get so big so fast.


Baby Sarah turns three next Friday. Sigh. :(

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Even the twins' feet are no longer "fat." You know those chunky toddler feet? They don't have those this year.


I'm still waiting to outgrow those. :glare:


Mine is 3, and although I didn't enjoy the baby stage, like you, I'm starting to see how I might end up missing those younger stages. We're still hoping for a few more kids though, so I try not to think about it.

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I judge them by pudgy fingers. I do know what you mean even though I still have toddlers & babies... They get so big so fast.


Baby Sarah turns three next Friday. Sigh. :(


All your children have such beautiful names! We have a Sarah, too. We also have a Hannah :grouphug: and a Mary.


What do you plan to call your newest baby girl? I won't get pudgy fingers again until I'm a grandmother! :lol:

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My baby is 6 almost 7. I know how you feel. She still has a bit of that baby in her belly, but soon that will be gone as well. I was not suppose to have more children after my third, she was our little gift now there will be no more...


My older children and I have turned her into the baby but soon I can see she will seek her independence. It is sad to see that go. But my oldest turned 14 yesterday, what a beautiful young girl she has become. I glimpse the young woman she will be and I am so proud and will be when my "baby" turns 14 as well. Enjoy while you can, love what you have and TAKE ALOT OF PICTURES!!

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I have a baby who is nearly 6 months, but I could commiserate with your whole post. He has a big space between him and his siblings, so I know all too well how quickly they outgrow the baby, toddler, and preschooler stage. Every moment with this baby has been bittersweet, I am tired and miss our easy days with just older children sometimes, and at the same time I'm wanting to savor every gummy baby grin and his wide eyed wonder at all the new things he encounters every day. I have a feeling of dread when I think of the day his elbow dimples are gone!

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Oh, I totally hear you. It is so hard to see them move out of the baby stage! My first baby is almost as tall as me now. My second baby, who was the cuddliest little guy ever (seriously velcro child -- wouldn't get off of my lap until he was two), can tie his own shoes now and looks like a young man. And my current baby looks like a BOY now, not a baby. Harumph. Even having another baby coming doesn't really help. :)


(How about a crisis pregnancy center for the clothes and gear? Save your favorite outfits, and let the other stuff bless a new mom.)

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Oh, I miss mine too! I'm becoming more accepting of it, but I do miss have real little ones.


Twice a year, when I change out my daughter's clothes, I get very teary. It's like you said, every outfit brings a memory and you know that another stage is over.



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Oh, I totally hear you. It is so hard to see them move out of the baby stage! My first baby is almost as tall as me now. My second baby, who was the cuddliest little guy ever (seriously velcro child -- wouldn't get off of my lap until he was two), can tie his own shoes now and looks like a young man. And my current baby looks like a BOY now, not a baby. Harumph. Even having another baby coming doesn't really help. :)


(How about a crisis pregnancy center for the clothes and gear? Save your favorite outfits, and let the other stuff bless a new mom.)


Duh. Now why didn't I think of that? :lol: It's so obvious, I missed it. Thanks for the great idea!

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I've been saddened by this as well lately. My baby turned 4 in March, and he's just not little like he used to be. I didn't think I'd be as sentimental as I am, but it breaks my heart that he's saying certain words correctly now rather than using his toddler-speak. There are so many other things I miss... I know how you are feeling. :grouphug:

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I can totally empathize. My baby just turned four, and there will be no more. *sigh* What makes it even harder is that my last one was that sweet snugly kid that makes everyone want to run out and have another baby.


Don't get me wrong, I love the ages that my kids are at now. (There is a lot to be said for a little independence and a full night's sleep!) Still, when I dropped off the baby swing and stroller at the donation site last week I heaved a little sigh for the end of a stage in our home/family. Glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way!

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