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"Professional" opinion of hs'ing...

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I'm betting she feels that it is perfectly acceptable for her to address your choices, because she feels that those are contributing to your grays. :smilielol5: (Composing myself...gimme a minute...or whatever other haircare issues you might be having....sorry.) She probably doesn't see it as a conflict. You can set her straight.




This is what I'm thinking. Hairdressers, by the nature of the profession, get very personal and isn't it part of their job to give feedback on your hair care choices? I'm just not seeing how this hairdresser can possibly work out if she has such strong, vocal opinions on things that are such a huge part of your life. :confused: I'm hoping you're able to find resources to perhaps shop around a little. I would end up choking her by the end of the second appointment and that's best case scenario. lol!

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I don't think I can call a PhD "hired help," even if she *is* "cutting my hair."


Pshhh! Yes, you can, girl! I'm not a combative type, but seriously, coming to understand that "stylists" are truly hired help, and that is all they are, was a big step in empowering us in the haircare deicisions we've needed to make. (We have some pretty high maintenance hair in the family.)

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This is what I'm thinking. Hairdressers, by the nature of the profession, get very personal and isn't it part of their job to give feedback on your hair care choices? I'm just not seeing how this hairdresser can possibly work out if she has such strong, vocal opinions on things that are such a huge part of your life. :confused: I'm hoping you're able to find resources to perhaps shop around a little. I would end up choking her by the end of the second appointment and that's best case scenario. lol!


We can get TexasMamacita to weigh in here, but I think stylists are supposed to be limited to *haircare* choices, not to life choices. If the customer asks for advice on life choices, that might allow for a bit of leeway, but for a stylist to weigh in on parenting decisions, family size, religion? Um, no.


The stylist I went to (not a colorist) was very good about asking me questions about what I wanted to accomplish with my hairstyle, what my goals for hair maintenance were, etc., and he occasionally asked me how the trims were working out and other questions to make me think, re-evaluate, and make changes to the style. He goal was to help me work with what *I* wanted from my hair.

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You guys do realise that Aubrey is NOT talking about a hairdresser don't you? Nothing to do with the hair, I'd venture. A clue may be found in her signature line, if I have the gist correct.


Yes. It wouldn't have been post-worthy had a bonafide hairdresser thrown in her one-cent's-worth. (Thanks, Audrey!) Entertainment is half the value of a good hairdresser. (It's on line 3 of their contract.) :)

Edited by Valerie(TX)
cuz I didn't want my original post to sound snarky, and it might have..
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Aubrey, :grouphug:. I'm not sure that she is the best hair stylist for you. And she's an idiot, if she thinks that you shouldn't bf. Or homeschool.


:iagree: You don't need the stress. You won't feel safe in her care of your "hair" or anything else. I hope you have other options.

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I don't think I can call a PhD "hired help," even if she *is* "cutting my hair."

Yes, you can call them hired help. Especially when they act as though they have no common sense or 'chairside' manners. You are paying them for a consulation service. You are consulting them about a very specific issue. You have hired them for their expert opinion. Unfortunately this 'stylist' forgot that she earned her PhD in a single area and that she is not an expert in ALL things.


Fire her. Don't go back. Try someone else. If you keep looking you will find the one that is best for you. Really, you deserve the best, not this arrogant narrow minded less than professional hired help.

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We can get TexasMamacita to weigh in here, but I think stylists are supposed to be limited to *haircare* choices, not to life choices. If the customer asks for advice on life choices, that might allow for a bit of leeway, but for a stylist to weigh in on parenting decisions, family size, religion? Um, no.


The stylist I went to (not a colorist) was very good about asking me questions about what I wanted to accomplish with my hairstyle, what my goals for hair maintenance were, etc., and he occasionally asked me how the trims were working out and other questions to make me think, re-evaluate, and make changes to the style. He goal was to help me work with what *I* wanted from my hair.


Ah, I see. Makes sense. I'll still want to choke this lady though. lol!

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You guys do realise that Aubrey is NOT talking about a hairdresser don't you? Nothing to do with the hair, I'd venture. A clue may be found in her signature line, if I have the gist correct.


If it's who I think it is and she was in the middle of what I think she may have been in the middle of...I just have to say that that is an interesting conversation to have during that and, uhm, nothing like someone being trapped into listening to your opinions, ya know?

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Oh, good grief, how in the world do you keep having these "experiences?":001_huh: You know, maybe you should just consider driving north for, oh, about 8 hours, and letting my great guy cut and style your hair.:D He owns the best salon in town, he'll think you're FABULOUS for homeschooling, (he grew up in a family of 8;),) and together we could answer all of your questions about Catholicism. While you're here, you could just choose an OB-GYN, whose laid-back style wouldn't raise your blood pressure.:lol:


:iagree: And, just to add to the pot... I'll take you to PA with me if you do!! ;)


Seriously, I'm sorry you keep meeting these nutjobs. :grouphug: You will have a heck of a memoir to write someday, though!

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My hairdresser of many years had many, many negative comments re: my homeschooling, both to my face and in length, to my friend (about MY homeschooling).

It's honestly the reason I stopped going to her.

And yup, she made the same comments about BF'ing!!! (FWIW, her mom is a RN but she was still appalled by breastfeeding, non-circ, anything NOT mainstream.)


I find that with someone like that it's usually a defensive mechanism, they're just insecure in their own choice and go to extreme lengths to voice their differences...to the point that they lose clients. I just chalk it up to lack of education as well. I know with my hairdresser she had absolutely nothing to support her statements, that was just her opinions. She actually didn't even know any homeschoolers,just me.

My hairdresser had never take a college class outside of beauty school in her life. Education is not/was not a priority in her life. She was quite happy in her little "bubble" and if you were not part of her bubble she took issue with your thoughts/ideas/preferences.

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My hairdresser of many years had many, many negative comments re: my homeschooling, both to my face and in length, to my friend (about MY homeschooling).

It's honestly the reason I stopped going to her.

And yup, she made the same comments about BF'ing!!! (FWIW, her mom is a RN but she was still appalled by breastfeeding, non-circ, anything NOT mainstream.)


I find that with someone like that it's usually a defensive mechanism, they're just insecure in their own choice and go to extreme lengths to voice their differences...to the point that they lose clients. I just chalk it up to lack of education as well. I know with my hairdresser she had absolutely nothing to support her statements, that was just her opinions. She actually didn't even know any homeschoolers,just me.

My hairdresser had never take a college class outside of beauty school in her life. Education is not/was not a priority in her life. She was quite happy in her little "bubble" and if you were not part of her bubble she took issue with your thoughts/ideas/preferences.


"hairdresser" in this instance has nothing to do with beauty school. ;)

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"hairdresser" in this instance has nothing to do with beauty school. ;)

So true, so true. There's actually a "term" :glare:for that in the Middle School here ( a term the boys use for the mindgames that one middle school girl does to/plays on another middle school girl).

Edited by cjbeach
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FTR - When I replied on page 2, I thought we were REALLY talking about hairdressing...as in taking scissors to the hair that grows from your head.


:lol: at myself...and understanding why it's as bothersome as it is...:grouphug:



We need a euphemism warning for these things!:auto:

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OK, I get it. Don't go back to that one. You're going to have problems later down the road. You don't want that experience to be a negative one because that lady's a nut. You need to switch before it's too late to switch.

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Drop her like a hot potato. She has no business interjecting her biased, uninformed opinions on you like that. PhD or not, it was very unprofessional of her to do. (Don't bf? what?)


I'm sorry you had to go through that. :grouphug:

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FTR - When I replied on page 2, I thought we were REALLY talking about hairdressing...as in taking scissors to the hair that grows from your head.


:lol: at myself...and understanding why it's as bothersome as it is...:grouphug:



We need a euphemism warning for these things!:auto:



I'm glad I'm not the only one! :lol:


I'm now guessing it has to do with carpet removal, but honestly I'm not sure of that either. :001_huh: Maybe Mrs. Mungo was on target? If she was, that would have put me in the car out of there even faster. : )

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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I'm glad I'm not the only one! :lol:


I'm now guessing it has to do with carpet removal' date=' but honestly I'm not sure of that either. :001_huh:[/quote']



All I know is that the OP is pregnant and hasn't yet picked a provider for the birth. I think she is going to have to keep shopping around for one, if her story today is any indication.

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All I know is that the OP is pregnant and hasn't yet picked a provider for the birth. I think she is going to have to keep shopping around for one, if her story today is any indication.




No, no, no. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't talk about those things!!!


I'm pg, but that has nothing to do w/ this! :svengo:


I picked "hairdresser" randomly because a) the profession doesn't matter for the story, & b) I'm embarrassed to share more details.


But not THAT kind of embarrassed! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. :lol:


(If y'all knew me irl, you'd be *dying* laughing at these suggestions. A friend once said something about booKshelf shopping to me while her dh was in the room, & they thought I'd caught scarlet fever all of a sudden. We were in a 2nd floor apt; I think I sank into the 1st floor & had to crawl out of the neighbors' front door.) :lol:

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The hired help should be seen and not heard.




You PAID for this experience? Seriously, I would have had a hard time not telling her where to go and how to get there, and I'm generally quiet and non-confrontational (outside my immediate family).


And I'm still trying to puzzle out what kind of "professional" you saw. No matter what she was, I probably would have complained to her manager-supervisor (whatever) about her lack of professionalism.

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You sure can!


If you are paying her, she needs to stick to dispensing professional advice, not unsolicited opinions.




I would seriously begin my next appointment clearing up her confusion. "I am paying you to 'cut my hair,' not give me your opinion or advice on any aspect of my lifestyle including education choices for my children, family size, nutrition for my newborn, (fill in whatever else she was spouting about). The only words I expect to come out of your mouth will be directly related to my haircut. Are we clear?"


Actually, that's what I would want to say. In reality I would probably be a lot more timid about it. You really should set her straight, even if it is with a simple, "I appreciate that you have very different opinions than I do. I would appreciate it if you would keep them to yourself. Thank you."

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No, no, no. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't talk about those things!!!


I'm pg, but that has nothing to do w/ this! :svengo:


I picked "hairdresser" randomly because a) the profession doesn't matter for the story, & b) I'm embarrassed to share more details.


But not THAT kind of embarrassed! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. :lol:


(If y'all knew me irl, you'd be *dying* laughing at these suggestions. A friend once said something about booKshelf shopping to me while her dh was in the room, & they thought I'd caught scarlet fever all of a sudden. We were in a 2nd floor apt; I think I sank into the 1st floor & had to crawl out of the neighbors' front door.) :lol:




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Since you are paying this person, it seems to me that it is highly likely they are going WAY out of bounds in so vehemently announcing their opinion. Because of this, if I was able, I would try and find a different "hairdresser." (If you aren't paying them, then this comment probably does not apply.)


Plus, anyone who thinks bf'ing is bad is not someone I want intimately involved in my life. :glare: That's just me though.


Seriously, this lady sounds like she's a bit misinformed on some things...

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No, no, no. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't talk about those things!!!


I'm pg, but that has nothing to do w/ this! :svengo:


I picked "hairdresser" randomly because a) the profession doesn't matter for the story, & b) I'm embarrassed to share more details.


But not THAT kind of embarrassed! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. :lol:


(If y'all knew me irl, you'd be *dying* laughing at these suggestions. A friend once said something about booKshelf shopping to me while her dh was in the room, & they thought I'd caught scarlet fever all of a sudden. We were in a 2nd floor apt; I think I sank into the 1st floor & had to crawl out of the neighbors' front door.) :lol:


I guess not today! Wonders never cease! ETA: stopped to think about it, and I realize that I *don't* really know anything, I'm just guessing. (It's been fun compared to real life with someone in my household under the weather.)


OTOH, i've been around since you had newborn #2 (?) and were trying to sell that house (just after the paleolithic era on my timeline, iirc) as well! Shall we revisit that?


;) Workin' on those memoirs, yet? You could make a killing!





BTW: thanks for all the fun in this thread...I needed it today!

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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(FYI, lamictal was a very good choice of style.)


:confused: I am confused. I don't understand how lamictal (anti-seizure med) could possibly have anything to do with any of the topics of conversation in this thread. Could you possibly elaborate or maybe PM me with further explation?

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I would let them know I would no longer be interested in their services due to their attitude problem as well as their appalling tendancy to get nasty over their uneducated opinion.


Why should you *not* BF? Will it make your hair get curly or will it turn your brain to cheese? I am curious.


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