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Measuring behind in late pregnancy

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It seems I can never go to a doctor's appt. and just hear everything is fine. I went in today for my 36 week appt. and the midwife said I was measuring 32-33 weeks. She didn't seem concerned as she said it seems the baby was laying a bit sideways, not up and down. Should I be concerned? She felt he was head down so that was good, but now I'm sitting here googling and getting more and more worried. She didn't mention anything two weeks ago other than I had lost a couple of pounds(I attribute that to healthier eating and the fact that I had less clothes on since it was warmer). He's active and kicking and his heartbeat was 147..any advice?

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My measurements have never had anything to do with the sizes of my babies, if that makes you feel any better. I've measured anything between 2 to 4 cm behind and all my kids were between 7-4 and 9-4. It always had more to do with my weight gain and their positioning.



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No... baby's position can affect your measurements a lot. At 39 weeks, I measured 36 weeks. He was my first. I wasn't worried, because I *knew* he had balled up (he wasn't under my ribs any more :glare:). He was born 2 weeks later at 8lbs 6oz and 22 3/4" long. 14.25" head and 14.5" chest.


Prior to that (when he was "standing" all the time), I was always measuring "ahead' by a couple of weeks. The relief I felt when "smaller" was immense :D

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No... baby's position can affect your measurements a lot.


:iagree: My baby is posterior (with his little face up and his spine against my spine instead of his spine out) and my midwife has a hard time accurately measuring him. She just does her best, but isn't very concerned. Did she say your baby was posterior?


I am 34.5 weeks.

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If the midwife didn't even order an ultrasound, then no, I don't think there's anything to worry about. The measurement is a rather crude estimate and doesn't mean anything in and of itself - it's just an indication to consider further evaluation (or not, as your midwife apparently decided it wasn't necessary). Typically, OBs order an ultrasound if fundal height measures 3 or more weeks behind on two consecutive occasions. I almost always measure behind at that stage of pregnancy, and I've done so both when there was reason to be concerned about growth and when there was not reason to be concerned about growth.


You're almost done - congrats!

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She said I could have an ultrasound if I wanted but that she didn't feel it was necessary. I will say that know some people complain about not being able to breath and then the baby drops and they can breathe..I've never had that problem. He's never felt like he was in my ribs or anything..could that be contributing to the low number? I'm so not trying to freak out right now so thank you for the positive stories so far.

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I really do not feel that the measurements mean much of anything personally. With my first he was 2 weeks late and I measured 38cm. He was 9lbs 7oz. My second I made it to 39cm, and she was 10lbs 7oz. My last two I only made it to 37-38 cm, and they were 8lbs 10oz, and 7lbs 9oz. I have known many people that measured way ahead and had tiny babies.

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I write this not to concern you but just to give you info. My last child measured small for a while....at eventually the doc ordered an ultrasound which showed IUGR (intra uterine growth retardation). Now, before you panic, realize that my child has Down syndrome, and IUGR happens in DS babies, but not as often in typical children.


In my case, I went on bed rest at 34 weeks and then had the baby ten days later. He came out fine, 5 pounds 15 oz, breathing on his own, never in the NICU, no heart issues, etc.


My previous child was transverse (sideways) and very hard for my midwife to measure -- and she came out fine, 7 pounds.


In your case, if it helps you to relax, maybe an ultrasound would help???? HUGS. It is so hard not to worry in pregnancy.

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Those measurement are not extremely accurate. They are only a rough measure and you would have to be behind at least two consecutive times or repeatedly thoughout to really worry. The baby's size and position can effect the measurement. I measured over in late pregnancy with all of my children, once enough to require an U/S because they thought that I was producing too much amniotic fluid. Turns out I was just producing very large children. That one was ten and a half pounds.

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This has happened to me both pregnancies. On my first daughter, had ultrasounbd and there were no problems, she was just small. On 2nd daughter however, OB ordered ultrasound but this time, I was very low in amniotic fluid (at 38 weeks) and we ended up with an induction because levels kept getting lower. From my experiences, I would probably have ultrasound if the numbers remained low. My OB was much more concerned though than your midwife was so maybe he knew something else at work with me that made him see it differently.

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There really are so many variables, if the measurment is within a few cm's of the expected and your MW isn't worried I wouldn't worry either.


Anecdotally: my DS1 was measuring 4+ weeks ahead most of the pregnancy, midwife even asked if I was sure it wasn't twins! He was born 8lb10oz. DS2 measured much smaller than DS1 the whole way, and was born nearly a whole pound bigger - he just sat 'compact' in utero.

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Do not go to the internet when your worried about something, it will not help you to relax.




My advice: try hard not to worry and don't keep googling everything that could happen. It's only going to stress you out.


With my first baby, near the end of the pregnancy, each time I had my doctors appointment I didn't measure any differently. I had an ultrasound and they said it looked like the baby had stopped growing. They said it could be IUGR; intrauterine growth retardation....a *horribly scary name* (I see now that they are calling it intrauterine growth "restriction"). They told me the baby could be "5 pounds, give or take a pound". I was so worried I'd have a 4 pound baby! About a week before I was due they decided to induce and get the baby out in case the baby really had stopped growing for some reason. She weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was perfect.


She graduates high school in 2 weeks. :crying:

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:grouphug: Try not to worry. Those measurements are really based on how the baby is positioned and it can change from day to day or hour to hour, depending on how far along you are and where baby is hanging out. ;) I measured "behind" on all of my pregnancies, and my kiddos were all healthy, the last one weighing in at 9lb 10oz at birth. :)


If there are other issues there could be concerns, but only by measurement...I wouldn't worry at all. Hang in there, you're almost to the finish line. :grouphug::)

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