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Southern Town stops Westboro Baptist

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The town protects the fallen soldiers funeral and lines the streets


I know a lot here will be appalled that they beat a man but seriously I can't say anything more than its about time and I am so glad that the local police figure out a peaceful way to shut that disgusting group


Also the trooper cam video will just make you cry at the patriotism and respect for the soldier

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Most of the morons never made it out of their hotel parking lot. It seems that certain Rankin county pickup trucks were parked directly behind any car that had Kansas plates in the hotel parking lot and the drivers mysteriously disappeared until after the funeral was over. Police were called but their wrecker service was running behind and it was going to be a few hours before they could tow the trucks so the Kansas plated cars could get out.


Ha! Love it. :D


A few made it to the funeral but were ushered away to be questioned about a crime they might have possibly been involved in. Turns out, after a few hours of questioning, that they were not involved and they were allowed to go on about their business.


Convenient. :D


A couple of days before, one of them (Westboro protestors) ran his mouth at a Brandon gas station and got his arse waxed.


violence is never the answer blah blah blah…


some people are just begging to get their tails kicked. :sneaky2:

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Here it is:



Rankin County, Miss., Sheriff Ronnie Pennington said although Westboro Baptist members indicated in advance that they intended to protest at the funeral, none of them came to his county.


I know, it would be satisfying to see them get what they so richly deserve, but life doesn't always work that way. :(

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Regardless of the truth of the story, the video is definitely worth watching--tears are streaming down my face now. Loved the song, Dress Blues, that accompanies the images of folks lining the streets with flags, signs, salutes and silence.

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I'm watching the documentary about that church on Netflix and these people are terrifying. OK, so follow me here...we're Lutheran. If our pastor started doing these things, we would be in a lot of trouble from higher up the food chain. It says this church is Baptist. Is there no checks and balances in the Baptist church? Why don't higher-ups come down and pay these people a visit or shut down their "church"?

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I'm watching the documentary about that church on Netflix and these people are terrifying.


what's the name of it? i'd love to watch it.


as for being baptist, that's a good question. even if the government is different, the fact that they associate with the denomination should be enough to do something? i know there are many types of baptists though, so maybe depending on what "type" you are, you can be as whacky as you want. i've never heard of this church, but after googling it, wow! it is totally unbelievable what they stand for.

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The Baptist church does not have the same structure of church government as Lutherans/Presbyterians/Episcopalians, etc.


These people are just "rogue"...sheesh! I guess I just can't wrap my mind around this! :confused:

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what's the name of it? i'd love to watch it.


as for being baptist, that's a good question. even if the government is different, the fact that they associate with the denomination should be enough to do something? i know there are many types of baptists though, so maybe depending on what "type" you are, you can be as whacky as you want. i've never heard of this church, but after googling it, wow! it is totally unbelievable what they stand for.



I think it was called Fall from Grace. It was terrifying!! I, honestly, have no idea how the baptist denomination is structured. I'm supposed to call my dad later today and I'm going to ask him then (my grandparents were baptist, so my dad knows a lot about it).


Maybe this church should take Baptist off the name of their church. And, they could take church out of the name, too...

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I'm watching the documentary about that church on Netflix and these people are terrifying. OK, so follow me here...we're Lutheran. If our pastor started doing these things, we would be in a lot of trouble from higher up the food chain. It says this church is Baptist. Is there no checks and balances in the Baptist church? Why don't higher-ups come down and pay these people a visit or shut down their "church"?


Westboro is NOT the same kind of Baptist church as the mainstream ones, such as Southern Baptist. Our church is a part the Southern Baptist Convention; Westboro is NOT. We do NOT condone what Westboro Baptist Church does.

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Here it is:





I know, it would be satisfying to see them get what they so richly deserve, but life doesn't always work that way. :(


Interesting. I live in the next town and Westboro was definitely here and their cars were blocked on the interstate...the rest I don't know about.

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Baptist churches have a lot of autonomy but not THAT much autonomy. If you were associated with the Southern Baptist Convention (the biggest Baptist denomination in the US if I remember correctly) they would definitely have something to say about those types of teachings. Not that the SBC is pro-gay, but the level of hatred exhibited by the Westboro people is something pretty much no one wants to be associated with. Hating homosexuals is pretty much central to their theology and nothing else matters. To most people, even if they think homosexuality is wrong, it's not The Most Important Thing Ever. :) So basically, Westboro is an independent church not associated with any denomination.

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Woah- I'm the daughter of a Baptist preacher- Westboro is in NO WAY connected to any denominational group. They just put "Baptist" on their sign. The "pastor" is not ordained. He just started this up all on his own. None of the Baptist organizations (of which there are several) can do anything about him because they are NOT a part of them.

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Westboro is NOT the same kind of Baptist church as the mainstream ones, such as Southern Baptist. Our church is a part the Southern Baptist Convention; Westboro is NOT. We do NOT condone what Westboro Baptist Church does.


Oh, I couldn't imagine any denomination condoning their behavior. YIKES! I think I was trying to figure out...if the pastor started heading into this extremist direction (you can hear his sermons in the documentary), why the bishop or regional president or whatever the heck it's called...didn't remove him from the church. But, it sounds like this congregation slapped any old name on their church sign and they're on their own. :glare:

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Woah- I'm the daughter of a Baptist preacher- Westboro is in NO WAY connected to any denominational group. They just put "Baptist" on their sign. The "pastor" is not ordained. He just started this up all on his own. None of the Baptist organizations (of which there are several) can do anything about him because they are NOT a part of them.


I hope I'm not offending people. Like I said, my grandparents were Baptist - I think I'm just really confused about how their churches are organized.


Sorry! :grouphug:

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I hope I'm not offending people. Like I said, my grandparents were Baptist - I think I'm just really confused about how their churches are organized.


Sorry! :grouphug:


"Baptist" can generally describe any church that believes in credobaptism--the baptism of believers rather than baptism of infants. There are several Baptist denominations (Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Missionary Baptist, etc.), but there are also many independent churches that self-identify as baptist because of their doctrine regarding baptism. Although I believe there is an association of some Independent Baptist churches, most of these independent churches are not part of any larger denomination.

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I hope I'm not offending people. Like I said, my grandparents were Baptist - I think I'm just really confused about how their churches are organized.


Sorry! :grouphug:



I'm not offended- I just wanted to make it very, very clear- crystal clear- that that man and his church have NOTHING to do with mine.

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Westboro is nothing more than a bunch of kooks (from what I understand, it's basically just one family) that just named themselves Westboro Baptist. They have absolutely nothing to do with any other Baptists. And by the way, I wonder if the story is really true, and the authorities are just acting like nothing happened. After all, according to the news article, they seemed to be in on the whole thing. Well, even if it's not true, They sure had some great ideas!

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And by the way, I wonder if the story is really true, and the authorities are just acting like nothing happened. After all, according to the news article, they seemed to be in on the whole thing. Well, even if it's not true, They sure had some great ideas!


That was my thought. They aren't going to come out and tell the media "Yeah, we harassed those jerks right out of town! Haha!" If the story has any truth to it, they kind of have to play dumb about the whole thing. Though if they picked up people at the funeral and questioned them, wouldn't there be a record at the police station? Also, the hotel would surely have a record of them staying. So who knows.

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There's footage on the documentary of people on Harleys revving their engines while the members were protesting.


Just to clarify, the video from that town (which, I agree is very moving) doesn't show any protestors. There are plenty of videos of the patriot guard and other groups shielding families from Westboro's protests in other towns.

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Interesting. I live in the next town and Westboro was definitely here and their cars were blocked on the interstate...the rest I don't know about.


Hmmm. I just assumed it was all a rumor since there was nothing in the paper, and I didn't actually "see" anything happen. I just texted a friend who knows everything and everybody. She said that she listened to the police scanner all day and heard nothing. She "heard" they "might" have been blocked in at the hotel, but she personally does not believe that they were here.


It is funny that those of us who live in that town are as clueless as the rest of the country. K.-Now I'm curious about what all you know...



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There's Baptist churches that are part of an association and then there are independent Baptist churches. Westboro is not affiliated with any Baptist associations.


There are plenty of independent Baptist churches that are nothing like Westboro. The one common thing would be that an independent Baptist church has no human higher ups or authority outside of the church to contend with.

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I don't think most people even consider WBC a "church," in the traditional meaning. They're one family. Phelps was a lawyer and a con artist who found a way to inflame people in order to ultimately sue them. His kids are lawyers, and he raised them in the same way. He's a crackpot, but a church or a pastor, well... anybody can get an ordination off the internet. ;) And anybody can get a building and plaster "Baptist Church" on the front. It's really that loosely structured.

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