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Terrified of my dentist visit tomorrow

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I have been avoiding going to the dentist for years...5 years ago I had them cleaned...before that it had been 12 years. I know, just unforgivable and irrational, but it hurts and scares me to death. I've battled a molar ache for 2 weeks and finally got an appointment for Monday morning. I expect the worst. Please give me suggestions of what to ask for, to help me. I know they won't want to hurt me, but they will. :crying:

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Have you considered taking a sedative? Somethin low dose to take the fear-edge off? Our dentist uses these for patients with a low pain tolerance and a high fear level (like me!). It's worth asking....



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Many dentists do sedation dentistry. I got knocked completely out for my dental work. Make some calls and find someone that will work with you.


Here, there's even places that have signs, "We cater to cowards!" :lol:

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I don't know if this is typical or not, but the endodontist that did my root canal recently didn't hurt me AT ALL, not one bit. Some people here at the same time were saying they had root canals done by their regular dentist that DID hurt. I paid a bit more I think for my root canal than it would have cost at a dentist, but really and truly it didn't hurt, not even the numbing needle. The stuff was so strong it numbed and stopped as soon as the needle touched. I felt NOTHING.


So my regular dentist did an x-ray, said what he thought, and sent me to the endodontist for the work.

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I agree about the sedative. My dentist offers that.


But another idea. If you find a dentist you like, you stick with him/her! We've had our same dentist for about 13 years now. We moved about 6 years ago and we travel the distance because he's worth it. He knows my family by name and shows a genuine care for our concerns. His dental hygienists are great too. We're seen by the same person each time and have developed a rapport with them as well. I'm going to be devastated if, well likely when, he retires.


One time I saw him with my file and it had a red dot on it. I teased him that it probably meant 'difficult, irrational' patient. He's always cracking jokes so it was awesome that I got one in on him. :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks all. I've been trying to stay busy today but I'm still sick to my stomach thinking about it. I know the office I'm going to offers both the *gas* and pills, but I didn't tell them ahead of time that I would need them. Will they give them to me anyway?? I wish I could just go to sleep but I guess that's too much to ask. :001_huh: I am practicing gratitude, and knowing that by this time tomorrow it will be over. I hope!

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I would be more worried about the bill then the dentist.




I started going to the Dentist in March and the bill is INSANE.....I hadn't been to a dentist in 8 years....:glare: HOW horrible to admit...and I finally went because I HAD to go...the pain was horrible...thinking I would need a couple cavaties filled and possibly a root canal....came out with $8,000 worth of papers for MY dental plan....:001_huh:


Needless to say...I've had my wisdom teeth pulled and I'm almost 30...and just got those pulled out! Then I just got a $700 cleaning done! AND had 1 root canal and crown placed....and I'm already $3k in the HOLE..and I'm going BACK on Wednesday to begin the process of another root canal and crown setup...:001_huh: You would've NEVER guessed this by looking at me smiling...


Oh the fears of the bill get me MORE than the fear of what is going to be done....:lol:

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Thanks y'all. I was so afraid that even if I got the *gas* I would be so upset that I would throw up. :tongue_smilie: If they have those pills, would they do a better job? Goodness I sound pathetic.


Thanks all. I've been trying to stay busy today but I'm still sick to my stomach thinking about it. I know the office I'm going to offers both the *gas* and pills, but I didn't tell them ahead of time that I would need them. Will they give them to me anyway?? I wish I could just go to sleep but I guess that's too much to ask. :001_huh: I am practicing gratitude, and knowing that by this time tomorrow it will be over. I hope!


You don't sound pathetic AT ALL!! I, too, put off dental work and I was sick to my stomach. My dentist split everything into two different visits and I was SO grateful!


Definitely ask for gas! That stuff is wonderful. It wears off VERY fast.

:grouphug: Update when you can!!!!

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