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I need cheering up - tell me something funny, please!

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How about the thought of these two waiting for you in the morning?

And that they made it all night without accidents?


Last night, DH forgot to close the puppy gate before we went out to a concert and the puppies had the run of the house. No accidents (other than a deeply offended cat), but when we came home, they were curled up asleep on DH's work clothes. So Cute!

Edited by AK_Mom4
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Apparently, the board won't let me link to it.


Hmmm. Ok, I guess the board overrides stuff like that??? :confused:


FYI, if anyone wants to see it, the word that changed to asterisks in the original link was d*mn -- but replace the * w/ the letter 'a'. It's basically a site that shows texts where autocorrect plugs in the wrong word on people's texts, leading to many (funny & bizarre) misunderstandings.

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