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We still haven't heard from my son or his SO.

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One of our posters has reported: "Okay, Here is the situation. He does not live in Warrior, it is only a warrior address. There have been no deaths or even serious injuries in that area... But there has been property damage.... This is according to all three police stations I have talked with. There is no power ... and no cell phone coverage in the entire area. He cannot call you. The police stations have generators... which is why they have phone service." I am unclear about the address thing but feeling much relieved about the situation.

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One of our posters has reported: "Okay, Here is the situation. He does not live in Warrior, it is only a warrior address. There have been no deaths or even serious injuries in that area... But there has been property damage.... This is according to all three police stations I have talked with. There is no power ... and no cell phone coverage in the entire area. He cannot call you. The police stations have generators... which is why they have phone service." I am unclear about the address thing but feeling much relieved about the situation.

Some post offices cover large areas. My parents have one address on their mail but if you ask they will say they live in a different community.


When the storms went thru here Monday and Tuesday we only had enough cell service to call 911 other wise no calls were allowed thru.

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I am unclear about the address thing but feeling much relieved about the situation.


Glad you're feeling better. After our area was hit by a hurricane in 2005, we had no cell service for a day or two, and then it was quite spotty for a while after that.


People were trying to reach us and were unable to get through.


Hope you hear from him soon :grouphug:

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If that person knows the area well, I'd try to relax. Addresses can be like that. Mine is...


The address we were given is Olympia, which is 15 minutes away. My husband uses Lacey, which is a mile or so away. Our actual location is in neither town, we're in the unincorporated part of the county.

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Just wanted to say that one of the wonderful people on the board here is driving an hour to see if she can find him. I will report as soon as I hear something.


How sweet! This board rocks! Praying in the meantime and hoping for good news.

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Wow, I had to be gone all day. Praying that your ds and family are fine. Our family in Bham were scared but unhurt, they just happened to be able to get on FB to let people know they were alright. Now it's harder to get in touch. Haven't heard from the since right after it happened.


So keep your chin up, you'll hear good news soon.

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I am so sorry. :grouphug: Large pockets of our area are still without power because of tornadoes tearing out all power lines between these areas and all electrical sources. Power lines are having to be restrung because power can't simply be re-routed to these areas, and it is taking a long time to get this work completed. Hopefully, they are just without power and unable to use the phones or internet. We'll be praying that you hear from them soon.

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One of our posters has reported: "Okay, Here is the situation. He does not live in Warrior, it is only a warrior address. There have been no deaths or even serious injuries in that area... But there has been property damage.... This is according to all three police stations I have talked with. There is no power ... and no cell phone coverage in the entire area. He cannot call you. The police stations have generators... which is why they have phone service." I am unclear about the address thing but feeling much relieved about the situation.


I got news that son and grandbaby are ok. He got in touch with my dd somehow and she is spreading the news.


I wish I had seen this post earlier. I live within 5 miles of Warrior, and would have been glad to try to find him for you. We got our power back on here yesterday, and most of the immediate area is gradually getting theirs back as well. My MIL lives on the other side of Warrior, possibly closer to where your DS lives (more people who don't live in Warrior, but have Warrior addresses live on that side), and she got her power back today. My dh drove through Warrior and out to her house today and took some pictures of the damage, and while it is not like the devastation a few more miles down the road, it's pretty bad. This was the scariest thing I have ever lived through, and I sincerely hope that nobody ever has to go through it again. Please let me know if you need me to try to make contact with your son for you. I would be glad to do that. I'm so glad that you were at least able to find out that he and your grandbaby are OK. :grouphug:

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