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what are your 10 favorite camping items...

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I want to start stocking our new camper and I was wondering what your favorite 10 camping items that I NEED to put in my camper.





Extra tarps


Baby powder




Contact lense solution


Extra set of car keys


Extra cell phone battery


Water filtration system


First aid kit


Can opener/bottle opener

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  1. Directions to nearest hotel with a hot tub

  2. Hotel room key

  3. room service menu


Yep. My first thought ws air conditioning.


In my dad's camper we keep lots of those $1 sets of cups for kids to use playing in the sand.


Extra sheets.

those tiny hotel soaps.

vinyl table cloths or those thin plastic ones used for birthday parties.

lots of baby wipes

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I want to start stocking our new camper and I was wondering what your favorite 10 camping items that I NEED to put in my camper.


Memory foam mattress topper

electric skillet

lysol wipes

toaster oven

can opener



extra blankets




I'm fairly new at camping but we bought a travel trailer last year and while we have a stove that uses propane I find it easier and cheaper to use the electric stuff for cooking. That way you are using the campgrounds electricity instead of your propane!

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Clothes line and pins

Manual can opener

Map and compass

First aid kit

Fire starter and waterproof matches




Weather radio


Nice to haves:


Change of clothes

Extra socks

Change of boots/shoes

Pocket knife of multi-tool


Two-way radios

Insect repellent

Extra food

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Our camping/backpacking is pretty barebones (no camper), but off the top of my head, this is what I hate to forget:


toilet paper (we forgot this once and I drove back)

my Kindle in a Ziploc :D

Repel Lemon Eucalyptus mosquito spray (the only natural spray that works)


matches in a Ziploc

fishing poles and supplies

water filter bottle (like a Katadyn)

grill rack with a long handle for cooking over the fire

teapot for cooking water

can opener



If I had a camper, I'd throw in some card games for rainy weather and pancake mix.


I'm glad you started this. I'll make my own list.

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Great chairs. I got mine at Sam's - they have flip up side tables with cup holders and are sturdy enough to let a kid sit in your lap. They are SO MUCH better than the ones that fold into the bag.


sporks - got mine at Walmart


Lighters - you know, the long plastic things that you press the button and the flame comes out the end


LOTS of bug spray


spices, salt and pepper, non stick spray, and a HUGE oven mitt (or welding glove)


S'mores supplies - at the ready - mini chocolate bars, LONG skewers (got mine at Walmart - they expand!)


dry bags


cell phone charger for the car


first aid kit - with good stuff to wash out cuts and stuff


crocs - for late night trips to the bathroom / walking the dog / etc.


we use a tent - but a small dust pan and hand broom help with easy clean up




paper towels - kind you pick the size


trash bags


5 Day Cooler - again - walmart - really does keep stuff cold for 5 days


cheap 5 gallon collapsible water jugs - great for dishes, washing hands, etc


Dr. Bronner's soap in unscented - you can use it for ANYTHING - dishes, hands, laundry, shower, ANYTHING. A tiny bit goes a LONG way.


toilet paper


things I despise - anything that makes noise (other than kids and a guitar) and those stupid glow sticks that break EVERY.single.time.

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We tent camp but I always bring along either a regular kettle or an electric one for my morning cup of tea. It's great for tea, hot chocolate, and instant oat meal packages. My coffee loving daughter brings a french press. If you have active kids, add lots of bandaids and neosporin.



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Wanted to add that my dad brings along 2 extra canopies so he can extend the shaded area and can invite other families over to his camper to just sit and talk while the kids play.


-He takes a leaf blower for easy cleaning of the site

-a large piece of that outdoor carpeting that looks like grass. It helps keep the dirt out of the camper.

-A stiff broom and a dust pan

-A general tool box for simple repairs - including a small saw for cutting limbs and such


lots of sunscreen




If you take kids bikes make sure you have a repair kit for flats


Depending on where we camp, sometimes he also takes a small rake so he can rake all the leaves and such away from the camper to discourage snakes and mice from hanging out the camper.

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Mat for outside the door

fire starter



extra folding table (l use it for washing dishes -- ours is from Coleman and is great)

lots of tea towels and washclothes as they never seem to dry on the line

clothes line and pins

warm socks

plastic bins to hold pots and pans safely outside the camper

portable BBQ

audiobooks to entertain the kids on rainy days


Have fun! We are planning our first camping of the year at the end of June!

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Everyone has great ideas! I have to re-iterate the bug spray!!! We didn't bring this last time and made a special trip back into civilization less than an hour into our camping trip.

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Nesco 6 quart roaster


hot pot to heat water rapidly


folding table to set up cooking outside


"Camping Legos"-when my kids were little we kept a set in the camper with different stuff than home


night light--adjustable so you can direct light



wedge book light for me to use after the kids are asleep or when I wake up early


LOTS of junky towels




Small container of liquid laundry soap


First aid kit

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