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introducing myself

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Hi everybody

I am a new member and I would like to introduce myself. I have been reading this board since October 2010 and although nobody knows me, I feel I know many of you J My oldest son started K in public school last year (one of those “great public schools in a great districts†J ) and I quickly realized I needed to put in substantial work if he were to emerge from the public school well educated. Armed with WTM, we have been afterschooling all year (finished OPGTR, doing Singapore Math 1b, SOTW, literature, growing with grammar and more). His little brother (4 year old) is on lesson 100 in OPGTR. We started out thinking we needed to supplement math and ended up running a full time school every evening. I work fulltime, so this is the only way we can do it.

I just want to say hallo to everybody and thank you for the most wonderful and insightful discussions and for helping me drill down the curriculum for my boys. I hope I can contribute to future discussions as well.

p.s. English is my fourth language, so please be kind to my ongoing struggle with grammar J

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my dd15 is learning Russian..um, if you ever have free time, do you tutor? I see you are in Ca...:001_smile:


it's really difficult having a child learn a language you know nothing about and cannot help with. The bright side, we usually have the chance to have Russian friends from church stay with us for a week or two twice a year. This past Christmas we had some intensive Russian work happening.


welcome to the boards, I admire all the work you do in the evenings!:D

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It's total madness in our house. I dedicate weekends to time consuming subjects (history and corresponding reading - mythology). I use week nights to do math, grammar, vocab, reading lessons and reinforcing what we learned in history + 30 minutes of required reading time. It's doable, but we don't have a "life" :) I am very lucky that my kids are enthusiastic, but worry that we will crush at some point. So far we haven't had a break. In fact we intensify learning during school breaks. I think I will give kids 2 weeks off this summer. So many interesting things to learn, so little time :(

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