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I need a good menu system.


I need a menu system.


I like to cook. I just never know what to cook.


I haven't found a program yet that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get that has what I want.


I want to be able to import recipes or some such thing for each meal of the day. I want it to create a shopping list I can print out for me.


I want it similar to HST+ but for menus! :) (Yes I know I don't use HST+ anymore but that isn't the point!)


I can plan school for a year (yup done it before), I can plan trips, I can create by budget for a year (yup I do), I can organize.


I CAN'T make a blasted menu.



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I need a good menu system.


I need a menu system.


I like to cook. I just never know what to cook.


I haven't found a program yet that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get that has what I want.


I want to be able to import recipes or some such thing for each meal of the day. I want it to create a shopping list I can print out for me.


I want it similar to HST+ but for menus! :) (Yes I know I don't use HST+ anymore but that isn't the point!)


I can plan school for a year (yup done it before), I can plan trips, I can create by budget for a year (yup I do), I can organize.


I CAN'T make a blasted menu.




I feel the same way, except it is hard for me to plan a school year, create a budget for an entire year, and organize :tongue_smilie:

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get a pice of paper, fold it in half and on the right hand side write down the days of the week with about an inch between







like that.


Then get out the flier for the grocery store and sit down with coffee, a pen, the flier and your piece of paper.


See what's on sale and what's in season and plan your menu accordingly. Monday you'll have ____ and list it under Monday. Do the same for all of the other days.


On the left hand side, write your master list of stuff you ahve to get. Gather coupons and the next day hit the store. :001_smile:

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I really like http://www.plantoeat.com I think it is $39 per year. It is super easy to use.


I use this too (I read about it here)- it has been a godsend, really. I am fussy about computer programs and usually ditch them for pen and paper in a short time because *something* annoys me about them- but plantoeat is just so easy to use and works well for me.

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We put a dry-erase calendar on the refrigerator. It shows the entire month, so that even though we plan weekly, we can see what we've been eating for the entire month.


On Sunday, we make a meal plan for the coming week, and I write it on the board. We look at the recipes and we look at the sales fliers for the week, then we make a grocery list.


Dh likes to do the grocery shopping, so I am off the hook on that chore.


The meal list is right there in the kitchen, so everyone knows what's for dinner each night, including the cook. :D We also write special events that mean a special meal must be planned or that we won't be eating at home that night, and when we'll have extra people (since we have exchange students coming and going).



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I went to each person in the family and asked them for their favorite meals. I planned them on a two week rotation. We had the same thing every Monday for lunch, every Tuesday, etc. We had the same thing every Monday of week 1 for dinner, and something different for every week 2. Breakfast I just had a list that I'd choose from. I made a menu and master grocery list. We ate this way for about 7 months. It didn't get boring. I promise! In fact, with everything we do, church dinners, birthdays, guests, etc., we never completed a full 2 week cycle. With everyone helping plan no one complained.

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