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Are Your Homeschooled Children Odd?

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No offense, but I've always thought homeschooled children are a little bit odd and quirky (mine included - although I think they would have been like this w/o homeschooling - they didn't have the chance to fall far from the tree - but I LOVE THEM!).


Here's some excellent proof! http://www.homeschoolnewslink.com/blog/?p=629




Edited by kmoncelle
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Well, yeah. My kids are odd. They are odd in they can have conversations with adults...a d look them in the eye.

They know who Shakespeare is. They know lots of phrases in Latin.

They are thoughtful. My boys open doors for women, carry packages for older people, give up their seats on buses and like to play with little kids.


My older kids have been commended repeatedly by their professors and employers for being self motivated, thoughtful and hard working.


My younger kids can play with boys or girls, younger or older, any race or religion without being snotty.

My kids know all our librarians by name and know how to find the books they want to read.

My kids are not afraid to look stupid trying new things and working at them until they are proficient.

My kids don't care if they don't look cool.

My kids don't care if "all the kids are doing it."

My kids know how to run a household, plant a garden, train a puppy, run electric, cook, drywall etc.


My kids are not perfect, far from it...but compared to today's standards, they are ...odd...or quirky....and I am so happy about that!



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Mine were a little paranoid and over sensitive about becoming odd so they have made sure they fit into mainstream very well. Kids have good survival strategies!

But they were never in much danger of being too odd because they are both pretty peer oriented and have a wide range of friends who are not homeschooled because of Scouts. They did find many homeschooled kids odd and over protected, but they had to mix with extremely Christian families who were really culturally different from us. They probably responded by overcompensating to fit in with their non homeschooled friends. I think its been good for them to have a variety of friends, but they do make comments about some homeschooled kids being weird- in the sense of not socially comfortable the way they are. I am sure many homeschooling parents would be happy to consider their kids odd in the way my kids aren't comfortable with- mine were homeschooled partly because they ARE so peer oriented and desperate to fit in.

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