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Is it time for a different *hot* topic?

How often do you brew a pot of *tea* with your husband/wife? (on average)  

  1. 1. How often do you brew a pot of *tea* with your husband/wife? (on average)

    • Daily (or more?). We have lots of energy from all that *caffeine*
    • 5-6 times per week
    • 3-4 times per week
    • 2 times per week
    • Once a week
    • Every couple of weeks. We're not big *tea* drinkers here.
    • Every month or so. It's not our cup of *tea* at the moment?
    • *Tea*? What's that? I kind of remember having *tea* regularly once upon a time.
    • Other. (What did I miss?!)
    • I don't know what you're talking about, but I suspect it's not Earl Grey.

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If talking about it counted, I'd have been able to answer entirely differently! ;)


For instance last night: Q. "You want to?" A. "YEAH, I want to..." Q. "OK." A. "Cool." Q. "Can we wait 'till tomorrow?" A. "Oh yeah." :D


Problem is, I've never been much of a late night tea-brewer. Now, with kids who like to shadow my every move, it makes Afternoon Delight impossible. Well, once recently we locked ourselves in the closet while the kids were watching a new DVD, but man, they have radar. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "What are you doing in there??" Oh and the dog crying outside the door was a real mood enhancer too.


We've taken to making "Remember when" references occasionally, and remind ourselves that in another 2-3 years, our littles won't be so entirely focused on us.


And, that adoration is certain worth savoring, too. Earlier this week, my dc were talking within earshot of my dh, and my dd said, "Daddy is amazing." Ds followed up with, "Daddy is my HERO." My dh didn't have great role models as parents, and often doubts his fitness for this role. I'm so thankful we weren't off locked in a closet, and that he had the chance to overhear this exchange. So, don't cry for us. We'll figure out a way to brew more when the time is right! :)

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We do not consume caffeinated drinks for nearly half a month, which creates a healthy tension and dynamics between tea periods and tealess periods. In the other half of the month, we enjoy quite frequent tea, but ultimately, in our view tea is the woman's right, not the man's, so she gets to dictate most of the things about the tea ritual (frequency, warmth, etc.).


LOL. This thread cracks me up. :001_smile:

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I like to throw a birthday TeA Party for my DH, but I would never never never plan for an outside TeA Party especially not with guests.


:lol: I'm sorry. That was too hilarious! That was just a whole lot of funny in one post.




Uh huh! "Fine china" (Say it fast to get the full effect.) is necessary to good tea! ;)




Hmmm. I don't think I get it. I'm trying to though!


Thank you, crstarlette, for informing me that this was NOT about the beverage tea. :blushing: I meant nothing unorthodox by my comments. I actually meant a real tea party. I guess I should have read the other replies. I am deleting it now.

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Thank you, crstarlette, for informing me that this was NOT about the beverage tea. :blushing: I meant nothing unorthodox by my comments. I actually meant a real tea party. I guess I should have read the other replies. I am deleting it now.


Oh, don't delete it! It's all part of the fun! Go back and read - there are some other responses from people who didn't understand right at first. No worries! And - if you have time - go read about booKs.

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This is cracking me up...:lol::lol::lol:


I voted about once a week, of the instant variety, right now due to 5 dc thinking a closed door means somethings going on that they need to be privy to.


Once the kilt gets here I would imagine that the frequency of a proper full teA will be more often. Nothing like a proper teA with a man in a proper kilt!

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I probably drink 5 or 6 cups of tea a day. But my husband doesn't really care for it, so we never drink it together.


He knows how much I love my tea so while we were dating he pretended to like it. Once we were married he confessed to his duplicity and told me he doesn't like it. How sneaky of him ;)




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See, this is what I mean. I think we have some folks who don't get the teA reference.


nytomt, I am not making fun of you. Once you know what the poll is really about, I bet you're going to laugh a lot (and if you're drinking actual tea, spit it onto your screen).


my sentiments exactly! oh my!!! ROFLOLOL!!!


neither one of us has lost interest in having tea, we just never seem to have the time or energy to, uh, brew it......

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We ebb and flow here, too, but I've got to tell you all about the book I got out of the library! It's about a couple in their early 40's, with kids and all that goes with that territory who committed to 100 days of once-a-day-teA. The book is called "Just Do It." I can't say I love the book particularly, but the concept is inspiring. DH and I had a serious hot streak going until the end of the cycle came and put an end to that. I'd like to revive it again, but it is weird how making tea begets more tea, but the "too tired, rather sleep" habit also easily becomes a pattern. I do think there are relationship benefits to just plain making the commitment to have a daily cup, tired or not. Dh is also more..malleable with frequent tea. He's putty in my hands if the tea is hot, strong and daily.

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We ebb and flow here, too, but I've got to tell you all about the book I got out of the library!


Oh no! I am NOT going to attempt to get that book out of the library! I'm in my later 40s, and I'm a youngster compared to my librarians. I would simply die of embarassment.


I did do a quick peruse of this on amazon...loved this quick review (bolding mine :lol:):


“I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. And when I finished the book, although I haven't smoked in over a decade, I wanted a cigarette. Doug has hit the mark and done it in a way that appeals to both sexes and many generations. The only problem will be putting down the book long enough to ‘Just Do It’ with the one you love.â€

—Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., MFT, author of Emotional Fitness for Couples

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Oh no! I am NOT going to attempt to get that book out of the library


Yes, I have the library receipt buried behind other papers on the bulletin, because I'm worried the kids will read it! It was a rare library visit in which kids were not with me to begin with!

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I'm voting my current status, which seems to be caused by my past status!
So did I. ;) Right now it's the "what is teA" phase but we seem to eventually remember.




Now, with kids who like to shadow my every move, it makes Afternoon Delight impossible.
Reminds me of the Glee episode on s@x and Emma decided to do the song Afternoon Delight as a pro-abstinance song thinking it was about dessert (the real, edible, bake it in the oven kind). :lol: I about busted a gut when the song started.


We really need to run this poll every few months for new people who come along. Someone came in while I was reading with tears down my cheeks and I had to explain the tears are from laughing so hard, not crying!


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If it's sushi take-out night, it must be time for a pot of tea...green, of course :) Otherwise, I fly solo (but usually loose) and my husband is the coffee brewmaster (I only drink decaf of the hard stuff).


I really did think this thread was about beverages despite the apparent innuendo! My answer would be quite different if we were talking about business socks (a la Flight of the Concords - look it up on youtube) :blush:

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Once the kilt gets here I would imagine that the frequency of a proper full teA will be more often. Nothing like a proper teA with a man in a proper kilt!



I am imagining my Dh in a kilt with his very white and hairy legs.... isn't doing much to enhance our brewing teA though-LOL.

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morning teA.
I like morning tea. It's good because then "tired" isn't hanging over our heads. DH does leave for work at 7:00, though, and although we're pretty early risers, I'm still somewhat the walking dead until I have coffee - actual coffee...you know...in a mug.


P.S. Teeth still have to be brushed before morning tea. I have standards.

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We ebb and flow here, too, but I've got to tell you all about the book I got out of the library! It's about a couple in their early 40's, with kids and all that goes with that territory who committed to 100 days of once-a-day-teA. The book is called "Just Do It." I can't say I love the book particularly, but the concept is inspiring. DH and I had a serious hot streak going until the end of the cycle came and put an end to that. I'd like to revive it again, but it is weird how making tea begets more tea, but the "too tired, rather sleep" habit also easily becomes a pattern. I do think there are relationship benefits to just plain making the commitment to have a daily cup, tired or not. Dh is also more..malleable with frequent tea. He's putty in my hands if the tea is hot, strong and daily.


Oh no! I am NOT going to attempt to get that book out of the library! I'm in my later 40s, and I'm a youngster compared to my librarians. I would simply die of embarassment.


I did do a quick peruse of this on amazon...loved this quick review (bolding mine :lol:):


“I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. And when I finished the book, although I haven't smoked in over a decade, I wanted a cigarette. Doug has hit the mark and done it in a way that appeals to both sexes and many generations. The only problem will be putting down the book long enough to ‘Just Do It’ with the one you love.â€

—Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., MFT, author of Emotional Fitness for Couples


You inspired me to put a hold on it at the library. Luckily my library has self check-out (whew!).


Another interesting read along those lines is Bonk. That one had me laughing out loud (and later, cringing a bit!).

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Not so much teA here but we both seem to be fine with it and spend a lot of time together, have spas together daily (just bought a new spa), and love having adventures together- just not a lot of teA. I know it's really important to some couples but I think neither of us have a lot of spare energy and we pace ourselves. TeA feels far too energetic most of the time :)




This is us as well!!

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Talk him into a couple trips to the tanning booth...if he knows the reward he may go.;)




I've been following this thread laughing throughout, but this just sent me over the edge!!!! Cannot stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!

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