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salamander in my cocoa pebbles make me cranky

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So after carting kids to and from band all day long, I toss them outside to play so I can reward myself with a bowl of a preciously hoarded away dose of Cocoa Pebbles for a late lunch and come in here to goof on the computer for a few.


Didn't make it half way through the bowl or log into the net before a son comes running to show me the huge salamander he caught. By the tail. That broke off in the salamander's desperate flee for it's life. Of course the salamander is still desperately trying to get away. And prmptly shoots out of my son's hands and lands right in my bowl of Cocoa Pebbles, splashing cocoa milk all over my keyboard.






But I'm too busy mourning my Cocoa Pebbles.

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Awwwwww..... ohhh I'm so sorry (:lol::lol::lol:).


I just want you to know that our priorities would line up perfectly. The salamander can grow another tail fer cryin out loud. :D Once you fish it out of your cocoa pebbles, of course. :lol:


I just read your post to Dd and she asked if we were related. :p

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had I been drinking something. . . it would have spewd from my mouth. That is funny. Very much so. I am glad that it wasn't dead in the box. . . that's what I thought when I read your post. :lol:

I thought the same thing. Even so, I think that incident would have cured me of the craving. :lol:

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had I been drinking something. . . it would have spewd from my mouth. That is funny. Very much so. I am glad that it wasn't dead in the box. . . that's what I thought when I read your post. :lol:

That' what I thought, too. :lol:


FRUITY Pebbles are my guilty pleasure. Cocoa Pebbles can have salamanders, but not the Fruity!!


I am very sorry your snack was ruined. :grouphug:

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My guilty pleasure is cocoa puffs, not pebbles, but I feel your pain. Once when my oldest was about 6, I realized about halfway through lunch that he was wearing a lizard for an earring. He had let it bite his earlobe and it was just hanging there while he ate. :001_smile: I prefer not to lunch with lizards or have them in my food.

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