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Say that I haven't exactly figured this hs-thing out yet

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And let's say that I really need to do so. Immediately. Because this is not fair to my children, or myself. :nopity: I have posted before about my dysthymia (chronic low-level depression) and ADD. I have posted about DD#1's ADD. I have posted before about the unexpected move to another continent with six-week's notice. They are/were all factors, but somehow I am using them as excuses - even though I truly don't want to. With God's never-ending grace, I can change the course that we are on.


OK - so here is where I get honest...


As far as the 3 Rs, we are where we should be:


DD#1 (9yo/4th grade) has completed FLL 1-2, R&S 2-3, and this year is working on R&S 4 (but she is behind where she should be).

DD#2 (just turned 7yo/1st grade) is working on R&S 2 (my plan is to spread it out over 2 years).


DD#1 is a good speller. She completed SWO A-B, 2 yrs. of SP, and is now back to SWO. She has completed SWO C-D & I expect her to complete E this year.

DD#2 will complete SWO A in the next few weeks.


DD#1 has completed SM 1A-4A (almost - she should be in 4B by now), Miquon Orange-Purple (or Yellow - whichever one was last), and is now using LoF-Fractions along with SM.

DD#2 has completed SM 1A and is almost done with 1B.


But that is where it all stops :blush:



DD#1 has had about 15 weeks total of ancient history (using Biblioplan with SOTW in 1st grade). The last three years I have skipped from curriculum to curriculum without really teaching anything.



Less than 10 lessons in four years, I would venture. DD#1 did, thankfully, have a good science class for two years at co-op. And she loves science and reads much on her own. She actually scored way above grade-level in science last year (no thanks to me).



Nope, not really. We've tried PL three times now & never passed 15 or so lessons.


Fine Art:

What's that?


I am not even sure why I am typing all of this out, or what exactly I want from you all. I think that it takes DD#1 so long to do her work that just getting those 3 Rs in takes all day. Literally all day. But a lot of that is because I am not "there" to help her focus (b/c I am not focusing myself). So that has to change... I don't know. If you have any thoughts. Hugs. A wake-up kick in the rear. Anything. Just give it to me. I can take it :auto: I'm headed to bed now anyhow, but will check this thread in the AM.


I think I need to start hanging out on the curric board again (as well as here). I need to figure out what I am doing from here on out...

Edited by FindingLaurie
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First, :grouphug:


Second, can you give the things you are concerned with more attention now? Have the factors that had your life off kilter changed/resolved?


If you can answer yes to the above, I would quit kicking yourself and get on with the business of incorporating these subjects consistently. If the core subjects are solid, adding the other subjects now should not cause a problem.


If the answer to the above is no, I would quit kicking yourself and get on with the business of finding a way to balance you life in such a way that you can give school all the energy you desire.


:grouphug: again. This is doable. You've identified the problems, and what you want to change. Now you just have to make the change happen.

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Sounds like you are doing fine! Getting the 3 R's accomplished really "IS" the important part. Let your DD read history and science on her own - that's how we get it done most of the time.


oooo - just read about your terrible, aweful, bad week on your blog! :grouphug: How scary! Hang in there!


BTW - can your DD focus better with headphones and music? My DD17 used those often when she was younger. Now that she is older, she self-medicates with caffiene (jus tlike her dad), but the headphones were a life-saver when she was little.

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I really identify with your post, Laurie! We manage to keep on with the LA & math here, too, but everything else falls by the wayside. Getting my oldest to do her math is like pulling teeth, or herding turtles, or perhaps pulling teeth from turtles. It's awful. She has a tutor now and seems to be making good progress so I hope we can finally do some other things.


I remember reading somewhere that when Schmooey was 3 and a half, schooling with him around would get easier. Whoever said that, lied like a rug. It is so NOT EASIER. Then my friend just told me that 4 is the worst year for boys... it gets WORSE? Oh, help. My older two will just have to be completely ignorant then! :willy_nilly: :lol:


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It's not as bad as you think. I promise. If I could get mine to read history and science on their own I would think I'd died and gone to heaven. Sigh.

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You are fine, really. :grouphug: Deep breaths.


You said you are current on the 3 Rs. That is great! Did you know that many families choose not to formally cover science and history until their children are in late elementary? Some of us have even *gasp* postponed foreign language study until middle or high school. I'm not saying that you have to do that, just that people do and their children turn out just fine.


You might try easing into history and science by just incorporating them one day per week to begin with. If you would like suggestions as to spines for those subjects, just ask. I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for; I know some families like to keep it more informal by using library books instead. We do that, too, but I do find that I feel more organized when I have a spine through which we can progress steadily (not that the spine is necessary for anything other than my own sanity). :001_smile:

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I think you have done great! We all have our moments where we feel we don't do enough. As far as History and Science go, why not have your kids pick a topic and do their own study. I've done this a few times and my boys love it. All they need me to do is drive them to the library if we don't have the books they need. I tell them they get to become an expert and when they are ready, they can teach us. My older son even goes as far as making a "lesson plan" and worksheets for us. They both love to read and talk so this works well when I don't have the energy to do more than the 3R's.


Just an idea, but I think you're doing great.

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You are fine, really. :grouphug: Deep breaths.


You said you are current on the 3 Rs. That is great! Did you know that many families choose not to formally cover science and history until their children are in late elementary? Some of us have even *gasp* postponed foreign language study until middle or high school. I'm not saying that you have to do that, just that people do and their children turn out just fine.


You might try easing into history and science by just incorporating them one day per week to begin with. If you would like suggestions as to spines for those subjects, just ask. I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for; I know some families like to keep it more informal by using library books instead. We do that, too, but I do find that I feel more organized when I have a spine through which we can progress steadily (not that the spine is necessary for anything other than my own sanity). :001_smile:




Also, if adding these subjects is a source of stress for you, I would try to do more of a group thing with them. For us History, Science, and Art/Music are each 2x/week, and done as a group. (The thought of 3 kids in 3 different places in each of these subjects makes me feel like hyperventilating!) Of course there is only a 5 year age gap between my oldest and my youngest, so that does make it easier to use the group approach in these subjects.

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it's not a race. none of our kids are behind where they should be. Maybe you hoped to be farther but you aren't. but it doesn't mean she's not where she should be. She is where she is and you just have to keep going forward. You know me, and I used to really get worked up come April and realize how much we had left....but no more(!), I am seeing this a long term journey. Some years we moved fast(early on), and now it's slower, but we are moving along. We finally finished AAS 3. It took 6 months. but AAS 1 & 2 took us only 2 months, lol! Guess who's to blame :tongue_smilie:


I realized this year I had given my kids almost all hands off LA stuff so I could surf the internet while they worked. I was always doing bills or posting online and when they had questions they came to me. Now, I get off the computer no matter what and go to their desk. I have to make me be available and more gets done. I also changed our grammar so I have to help. Again, it's changing my priorities to make school progress better.


And while we have had illness and dh's travel this past month we have made progress. Every day? Heck no! But we are moving along. It's not a race. Just keep doing something and I assure you they are learning and will be ok in the long run. Obviously come high school they have to keep up but by then they should do more independent anyway!


So my advice?


LA looks fine.


Math is fine...just keep moving ahead. There will come a time if she wants more she will take it and GO!


OK, History/Science: it's ok she hasn't had a lot. The ps sure isn't doing as much. But yes, it's time to get consistent. What will work for YOU? Instead of doing a program every week perhaps find something and spread one week over two weeks? Or even the month? Do some reading, some activities, some videos, some field trips. I truly believe the field trips give so much to a lesson and you are in a prime spot to do so! Follow the WTM ideas....for Chemistry get the J. VanCleave book and do some experiments. If possible do the readings online? I assume the library is all in German? Or order some good Chemistry basic books this summer. I don't think science or History has to be hard....read some, talk some, field trip or do videos to experience the area/times. Do what you want. Sure, you want the 4 year cycle but perhaps for now you could do what you are experiencing! Learn about Europe and take advantage of your location to live it out. You can pick up US stuff in the future...when you come back to the States. And if you never come back to the US you can do it in middle and high school ok? Just keep rotating through topics and move forward. A little each month is better than none. Get the girls involved in what they want to learn. In the end if it works for you, it gets done and they learn. You may love a program but if YOU can't make it work for attention issues do you think they can? Do something that you can do...a little adds up to a lot in the end. It's not a race.


Latin: a lot of people don't do Latin and survive as adults. Plan to pick it up later when you have other stuff in place. Unless you want to do more Latin based grammar stuff but honestly, don't change your LA now. Just plan on doing this later. It's ok. If you feel like you need something do the Latin/Greek roots. a few a week?


Art: what about music lessons? my kids are still taking lessons and their love has lessened for lessons but they still love to play and have learned so much music theory! I finally got with friends and we do art now every other week together. having to meet other people has made it happen. Find another family and do art together. it's worth a shot?



you will find your groove. Perhaps really talk with the girls and find out their interests. What do they like now? what works in their opinion? what do they want more of? then try to fill in a gap, then another...again, small bits are better than none. Do history one week, science the next, art the next and field trips the next. see? it's something and it's not overwhelming. :-)


hope this helps!

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Would it help if you and I used each other to become more accountable next year? We could touch base weekly (or whatever) and report what we have accomplished, what we wanted to accomplish but didn't, maybe why we didn't accomplish it (sickness, laziness, etc), and share words of encouragement. PM me if interested.

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I think you're doing fine -- it definitely took me some time to get into regular routines of covering several subjects. I probably wouldn't be so routine about things, because I do kind of favor an unschooling-ish, laid-back approach in general anyway, except that my state requires a bit more documentation, so it's forced me to be more regular. But you have plenty of time for them to learn history and science, so don't worry too much!

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Like the others have said, they're doing fine with the 3R's.


Here's an idea for how to approach history and science: take them to the library periodically and require them to get books on one historical event or period and one scientific principle. Each day the read one book (or passage) alternating between history and science. Then they make a notebook page with a summary statement of what they've read and a picture. This is similar to WTM recommendations for elementary history and science. Let them do it that way until you have a clear vision for how you want to teach them.


As far as art, we haven't done much of that either. I think you could just buy some quality art products and let them experiment though. Again, go to the library and get them some books and let them figure it out for themselves.


A wise friend of mine who homeschooled her 4 kids for many years encouraged me once by telling me that they'll be relearning anything of importance in high school anyway, so the early years are more about laying a foundation. You're doing fine! :)

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Give yourself a break. Your kiddos are young. Getting the 3Rs done consistantly is great!


Yes! You really deserve a pat on the back. The basics are what really matter and there is no reason to stress about the rest of it before middle school, if even then.


Susan in TX

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Chin up! Remind yourself why you're homeschooling in the first place and be sure you're still on that path. I think the rec's for incorporating history and science are great.. let them get books and do a 'narration page' on them.


I check out dvd's from the library that cover what we're learning in history and science. Just the other day I found a DVD on Monet! They haven't had any intro to artists or art formally, so that was really fun for them. The history dvd's are awesome!! They really help solidify what we're reading in SOTW as well as the library books.

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We have weaknesses in the same areas that you do. Interestingly, the education department moderator that we are required to meet with once a year suggested that this is pretty common: he said that homeschoolers are strong in maths and English where it is pretty much straight from a book, but tend to be weak in subjects that take planning like history and science.


A couple of things that have worked for us, and / or at least work to relieve the guilt:


1) Do the problem subjects first thing on Monday. If necessary, skip English and maths on this day, and just do history and science. You'll feel so much better with this out of the way.

2) If it's hard for you to get focused, aim at fewer longer lessons, rather than multiple short lessons - aim at a main history or science lesson once a week, then dc can complete worksheets etc on their own later in the week as needed.

3) Programmes that have worked well for us are R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey and Lively Latin - both are pretty much open-and-go. If you plod along at 1 or 2 pages of Lively Latin a day, along with review of the flashcards you will make significant progress over the year (we skip the history pages, and only use the language-related pages).

4) If you can't get to history, focus on historical fiction, and timeline related events - it's better than nothing.


Using these 4 points, we are slowly making progress...



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BTW - can your DD focus better with headphones and music? My DD17 used those often when she was younger. Now that she is older, she self-medicates with caffiene (jus tlike her dad), but the headphones were a life-saver when she was little.


I never would have thought of that, but I will try it! She has an iPod and loves to listen to music. I wonder if I should use that time for the Classical Kids that has been sitting on the shelf for years, LOL! Seriously, what type of music worked best for your DD?

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Wow! you ladies are amazing! TY all so much and for the ideas.


It was good to hear that I am not totally alone. I think that the ideas to just start now, slowly, have a lot of merit. I also like the ideas to have my DDs pick a topic and learn all they can about it to teach me! My mother, a middle school English teacher, used to have me do that with the Madame Alexander dolls from different countries (does anyone remember those)? Every time I got a doll, we went to the library so that I could look up info on the country. I'd write a report & cook a typical meal and serve it to my family. During dinner I would read the report to them. It was SO much fun and I learned a lot! My oldest, especially, would like to do that! I also loved the idea of doing the "problem" subjects on Monday mornings. What a fun start to each week! I mean - I really love this idea!


Things/circumstances have changed in my life, but they are always the same, IYKWIM. I made a schedule (I have made many schedules) and know that I need to force myself to stick with it. Part of my problem is that I wait until I get to a place of panic & despair before taking steps to rectify a problem. I am not happy with the example that I am setting for my DDs :glare: I also spend too much time on the computer, which is in the schoolroom. I think that we may need to get a table/chairs in here, instead of desks (which need replacing, anyhow) so that I will actually be sitting with them. Either that, or I need to stand at their desks (which I do now - they face each other with hutches on top which then form a nice top for me to place my iPad. I mean teacher's guides... ;))


Anyhow, I think that we are going to take the rest of the school year (ten weeks for us, as we are heading to the US for the summer in mid-June) to go through the What Your (grade) Needs to Know books. I was :ohmy: last week when I realized that my 4th grader didn't know that George Washington was our 1st President. Mornings will be for the 3 Rs and Core Knowledge, and afternoons will be for researching, purchasing for next year, and scheduling for next year.


Thanks again! Y'all are always so helpful.

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Just have to update and let you all know that I downloaded the SOTW Vol. 1 mp3 from Peace Hill Press. AMAZING!!!


The girls & I had to go out earlier this afternoon and we listened to the Intro, plus ch. 1 & 2. What a story-teller Jim Weiss is - I just love his voice! After the Intro alone, my youngest DD was looking at the ground for clues of ancient civilizations :lol: I thought we'd listen to the CDs through the summer and then in the fall start history in earnest.


Thanks again for all of your thoughts and kind words!

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as far as history and science, you have done pretty much more than my oldest dd ever did up till this year!!!! She is now in the 7/8 grade and finally about to complete her FIRST science book. And she is FINE!


I would let my kids watch discovery and Nat'l Geographic channel if it makes you feel better.

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