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We discontinued Netflix.

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We've discontinued and renewed our service on several occasions. We seem to go through periods where we don't watch anything on DVD or instant view and then we get a hankering to watch something and start our account up again. Netflix makes it easy to do that.

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Maybe we're easy to please, but I had to remove things from our instant queue because I was maxed out and couldn't add anything. We currently have 482 items in queue; a lot of them are WWII documentaries for DH, National Geography documentaries, and other documentaries, but there are also some kids' shows, TV series, and movies on there.

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My instant queue is filled to the brim too. I don't have enough time to watch them plus the ones we get in the mail that I am thinking of cutting down the number out!


Our library doesn't carry videos, not even documentaries. They say they want to spend their budget on promoting reading and reading only. Then they turn around and tell me that they can't spend money on the classics that hundreds of homeschoolers want and will read year after year because they need to spend it on newer, popular books that go to the library sale at the end of year when enthusiasm wanes. Obviously the library and I have different viewpoints lol. I think it's better to watch a documentary than to read Twaddle.

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Wow, you must have a great library. Although mine lets me check out DVDs just like books (2 weeks at a time with 3 renewals) and late fees are the same as books, they only have about 10 educational DVDs worth checking out and the entire collection in the childrens section is smaller than our home personal collection for the kids.


My kids love the netflix instant streaming and we have 2 Wiis and 1 Blu-ray player to get them on. I'm not that picky about what my kids watch though so that may be part of it. I also love that I've been able to watch many seasons of TV shows that I recently got into but didn't watch from the beginning.

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I was pretty disappointed with the selection on instant view. Our library works better for our needs. We can check out a half dozen or so educational dvd's at a time vs one at a time.


Did you use the search features on the website or just the TV? I find the website's search process much nicer for seeing what is really available.

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We also cancelled because of a lack of variety in instant download movies. I wonder why lots of others are having better luck? Maybe they enjoy more of a variety than we do?!


One night we looked through a gazillion "family friendly" older type movies to watch with the kids and NONE of them were for instant download. Uggg...we were disappointed.

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We also canceled because of a lack of variety in instant download movies. I wonder why lots of others are having better luck? Maybe they enjoy more of a variety than we do?!


One night we looked through a gazillion "family friendly" older type movies to watch with the kids and NONE of them were for instant download. Uggg...we were disappointed.


If you go to the website, you can search by only 'instant view'.


Most of the instant view movies are at least 2 years old, so if you have previously bought, rented or saw a lot of movies in theaters, there won't be much that you haven't seen.

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Did you use the search features on the website or just the TV? I find the website's search process much nicer for seeing what is really available.


I find instantwatcher.com to be an invaluable resource. Netflix' search certainly leaves something to be desired.

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We also cancelled because of a lack of variety in instant download movies. I wonder why lots of others are having better luck? Maybe they enjoy more of a variety than we do?!


One night we looked through a gazillion "family friendly" older type movies to watch with the kids and NONE of them were for instant download. Uggg...we were disappointed.


We LOVE Netflix!!! But I have noticed that if we don't watch good quality documentaries too often, a LOT of junk gets put in the instant view categories. So if you happen to search and find a fun 80's movie to instant watch, then a new category for 80's movies will pop up with all sorts of choices. I have been on an ancient Egypt documentary kick, and have watched all that is available instantly, but then found a bunch of very interesting documentaries on the Mayans in the lineup. I don't know if you can control those, but it seems like you can't.

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My kids love the netflix instant streaming and we have 2 Wiis and 1 Blu-ray player to get them on. I'm not that picky about what my kids watch though so that may be part of it. I also love that I've been able to watch many seasons of TV shows that I recently got into but didn't watch from the beginning.


Same here. We have a Wii in the family room, and a box-thingy in the bedroom, and so Netflix gets used a lot. The kids have documentaries on there, old seasons of Addams Family, movies, etc. I too am not that picky about what they watch (although they both come and check with me, or my husband, before watching ANYthing not labeled "G"). I like to watch TV shows I never had a chance to watch before, catch up on previous seasons, etc.

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I do wish there was a better selection of instant play movies and tv shows, but we still like Netflix enough to keep it. Our library only allows 3 days on videos, with two 1 day renewals. You can only renew an item if there's no hold on it.


Two recent examples of Netflix not having what I want: Several movies based on the Jane Austen books. Yes, some are on streaming, but not the versions I want to watch. Dh and I decided to check out the series Castle. Not on streaming. From what I understand, Netflix is actively trying to get licenses to offer more movies and tv shows in instant play. It isn't always their fault. Sometimes the studio won't release the movie/show for streaming.


We have Directv, so we get the documentaries dh is interested in. However, we've been talking about ditching satellite and using only streaming + dvds.

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We love Netflix, too. I usually have around 100 titles in the instant queue. :) Instant viewing isn't the best if you are looking for a lot of new releases, but otherwise we have found more than enough things to watch.


I recently downgraded our acct to just 1 DVD at a time because we were watching a lot of instant, and not as many DVDs. That has been working out quite well for us. We were able to watch Tangled yesterday (which just came out) as well as a Liberty's kids and Downton Abbey (DH and I) on instant. It was a good Netflix day. ;)


Our library isn't bad, but the DVDs are always scratched and so I don't get something there if I can just get it on netflix. There have been some educational things that I got thru ILL that I wouldn't be able to get on netflix. We do a mix of both.


Until I am ready to spend the big bucks on discovery streaming, I will keep my beloved netflix. :D

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If you go to the website, you can search by only 'instant view'.


Most of the instant view movies are at least 2 years old, so if you have previously bought, rented or saw a lot of movies in theaters, there won't be much that you haven't seen.


Ahh, that makes sense. We've been without TV for 5 years now, so we are able to find a lot of movies we've never even seen previews for on Netflix. That's the one thing I miss about TV, is no movie previews. The other day we found out we could watch previews on Xbox live, and we spent about an hour just watching those! :lol:

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