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DWTS & Kids - Am I wrong to feel this way?

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I came home and found my kids (7 yr old DS and 10 yr old DD) planted in front of the television watching Dancing with the Stars. Hubby had it on and was watching with them.


Not only did they miss their bedtime, I personally feel it is inappropriate for our kids to watch something like this. The dancers have to play up the sex appeal and many instances the costumes are too revealing. I suppose after watching this show, if anything, my kids can learn how rewarding competition can be, get critiqued and accepting everything with grace. I guess I can talk to them about those pieces.


I got upset at my husband. He thinks I am overreacting. Am I?

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OK. Maybe I need to apologize to my husband.


Jean in Newcastle, that is an interesting point that you brought up. My husband considers himself very much a conservative, and I am more moderate. Not sure why this is such a hot button for me. Maybe because I am with the kids 90% of the time, that I see them growing up (too quickly) and I want to keep them innocent as long as possible...


NayfiesMama, we are from Oregon! I will PM you here shortly!


Thank you both very much for sharing your thoughts. It is appreciated. :)

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We've had the show on here once or twice, but I almost want to cover the kids' eyes. I think their outfits are very revealing and really think the women with longer dresses that cover the body are far more beautiful than those with no back, teeny skirt, or just a band of fabric across the chest, etc. and they do act sexual.


I don't care to watch the show because of that and I don't like the kids to see it either. So personally, I don't blame you for being upset. I probably wouldn't blow up at my husband, but I would talk to him about why you don't care for it and decide as a couple how you want to deal with that show.

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This is one of my family's favorite shows. The judges are a hoot. We love them. Yes, the dresses can be a little risque', there are some racy dances or slightly inappropriate comments (which usually go over the little one's heads) but the emphasis really is on the technical aspects, form, style, etc. I find it very similar to the couples ice skating in the Olympics. I personally would have never thought to have a problem with it but that doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. If it makes you uncomfortable then that is the way you feel and I don't know that that could be wrong. I would just discuss it with your hubby and come to some agreement regarding future episodes.

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I'm glad you are apologizing to your dh. It sounds like they were having a nice time with their dad. Sometimes memories are worth staying up past bedtime. If dh is in charge, he gets to make the decisions. (Otherwise, he is just a babysitter, not the dad.) Of course, I don't think Dancing with the Stars is so over the top that it would be harmful in any way.

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I got upset at my husband. He thinks I am overreacting. Am I?


I totally agree with the PP who said that the show is a decision between you and your dh. However, I understand your concerns and agree. I would not have been okay with my kids at that age watching the show. It's full of innuendo, suggestive clothing, and sexualized dancing. My kids are older now but are not interested in watching the show.


Personally, I have always been more concerned with protecting my kids from this type of influence than I am about violence (at least to some degree). That goes back to the parenting decisions made by each family.

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I wouldn't say you are WRONG- you are entitled to your own feelings and opinions either way!


With that said, we DON'T watch the show because I'm just not interested, but I've seen some of it here and there and I'd have no problem putting it on in front of my kids (including my 5 y/o) if I wanted to see it and they wanted to watch along. We do often watch American Idol together, and we've watched America's Best Dance Crew together, too.

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I don't care to watch the show because of that and I don't like the kids to see it either. So personally, I don't blame you for being upset. I probably wouldn't blow up at my husband, but I would talk to him about why you don't care for it and decide as a couple how you want to deal with that show.


What she said

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I guess I am the only one who looks at it like this....if we try to keep our kids from the things in this world that we think are wrong....("i wanted to put my hands over their eyes so they wouldn't see the dresses") what good is that going to do? I always remember watching a show on t.v. about dog training...they were trying to get the dog to stop barking at people walking by. the dog trainer said to just shut the curtain so the dog couldn't see the people walking by. What in the heck is that going to achieve? I feel the same way with keeping our kids from things like DWTS. If we don't make a big deal out of things (skimpy dresses) then they aren't going to either. I know this to be true because my girls have grown up with this kind of thing and they couldn't care less about how thoese people are dressed. I didn't make a big deal out of the things that I thought were inappropriate. We had friends who kept their kids away from television and when those kids were ANYWHERE near a t.v. the world could have blown up and they wouldn't have noticed because they were so drawn to the t.v. Honestly, every single over the top strict parent I have known is paying the price now that their kids are older. Every single one of them. Do what you feel is best but please be careful, it may backfire in your face. Our kids NEED to go out into the world one day and they are going to have to know how to conduct themselves, help them with that.

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I watch it, and my 8yo watches with me. I think she has enough positive influences around her to not be affected too much by the skimpy costumes, etc. She knows that kind of thing would never fly around here. We just have fun watching and she likes to pick out her favorite dancers.

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I totally agree with the PP who said that the show is a decision between you and your dh. However, I understand your concerns and agree. I would not have been okay with my kids at that age watching the show. It's full of innuendo, suggestive clothing, and sexualized dancing... Personally, I have always been more concerned with protecting my kids from this type of influence than I am about violence (at least to some degree). That goes back to the parenting decisions made by each family.

:iagree: My kids are in dance, but at a Christian studio. We teach them that dance is a form of praise and DWTS goes fully against that teaching. We don't want to confuse the message, kwim?

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My first thought was, "they are his kids too." So that is where I come from. I've had to bite back remarks here and there because dh had allowed something I wouldn't necessarily. Such is the way with more than one parent when every single thing hasn't been discussed. Or sometimes even if they are discussed one party may see things differently.

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I watch it, and my 8yo watches with me. I think she has enough positive influences around her to not be affected too much by the skimpy costumes, etc. She knows that kind of thing would never fly around here. We just have fun watching and she likes to pick out her favorite dancers.


Exactly this! We watched last week and my 10yo actually remarked on one skimpy costume and said, she would never ever wear something like this. Before I even said a word she knew that it was just not appropriate.


That said my kids like the show. My 13yo takes ballroom at the junior high twice a week and my 10yo hopes to be able to take it at her school next year so they love watching the actual dancing.

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We had friends who kept their kids away from television and when those kids were ANYWHERE near a t.v. the world could have blown up and they wouldn't have noticed because they were so drawn to the t.v.



The above describes my children.

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