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I think I'm going to be pregnant forever

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Okay, I know it's not true, but it feels like it. I make it to 36w 0d with Indy and I am now 36w 1d with this one and hate everyone and everything. I know I'm not due for 27 more days (OMG, THAT IS SO FAR AWAY), but I don't think I'm going to make it. I've never been this pregnant before. I'm not even that big. I'm now at a total of 8.5 pounds gained (I was at 9.5, but lost a pound at my last appt), but I am just miserable. I can't breathe, I can't eat, I can't stand or sit comfortably. How do women do this? I don't know how women who go past their due date don't lose their freaking minds. I'm so done. Tell me it won't last forever!

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Okay, I know it's not true, but it feels like it. I make it to 36w 0d with Indy and I am now 36w 1d with this one and hate everyone and everything. I know I'm not due for 27 more days (OMG, THAT IS SO FAR AWAY), but I don't think I'm going to make it. I've never been this pregnant before. I'm not even that big. I'm now at a total of 8.5 pounds gained (I was at 9.5, but lost a pound at my last appt), but I am just miserable. I can't breathe, I can't eat, I can't stand or sit comfortably. How do women do this? I don't know how women who go past their due date don't lose their freaking minds. I'm so done. Tell me it won't last forever!


We're a day apart (I'm 36wk 2days). I'm sick and tired of being sick, being tired, itching, not being able to walk half the time, not being able to sleep, etc...I'm with you on all of it! And I'm too early to induce! (I have to make it another week before that becomes discussion) I was in the ob office in tears yesterday before being sent to the ER for more chest x-rays.

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When I was later than you would ever want to be I just gave up and decided that this must be how it feels to be old. :glare:


Just don't push yourself at all. Do what you feel like doing and not much else. And do what makes the time go by faster. This is coming from someone who hates, hates, hates being pregnant.


I hope that the time goes by more quickly for you and that the baby drops some and gives you some breathing room. That should help.

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Wait a minute... you only gained 8.5lbs? :svengo: Wow. I gained 45lb with my last pregnancy. :blink: :lol:


I'm sorry you're uncomfortable and unhappy about it. :grouphug: It will end. And soon, you'll have a precious little bundle to hold and cuddle and keep you awake at night. :lol: Oh and the sore bookKs and after pains and... well, maybe I'll stop there. Sigh. This too shall pass... :tongue_smilie:

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I gained 60lb w/ one pg & 80lb w/ another. Both past their due dates, but not by enough to complain. Both the size of 1st graders when they were born (naturally).


It's actually shocking that anybody who knew me pre-kids recognizes me. :glare: It feels like being stuck in a really bad alien movie.

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We're a day apart (I'm 36wk 2days). I'm sick and tired of being sick, being tired, itching, not being able to walk half the time, not being able to sleep, etc...I'm with you on all of it! And I'm too early to induce! (I have to make it another week before that becomes discussion) I was in the ob office in tears yesterday before being sent to the ER for more chest x-rays.



Sorry! I feel your pain. Literally. When I had my appt last week and my OB said my cervix was still fully closed I almost cried. Since Indy was born early, everyone (including 3 OB's) said this one would be early too, and probably earlier than Indy. I guess I had it set in my mind that I would be done by now.


Wait a minute... you only gained 8.5lbs? :svengo: Wow. I gained 45lb with my last pregnancy. :blink: :lol:



Yep. To be fair though, I was already about 20lbs over my optimal weight when I got pregnant, and because I carry so deep (I really only look like I'm about 6 months) there's no room for food. I gained a total of 14 lbs with Indy (including him), but he was a crazy small baby (under 5 lbs). They are expecting this one to be small too. James Bond was only 5 lbs at birth, so maybe we just grow them small.


This is me at 35w 3d:




I can't wait for this to end!!!!!

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I think I'm going to be trying to GET pregnant forever :( It didn't happen this month, again. (Okay, okay, I know I've only tried two cycles so far, but it feels like forever, all that trying and waiting to see if it happened, and then it didn't, and you have to start all over). Blah! :P


But, still, I do know what you mean. When I was pregnant with my now 5 year old there was the constant non-stop day and night nausea for like the first 15-16 weeks, then things were okay for a while, but then there was all the rib pain and having a hard time breathing and never being comfortable at night and the leg cramps and so on... and then he was born and he was the grumpiest baby ever, and he never slept- I mean, EVER, for well over a year... (wait, remind me again WHY I want to do all that again? haha)

Edited by NanceXToo
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Hugs. Sweetie, I'm larger than you (and have gained almost three times as much weight already!) and I'm only 21 weeks. I'm also suffering from SPD and generally feeling blah, and have gone to 41+ weeks with all three of mine, who are also born the size of 1st graders (Audrey! :lol:). So I get being done and feeling like you still have forever to go! But it does eventually end, promise!


Sometimes I remind myself of how much easier it is to care for a baby on the inside than it is on the outside, and that helps me enjoy the pregnancy a little more in the moment. Maybe you can go do something fun that you won't get to do much for a while after baby is born? Treat yourself to a day at the spa, or a movie, or something equally fabulous, and enjoy having your arms free for just a wee bit longer. :D

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Sorry! I feel your pain. Literally. When I had my appt last week and my OB said my cervix was still fully closed I almost cried. Since Indy was born early, everyone (including 3 OB's) said this one would be early too, and probably earlier than Indy. I guess I had it set in my mind that I would be done by now.




Yep. To be fair though, I was already about 20lbs over my optimal weight when I got pregnant, and because I carry so deep (I really only look like I'm about 6 months) there's no room for food. I gained a total of 14 lbs with Indy (including him), but he was a crazy small baby (under 5 lbs). They are expecting this one to be small too. James Bond was only 5 lbs at birth, so maybe we just grow them small.


This is me at 35w 3d:




I can't wait for this to end!!!!!


Ummm...my a$$ would get bigger than your tummy! :lol:

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I'm a freak. I lose weight when pregnant. Seriously, I weighed less right before delivery than my first appt, and my kids have been 9 lbs 6 oz, 9 lbs 1 oz, 7 lbs 15 oz, 7 lbs 5 oz. In that order. And my labours get longer.


I'll trade the weight loss for a fast, easy delivery! Any takers?

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If you grow them small then being brave for a few more weeks could be a good thing. Be brave. I knew a woman who complained because she had her babies at 36 weeks and missed the last month of pregnancy. I told her what I thought about that. :D The babe will be in your arms soon!

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This is me at 35w 3d:




I can't wait for this to end!!!!!


I'm 5'3" (on a good day). Do you know *where* all that extra baby weight goes? I mean really, more than HALF of a fully-grown PERSON.


Straight. Out.


I can't reach the steering wheel & the gas pedal at the same time during the 3rd trimester. 2nd trimester is better, but still. It's so ungraceful to have to peel yourself out of the car & then waddle into the store.


And of course, Straight. Out. means everybody & their dog wants to guess how many babies you're having. Five? Six? A baker's dozen?


And sometimes when a stick of a pre-adolescent girl who's been elected by her stick friends to ask replies to One Baby with a skinny-browed SHOCKED-FACED, "Are you sure???" it's easy to kinda lose it. :D

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I'm 5'3" (on a good day). Do you know *where* all that extra baby weight goes? I mean really, more than HALF of a fully-grown PERSON.


Straight. Out.


I can't reach the steering wheel & the gas pedal at the same time during the 3rd trimester. 2nd trimester is better, but still. It's so ungraceful to have to peel yourself out of the car & then waddle into the store.


And of course, Straight. Out. means everybody & their dog wants to guess how many babies you're having. Five? Six? A baker's dozen?


And sometimes when a stick of a pre-adolescent girl who's been elected by her stick friends to ask replies to One Baby with a skinny-browed SHOCKED-FACED, "Are you sure???" it's easy to kinda lose it. :D


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I'm right there with you! 37w3d today and the exhaustion/insomnia + heartburn is making me go crazy! I'm also only about 95 lbs soaking wet when I'm not preggo and i carry straight out so right now I feel like my pubic bones are being ripped apart. Joy, joy... And don't even get me started on my mood swings. My dh is a saint to have been able to put up with me these last couple of months.


But unlike you, I carry to term or later (my third was a week late and 8lb 10 oz) so I have no fanciful delusions of it being over anytime soon.


Wow, I'm real encouraging, aren't I? :lol:

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OP you have significantly less to go than when you started.


That doesn't help though, does it? (hugs)


I'm a freak. I lose weight when pregnant. Seriously, I weighed less right before delivery than my first appt, and my kids have been 9 lbs 6 oz, 9 lbs 1 oz, 7 lbs 15 oz, 7 lbs 5 oz. In that order. And my labours get longer.


I'll trade the weight loss for a fast, easy delivery! Any takers?

Me, too. I only gained 9 pounds and had a 7.5 pound baby. I walked out of the hospital in my jeans.

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Me, too. I only gained 9 pounds and had a 7.5 pound baby. I walked out of the hospital in my jeans.

Yup. Except the scale literally read less.


Sitting, though, was a whole 'nother issue. *sigh*


It would be nice to have the option to hibernate like bears do.

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I'm 5'2" and my 2 biological kids (22mos. apart) were each just under 8lbs. I weighted 95lbs. when I got pregnant and gained 40 lbs. with each of them. I remember the end when it was harder to breathe and get around. After 3 miscarriages in 2 years, every week was a victory for me with my fist child (who was the 4th pregnancy.) My second child was a very high risk pregnancy (for both of us) so her survival each week was also a victory. Making it to at least 40 weeks was my number one priority.


I'm assuming your question is not rhetorical and is asking for suggestions to improve your mental state and attitude about the duration of pregnancy. If it's looking for sympathy (which is perfectly understandable) disregard the rest of this post.


My midwife gave great advice, "Never tell anyone your due date-when they ask,tell

them the date that is 2 weeks over your due date. Also, assume you will go 2 weeks over your due date so if you do, you're prepared and if you don't, it feels early. Assume you will have a long hard labor too. Prepare mentally for it, so if it happens you're ready for it, and if it doesn't it will seem easier." She also told me to never assume one pregnancy and delivery would be anything at all like a previous one. Sure, they are for some people, and for others they're as different as can be. Mine were completely different.


Taking Bradley childbirth classes or homebirth classes means emphasizing how important developmentally it is for babies to "bake" for a minimum of 40 weeks also helps. Every week over 38 weeks makes respiratory and digestive systems better. There is a constant emphasis on the medical benefits for the baby of going longer rather than shorter.

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OP you have significantly less to go than when you started.


That doesn't help though, does it? (hugs)



Me, too. I only gained 9 pounds and had a 7.5 pound baby. I walked out of the hospital in my jeans.


That's it. I can't take any more of you skinny-only-gained-10-lb-or-LOST-weight people.


My *maternity* clothes were too tight to wear home. :glare: And my last 2 babies were 9.5lb ea.


OP, my belly has been 6x bigger than yours ever since #4 was born.


I'm sorry. That's as encouraging as I can be on a thread-full of skinny-pregnant 36-weekers. ;)

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That's it. I can't take any more of you skinny-only-gained-10-lb-or-LOST-weight people.


My *maternity* clothes were too tight to wear home. :glare: And my last 2 babies were 9.5lb ea.


OP, my belly has been 6x bigger than yours ever since #4 was born.


I'm sorry. That's as encouraging as I can be on a thread-full of skinny-pregnant 36-weekers. ;)

Funny, its the first time I've been accused of being skinny. :lol::lol::lol:

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I went 14 days over with one and 3 weeks with an other. I remember telling the doctor at 42 weeks that I had decided that I was going to be pregnant forever( I really believed it, and It made sense to me at the time) the doctor said it is funny how every woman who goes over always says the same thing at 42 weeks.

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:grouphug: Oh, honey, I have been there. My oldest was born at 36 weeks and every day past that with my second was h*llish. I kept thinking, "I have never been this pregnant before and I don't like it AT ALL!" Thankfully, the Bean was only 1 at the time so I didn't snark at her. My poor dh. :lol:


Schmooey, on the other hand, seemed determined not to be born, the little wretch. If not for a c-section he might still be in there.


Honest and for true, it won't last forever! (I refuse to discuss how much weight I gained or post a picture of what I looked like. We will just say that I should have worn a "WIDE LOAD" sign.)

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You guys are awesome. I'm still feeling crazy, but slightly better today. I'm over being pregnant, but not so whiny today. Still whiny, but not as much.

BTW, yes, I KNOW I'm not big, but you have to remember that while I have a small bump, there's still a full sized baby in there. Where that baby sits should be organs and other stuff (I'm so glad I homeschool, so I can pass on my awesome anatomy skills) that is being squished horribly and makes it difficult to breathe, eat, sit, stand, or move in general. He's kicked my poor left kidney more times than I can count and his bum is pressed right up against my stomach (the OB showed it to me on the u/s). Ack.

I still feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever though.

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What you are feeling is totally NORMAL. The last few weeks of pregnancy are just plain hard, and they drag on for what seems like forever. And it can really feel like you will be pregnant forever. if you can, try to do some fun things to take your mind off being pregnant...and believe me, you won't be pregnant forever. I promise!


Susan in TX who has BTDT 9 times, and will be there again in a few months.

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