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I know you don't want to think about this but...How much do you think gas will be

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by the fall?


I have to make a decision on co-op(the director want us to sign up and pay $$ by June 15!!!). My dd wants to do it and my ds wants to bowl..dd likes bowling too, but really likes co-op(she is around a lot of girls at co-op). I know we wont be able to do both, due to gas prices(yesterday $3.62). Both events are about 20miles away, one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday.

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To be honest I am really concerned about this. I don't have any idea where this ride will stop, but my dh just read an email that said it was about to reach $4 a gallon for the vacation season (I don't know the source). My sister and her dh may loose their job because of the price of gas. In Australia the cost of gas, food, and medical is so high that many are loosing their homes. I feel there same thing will happen here.

Just as a side note, and I don't want this to become a debate, I don't feel this is by accident. I feel that this has been planned in order to make our economy collapse so we will be open to the Amero and the North American Union (removing the borders). Ultimately the New World Order. Revelation speaks of one world government and one world religion.

You asked about the price of gas? Sorry, I just had coffee!

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Honestly, I don't think gas prices will go beyond $4 where we are (around $3.59 right now). Last summer they predicted gas prices skyrocketing to $4 around here and they never did. Now I hear word of gas prices going beyond $4 and I just don't believe it. However, where the prices are now is bad enough for us that we don't do anything extra unless it is very close. My kids start swim team and luckily practices are only about 5 miles away. Meets are another story...some as far as 20+ miles. Oh well...

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I just paid $3.98 per gallon last week. I didn't fill up, just got $50 worth. I'm trying not to drive often, I'm having DH pick up things we need, on his way home from work. His little car uses WAY less gas than our Suburban.

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I know after hurricane katrina/ I live on the coast and we were complaining of $3.25 gas and having to wait 2 week for it.* It will continue to climb.* I think it will get to about $4.50 by the end of summer.* Its now $3.69 here

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The oil company's are not the only ones to blame here. We had a gas shortage in the early 70"s. At that time everyone talked about producing cars that got better gas mileage and other projects such as alternative fuel. To some extent the car mileage got better. Many cars were getting 35 miles per gallon or more. My toyota got 42. Then the gas shortage eased and people began getting more money. With more money they wanted more in their cars and SUV's were born. The miles per gallon a car got began to go down now you're lucky if you get 25 miles per gallon. We got too comfortable with our wealth. We spent as if there were no tomorrow. We knew in the 70's the gas supply was tight but after the initial reaction and things settled back down it was all forgotten. We have ourselves to blame as well. Do we really need gas guzzlers on the roads. Yes we need alternative fuels but we also need more efficient automobiles.

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could you carpool with another family? We started carpooling to our once a week co-op this year which is 25 minutes from our house, probably about 20 miles each way. It took a bit to get used to adjusting the schedule, but now it is working great. An extra 5 minutes each way every other week, and I am saving at least $7 on gas twice a month.


There are a lot of activities that my kids want to do, but I really work to find a carpooling partner now to share the costs.


LauraD in MN

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Our gas price was up over $3.60 today and for weeks it has remained right within that range. We do a paper route every morning and it's nice for the kids to have the extra cash, but I don't know how much longer we will be able to do that.

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we are paying more than double that in Switzerland (and Europe in general)...and have been and still are envious of US prices...:001_huh:.


But this has been the case forever and eventually the whole society just learns to deal with it: smaller...MUCH smaller cars (which are then often more efficient)...no SUV!!! (most of them are BIG spenders) ...carpooling...public transport...walking when possible...


I know these things are easier said than done - particulary when needing to commute or living in a rural environment.

But in the end they are necessary - not for financial reasons, but for ecological reasons...!

We (and I mean ALL of us) just have to be realistic about how limited resources are...and how much we can burden on "Old Mother Earth"...


Sorry to have jumped in like this!

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Send me one of your 80mpg VW's please!! I"d love to have the options for fuel efficient vehicles that you guys have..... they just don't have them here.


I'd also love to walk or ride my bike more often - but we have not a lot of sidewalks OR shoulders on the road. It would be a deadly move for me :( Considering they are trying to figure out how to meet the budget, there won't be any major stuff added like that.


We just don't go anywhere........


we are paying more than double that in Switzerland (and Europe in general)...and have been and still are envious of US prices...:001_huh:.


But this has been the case forever and eventually the whole society just learns to deal with it: smaller...MUCH smaller cars (which are then often more efficient)...no SUV!!! (most of them are BIG spenders) ...carpooling...public transport...walking when possible...


I know these things are easier said than done - particulary when needing to commute or living in a rural environment.

But in the end they are necessary - not for financial reasons, but for ecological reasons...!

We (and I mean ALL of us) just have to be realistic about how limited resources are...and how much we can burden on "Old Mother Earth"...


Sorry to have jumped in like this!

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...and obviously the situation is difficult...


The US simply does not have the infrastructures needed to help people get away from huge fuel consumption...for the time being...

But I am convinced that in the very short run there won't be much of a choice to change that.


Until now there really was no need to invest in trains for example - but with gas prices going up the way they are, people will end up looking for (and demanding!) alternative ways of transport...etc...

The same goes for cars... Once the market for high-consumption cars breaks away, believe me, VW is going to be right there ;).


I know this is absolutely no help for anyone worried RIGHT NOW about how to deal with this kind of increase.

I was just trying to point at a much larger issue, which will eventually be the one providing some relieve!

...gas prices won't be coming down again...quite the contrary...

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