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Hyperemesis moms

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Not many people would understand the importance of this, but I've eaten a sandwich and a toaster strudel today and they stayed down!!




It's been a banner day after eating less than 1/2 a taco all day yesterday. I don't know what's made today better than yesterday, but I'll take it either way... Only 7 more months.

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Hyperemesis is the reason why I just can't be pregnant again. Last pregnancy, I couldn't even keep water down and ended up hospitalized three times in 12 weeks. I celebrate your sandwich and toaster strudel with you. I pray for continued success.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


That's awesome! I am celebrating with you! What a physical and emotional victory!


I had it last pregnancy, so far this pregnancy I'm just having extreme nausea, tons of food and smell aversions, and dry heaving. I still feel better than I did last pregnancy and am clinging to that.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


That's awesome! I am celebrating with you! What a physical and emotional victory!


I had it last pregnancy, so far this pregnancy I'm just having extreme nausea, tons of food and smell aversions, and dry heaving. I still feel better than I did last pregnancy and am clinging to that.


This gives me hope. I want another baby, but not another HG pregnancy. :(


And to the OP: yay!!!! I totally understand!! Hope it continues. The more you eat, the better you'll feel!

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I'll pray for you. I had it with all 3 pregnancies. The first time around I was plain ignorant and didn't know it wasn't normal so I never mentioned it to my dr until I was 16 weeks and it was mostly gone. With my next 2 kids, I got smart and took zofran and unisom and that combo kept me from being sick ALL the time and instead only SOME of the time. Progress.:tongue_smilie: I lived on slurpees, sugar cereal and bagels. With the first 2, it went away by 20 weeks. But with DD3, I was sick almost the entire pregnancy and never was able to eat much. I got I think 4 good weeks in there where I wasn't sick.

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OH I am so happy for you! Praying this will let up!!!


I had it to the extreme! I lost over 35 lbs during my pregnancy with my youngest.... I had Matria they are homecare for pregnant women- they inserted a zofran pump into my thigh. That wasnt even enough. I had it with both the last two (my boys) I will be keeping you in my prayers as I know how bad this is. I would have nights where I literally took my blanket and pillow and slept on the bathroom floor. Constant 24 hours a day nausea and vomiting til the day I delivered.


:grouphug: to you Leslie! :grouphug:

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Hyperemesis is the reason why I just can't be pregnant again. Last pregnancy, I couldn't even keep water down and ended up hospitalized three times in 12 weeks. I celebrate your sandwich and toaster strudel with you. I pray for continued success.



Yes I was the same. I could not keep ANYTHING down. I would even vomit so much it was nothing but yellow stomach acid.. then I got to the point where it was just dry heaves because there was literally nothing left. I had to go to the hospital every other night to get IV fluids and nourishment. There were 9x when I was hospitalized even with the zofran pump in my thigh. Its nasty stuff.



I had no clue you were going through this Leslie.. Hang in there, it WILL get better when you have that bundle of joy in your arms!

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Here, check Matria. I just went back and read this is your 3rd with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. My 2nd is when my doctor contacted Matria for me and I got the pump in my thigh. Its a pump that gives you a dose of Zofran (or whatever your doctor recommends) in your thigh ever 9 minutes and you can call and do a certain number of bolsters as needed.

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:hurray: I'm another fellow suffer, dropping in to say good for you, and I hope you have many more good days to come.


I'm pregnant with number 5 right now, and my HG tends to last all 9 months but wow!!!! I can't believe how much worse some of you ladies have it than I do. Unisom has always taken my misery level to tolerable, and with this baby I have added in Zofran and I actually feel good most of the time now!!

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Not many people would understand the importance of this, but I've eaten a sandwich and a toaster strudel today and they stayed down!!




It's been a banner day after eating less than 1/2 a taco all day yesterday. I don't know what's made today better than yesterday, but I'll take it either way... Only 7 more months.


Wonderful! :grouphug: I've been there, three times. Will be keeping you in prayer that you keep more food (and liquids) down.

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Wow... yeah, I've been there. I always say the curse of childbearing is the sickness/HG. I could have gone through childbirth five times rather than the misery of HG (and mine wasn't even quite as bad as others' HG). Had it with both pregnancies.


My little ones are younger than preschool right now, and I'm a little scared I won't be a competent home educator if I get pregnant again (we'd like more kids)... what are your experiences with homeschooling simultaneously with HG?

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Wow... yeah, I've been there. I always say the curse of childbearing is the sickness/HG. I could have gone through childbirth five times rather than the misery of HG (and mine wasn't even quite as bad as others' HG). Had it with both pregnancies.


My little ones are younger than preschool right now, and I'm a little scared I won't be a competent home educator if I get pregnant again (we'd like more kids)... what are your experiences with homeschooling simultaneously with HG?

You lay in bed or on the couch and they sit at a table near you and do workbooks (seriously, that is what I had to do).

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Not many people would understand the importance of this, but I've eaten a sandwich and a toaster strudel today and they stayed down!!




It's been a banner day after eating less than 1/2 a taco all day yesterday. I don't know what's made today better than yesterday, but I'll take it either way... Only 7 more months.


Zofran saved me with my fifth pregnancy. You must be having a girl. My girls made me sick but the boys didn't. Feel better real soon and awesome job getting and keeping the food down. I was in the er for dehydration when it got too bad but that was before the zofran!

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Thanks so much guys!! It helps so much to have other people who really know what it means to have HG. I'm so flipping tired of people telling me how they had morning sickness and it was the same.


I've had it with all 3 and it was bad enough we were trying NOT to get pregnant. I could list all the ways that this kid is apparently MEANT to be and it's just stunning. LOL!


With my DD, I lost 54 lbs. from the day I got pg to the day before I delivered, ended up on bedrest, and bounced in and out of the hospital more times than I can count for dehydration. By the end, my kidneys were shutting down and it was a HARD recovery. With my DS, I wasn't as sick as I was with my DD. I lost 35 lbs. and was absolutely miserable, but I managed to stay out of the hospital. Phenegren, Zofran, accupuncture, ginger, those motion bands...we tried everything and nothing helped.


With this one, I went to the doctor at 7 weeks because I couldn't hold down liquid. She took one look at me and told me I needed to go straight to the ER. They had me pee in a cup and my ketones were off their charts. They tried to draw blood in their office and couldn't find a vein anywhere. They put me on Zofran, Phenegren, Prilosec, and Reglan and put in a request for home health to come to IVs at my house.


I'm at 9 weeks now and the med combo is making it so I'm not puking. I still feel awful and school has gone out the window, but I can keep down small amounts of food and water. I'm more than a little depressed about doing this for another 30 weeks. :(

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So glad you kept something down!


One of my friends had this with her last two pregnancies and was on an IV in her house everyday. I remember celebrating with her the day she kept down a Teddy Graham. :001_huh:


By the end of the first pregnancy, she was down to 120 pounds and she's 6'1". She looked skeletal. She hadn't planned on having any other children (she conceived the first via IVF) and then came miraculous #2 and the puking all over again.



I hope things get better for you!

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I'm at 9 weeks now and the med combo is making it so I'm not puking. I still feel awful and school has gone out the window, but I can keep down small amounts of food and water. I'm more than a little depressed about doing this for another 30 weeks. :(


:grouphug: I'm glad you're at least not puking 30+ times a day. Netflix streams documentaries and my kids have learned a few things from watching PBS. Just sayin'. :tongue_smilie: :grouphug:

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Had it with all previous pregnancies here. We half jokingly call it God's little diet plan for Martha.


I still, 16 years later, remember the first thing I was able to eat and keep down while pregnant with my first born. I was 106 before pregnant and 100 afterward. It was thanksgiving before he was born in Mid January and dh had dragged me to his family's house for the holiday. His grandmother made a huge punch bowl size of her famous sugar free banana pudding for the family gathering.


As per the hg sickies course, you eat even tho you know good and well it won't stay down. Bc every nibble or saliva drenched nutrient matters at that point. I was used to ever so slowly nibbling a bite of this or that in the hopes I'd get to swallow it, maybe even keep it down more than a few minutes.


So dh offers me a teaspoon worth of his bowl of pudding. Sniff. Well the smell didn't send me gagging. That's a good start. So I take an itty lick. Hmmmm. Still not gagging. Maybe a bite is safe. Take the bite. O.M.G. Baby LIKES it! I swear he was inside there purring as he yanked on the cord for more. Give me that bowl! 30 minutes later I look from my empty bowl of cool heavenly bliss and my dh is just beaming from ear to ear on one side of me and my fil is just staring at me in a combination of horror, jealousy, and amusement on the other. What?:confused: dh informs me I have finished off the punch bowl. Him and great grandpa are the only ones who got ANY pudding of the 30 people it was made to serve. I was so mortified. But I was so freaking happy to EAT I couldn't work up any meaningful regret. Dh was ecstatic. He was so unbelievably happy to see me eating and not puking.


I still have crazy happy thoughts about banana pudding.


So all that to say. Yeah. I get it.:grouphug::D

Edited by Martha
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Thanks so much guys!! It helps so much to have other people who really know what it means to have HG. I'm so flipping tired of people telling me how they had morning sickness and it was the same.


I've had it with all 3 and it was bad enough we were trying NOT to get pregnant. I could list all the ways that this kid is apparently MEANT to be and it's just stunning. LOL!


With my DD, I lost 54 lbs. from the day I got pg to the day before I delivered, ended up on bedrest, and bounced in and out of the hospital more times than I can count for dehydration. By the end, my kidneys were shutting down and it was a HARD recovery. With my DS, I wasn't as sick as I was with my DD. I lost 35 lbs. and was absolutely miserable, but I managed to stay out of the hospital. Phenegren, Zofran, accupuncture, ginger, those motion bands...we tried everything and nothing helped.


With this one, I went to the doctor at 7 weeks because I couldn't hold down liquid. She took one look at me and told me I needed to go straight to the ER. They had me pee in a cup and my ketones were off their charts. They tried to draw blood in their office and couldn't find a vein anywhere. They put me on Zofran, Phenegren, Prilosec, and Reglan and put in a request for home health to come to IVs at my house.


I'm at 9 weeks now and the med combo is making it so I'm not puking. I still feel awful and school has gone out the window, but I can keep down small amounts of food and water. I'm more than a little depressed about doing this for another 30 weeks. :(

Losing 40 pounds by the time I was 7 months pregnant was the worst experience of my life. I can't go into details of the awfulness because you are going through it now and I don't want to make you feel worse.


I know it is hard. Very, very hard. :grouphug:Nothing at all should be expected of you.

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