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What science curriculums should I consider for first grade?


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We used Real Science Odyssy Life by Pandia Press for K year and we are finishing up Real Science Odyssy Earth & Space for 1st grade. It is just the right amount of information/hands on activities for my 1st grader, who loves Science. There is also enough room to go on your own rabbit trails a few times during the year without getting too far off course.

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We're doing interest-led, lots of library books, pulling from RSO and Apologia where appropriate. I've found that my son learns most when he just reads a good book himself (those science readers). He ends up spouting off so many random facts in various situations, something he didn't do when we were using a curriculum (we used ES Intro for a while, though most of it was stuff he understood already).


We just used RSO's sample for our weather unit, and it was fun and easy to do. If I were to pick one curriculum to do at this age, that's probably the one I'd go with.

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I'm reading to my 6 yro from Apologia's Flying Creatures. BUT, only because I already had that book from the older kids. :glare: We put out a bunch of bird seed and have been watching the birds from our kitchen. We also bought a butterfly kit and have been watching the caterpillars turn into crysalides.


I also agree with child-led science at that age...


Critical Thinking Co has a hands-on experiment book called Discovering Critical Thinking through Science (can't remember the end of the title :001_huh:). It's completely science experiments. I worked through that book with my older kids and they had a blast. It said it covers general public school science for K-3. Either way, it was a lot of fun (it seemed like we were always boiling water - Lol).


Edited to say: here it is http://www.criticalthinking.com/searchByNeed.do?code=p&catalog=p&catalog2=p&categories=bs&subjects=s&gradeLevel=2&code2=p&catalog3=p&x=19&y=25

Edited by starrbuck12
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I like the child-directed concept at that age. Things my kiddos have liked:


Usborne books: Science Encyclopedia, Science Activities and Wild Places stand out in my memory.


Apologia: they all really liked Astronomy and Swimming Creatures.


We really like the Christian Liberty nature Readers too.



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i agree with some previous posters. we are using "let's read & find out" series for science with my first grader. i used these when my daughter was in grade 1 as well. we also own the CLP nature readers, and we are just finishing up book 1. lastly, we incorporate nature study & have "fun with nature" and "more fun with nature" - those are wonderful & many of the topics go nicely with the lapbooks at homeschoolshare.com (we love the honey bees, butterflies, and ants so far!)

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We alternate NOEO bio 1 with WP animal worlds, and add in projects from the handbook of nature study.


Noeo is very simple and easy to use. WP AW is very involved and my kids LOVE it.

Handbook of nature study could be a stand alone science curriculum too, especially if you are following the blog.

The lets read and find out books and MSB books are great additions to whatever science topics we are covering.


Yeah... we have a little problem with too much science in this house, but my kids love it :D

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we used Easy Classical for science in 1st and 2nd grade. It's based on the WTM suggestions and was a perfect intro to science. Lots of books, library suggestions, experiments were easy/simple to implement, and had shopping list/library lists for the next week! Science got done those 2 years and we really enjoyed it.




look for science schedules

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I've used random science books for my first graders, and always end up back at the simple WTM recommendations. Learning about animals and the human body through kid friendly encyclopedias and various library books, and in the spring it's all about plants and gardening. I know it doesn't sound as fun as the more exciting curricula, but it's enjoyable and effective. :001_smile:

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I am another WTM science follower here. We had a great first grade year learning about animals, human body, and plants. I used a lot of the Let's Read and Find out books and the Usborne First Human Body encyclopedia, and we did activities and experiments we found in the library books. We did plants mostly hands on, growing a garden and identifying trees and leaves and flowers.... It was a great year.

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In lieu of a curriculum, I purchased a microscope and some science books (Let's Read & Find Out, among others) for our home library. We're going to do interest-led. :)

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We used Sonlight science 1, which was enjoyable, and we're doing more interest-led stuff fright now with GEMS (she wanted to learn about liquids, so we're doing Liquid Explorations, Involving Dissolving and Secret Formulas) and RFWP's The Animal Kingdom. We're also using bits of OM2 and BFSU as strikes our fancy. Ariel really retains the stuff she's interested in (she loved learning about the human body with SL, for example).

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I'm looking into God's Design series, put out by the Answers in Genesis ministry. My friend has the complete set, and I'm going to her house to check it out this weekend. Just another option!




I'd be really interested to hear your opinion. I was looking at their website as well after searching through old threads.


If you are looking to stay up all night, just type "science" into the search bar and you'll have enough threads to read for a really long time... ;)

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I am going to give you a new one to consider...Nancy Larson science. This one is a little different than a lot of programs...it is very scripted (some love this, others don't) and it is all inclusive...meaning everything you need is included in your purchase. Here is a link to the program:

Nancy Larson® Science and a link to my review of the program: Nancy Larson Science - The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind) you will need to scroll down a little to find my post.

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