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Dh thinks this is funny

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So, suppose you are minding your own business drying your hair in your bedroom. You have your head flipped upside down because that is the only way to get a little volume in your hair. Now, suppose the air purifier is running along with the exhaust fan in the bath. Remember the hair dryer is going. And I am off in my own little world, singing a song in my head. Lah dee dah.


I turn the dryer off, flip my head back up, and turn around. SCREAM at the top of my lungs! Dh is standing right behind me. He thinks it is odd and funny that I react in this manner when he appears like this.


I accused him of doing it on purpose. He repeatedly said he had no intention of scaring me like that. Uh, yeah, right.:glare: Finally he fessed up and said he saw an opportunity. Stinker!


So they all (dh and ds and other ds) think it is totally hilarious to scare me, catch me unaware, so that I will scream bloody murder. Long and loud! If I don't show up here one day, you might want to check the news for the lady that had a heart attack due to being startled to death by her funny family.

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I turn the dryer off, flip my head back up, and turn around. SCREAM at the top of my lungs! Dh is standing right behind me. He thinks it is odd and funny that I react in this manner when he appears like this.


I accused him of doing it on purpose. He repeatedly said he had no intention of scaring me like that. Uh, yeah, right.:glare: Finally he fessed up and said he saw an opportunity. Stinker!


that had a heart attack due to being startled to death by her funny family.


and private moments together in the bathroom.


But fwiw, I hope you don't have the heart attack. ;)

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Dh and my boys do stuff like this to each other all the time. They've learned the hard way to leave me out of it. How, you ask? Twice dh sneaked up on me in an attempt to be funny, twice I punched/kicked him in a way he'll never forget. (I didn't waste all of those years sitting through tae kwon do lessons!)


Short answer? Your dh was not funny, even if his intentions were good.

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So they all (dh and ds and other ds) think it is totally hilarious to scare me, catch me unaware, so that I will scream bloody murder. Long and loud! If I don't show up here one day, you might want to check the news for the lady that had a heart attack due to being startled to death by her funny family.


In my experience, it's a guy thing. They love getting a reaction out of us girls because we're so...expressive - and we still love them afterwards.


(Shhh....I found out what works to stop this though, with my dh. I cried. I went ahead and let my fear response hit the point where I was crying - at least a few tears - and he stopped scaring the bujeebers out of me on purpose. (:sneaky2:) He did not like it that his scaring me caused me to cry.


Now I just have to deal with being poked, grabbed, tickled, and otherwise shown man-style affection.)


Along this vein, I saw him honk at his mother once, when she was standing next to the vehicle, just to get her to jump. You should have seen the glare she gave him! He just cackled. I realized that this scene had been repeated in many different versions over the years.

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but I find that if I do things they don't like in return, the number of incidents decreases.


Do you have a lock on the door? When you dry your hair, make sure it is locked. If he doesn't like it, you get the opportunity to explain that you don't like it either, but it makes you feel safe and you will keep doing it.


I've made the culprit make the next meal (if it were on of my boys). For hubby? I've gotten mad enough that I would not talk to him. He doesn't do it much any more! LOL!


One day my boys stuffed a pair of jeans, shoes, and hooded sweatshirt with newspaper. They drew a face on a balloon and stuffed it into the hood. Then they set this "man" in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. It was meant for my daughter, but I was the one who found it.


Do you know what the meaning of "scream" can be?????


I got my house cleaned that time.



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One day my boys stuffed a pair of jeans, shoes, and hooded sweatshirt with newspaper. They drew a face on a balloon and stuffed it into the hood. Then they set this "man" in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. It was meant for my daughter, but I was the one who found it.




Wow! How creative!

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We all do this sort of thing to each other in this family:D


Once when the oldest two kids were tiny, oldest probably just under 2 and youngest a few months, dh went overboard in scaring me. I was sitting on the floor on the other side of our dining room table, leaning up against our patio door. There was not much room between the table and the door, and looking up from the floor all I could see was the table and above it, not much past it. Dh was with the oldest in the other room, and I think I was sitting on the floor changing a diaper or something. I don't really remember why I was sitting there as what happened next pushed everything else out of my mind. Ds had a stuffed bear almost as large as him that he had wanted dressed in a pair of his footie pajamas. Dh came out from the other room to the opposite side of the table and simply said "Catch!" as he tossed the dressed bear over the table. My brain didn't have time to think and react rationally. I saw ds flying over the table and screamed while reaching out to catch him as visions of him flying through the sliding glass door or hitting the table played in my head. The bear landed in my lap and I broke down sobbing hysterically. Dh couldn't even figure out what was wrong with me at first. He had no idea I would think it was ds flying over the table. Why would he since he would never do that? I knew he wouldn't have done that, but I hadn't had time to think. I was so shook up that I couldn't stop crying for about half an hour. It wore me out so much emotionally that I had to go to bed early and I crashed hard when I did. Poor dh was left to wonder just what kind of crazy woman he had married.:lol: He's always been more careful since then.

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So, suppose you are minding your own business drying your hair in your bedroom. You have your head flipped upside down because that is the only way to get a little volume in your hair. Now, suppose the air purifier is running along with the exhaust fan in the bath. Remember the hair dryer is going. And I am off in my own little world, singing a song in my head. Lah dee dah.


I turn the dryer off, flip my head back up, and turn around. SCREAM at the top of my lungs! Dh is standing right behind me. He thinks it is odd and funny that I react in this manner when he appears like this.


I accused him of doing it on purpose. He repeatedly said he had no intention of scaring me like that. Uh, yeah, right.:glare: Finally he fessed up and said he saw an opportunity. Stinker!


So they all (dh and ds and other ds) think it is totally hilarious to scare me, catch me unaware, so that I will scream bloody murder. Long and loud! If I don't show up here one day, you might want to check the news for the lady that had a heart attack due to being startled to death by her funny family.


That sounds like my husband! :D


He will come into the bedroom, when I am getting dressed in the closet and yell, "HONEY!" He walks so quietly and I never hear him. It scares the bejesus out of me. Every.Single.Time.:lol:

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Sounds like my crew. When my oldest was about 9, she got up extra early, hid under a table by the hall & grabbed my leg as I stumbled out 1st thing in the morning. Can we say she was as scared as I was afterward!??!:001_smile:

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Oh yeah! That happens here too! They love giving me worms, bugs, frogs, and snakes because I can't stand those!


Funny story, just today, baby brings me something and puts it in my hand. I thought she said "Smartie" as in the candy, I looked down and realized she said "Wormie". Needless to say I screamed and dropped the worm. She bent down, saying "Wormie" trying to find it again! And this is the one who doesn't know that this makes mom scream! SO it must run it the blood!

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So, suppose you are minding your own business drying your hair in your bedroom. You have your head flipped upside down because that is the only way to get a little volume in your hair. Now, suppose the air purifier is running along with the exhaust fan in the bath. Remember the hair dryer is going. And I am off in my own little world, singing a song in my head. Lah dee dah.


I turn the dryer off, flip my head back up, and turn around. SCREAM at the top of my lungs! Dh is standing right behind me. He thinks it is odd and funny that I react in this manner when he appears like this.


I accused him of doing it on purpose. He repeatedly said he had no intention of scaring me like that. Uh, yeah, right.:glare: Finally he fessed up and said he saw an opportunity. Stinker!


So they all (dh and ds and other ds) think it is totally hilarious to scare me, catch me unaware, so that I will scream bloody murder. Long and loud! If I don't show up here one day, you might want to check the news for the lady that had a heart attack due to being startled to death by her funny family.


both, dh and ds make it their business and compete with each other who can better scare Mom. Be prepared for anything!

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